The attached picture was devised as part of a stress test developed by researchers at St. Mary's Hospital in London. It is the final picture of a series of stress determinations to gauge the amount of stress patient has built up over a short time. Look at the attached picture of two dolphins jumping out of the water in tandem. The research has shown that: The more differences you notice in the two dolphins, the more stressed you are. This is attributed to the concentration and recognition influences intensifying when stressed. The two are very similar, so if you can tell the difference without looking hard, you should pack up and go home immediately. Stress Test
What causes stress? Stress: Reaction of your body and mind to threatening or challenging events in your life.
Causes of Stress *Stressor – The cause of stress 1. Emotional Stressors - Major life changing events (requires a tremendous amount of adjustment) - Also called psychosocial stressors 2. Environmental Stressors 3. Physiological Stressors
What Type of Situations are the Most Stressful? 1)Negative events – negative stressors generally have worse consequences and less benefits (wedding/job) 2)Ambiguous events - If you cant identify exact stressor than you can’t change your reaction 3)Uncontrollable events – events such as illness, disasters, accidents.
Is All Stress Negative? Eustress Distress
Stages of Stress Alarm Resistance Exhaustion
Alarm Stage SNS – body releases epinephrine and norepinephrine into bloodstream - Increased heart rate - Increased blood flow - Increased energy - Increased visual sensitivity
Fight or Flight Response All of these changes in your body occur in a matter of seconds, you then have two choices: 1)Stand and fight 2) Run away
Resistance Stage 1) The body tries to return to homeostasis after the alarm of the first stage 2) The stressor remains…the body cannot return to homeostasis 3) The body uses most of it’s energy during this stage 4) Results: tired, irritable, not able to handle additional stress
If the Stressor Continues: Body is worn down Not enough energy to fight off stressor Susceptible to illness and injury Ability to make judgments and interact with others is impaired Extreme cases can cause illness, injury and even death
Stress and Personality Personality Types: A Tend to be RUSHED & COMPETITIVE D High levels of Negative emotion and the tendency to withhold expression of these emotions
Managing Stress Helps to restore balance in your life Prevents the stressors from taking control and making you ill… Management Techniques *Confront the problem *Time management *Physical activity *Relaxation *Mental rehearsal *Biofeedback - recognize body signals *Humor *Getting help if needed