Ensuring YOU make the Shortlist Improving your chances in the job market Andrea Duncan, PDP Coordinator
What Employers Value want to see - on your CV, application & at interview: Evidence of specific skills you can offer Examples you can describe in detail Experience gained in different situations Enthusiasm - knowing what you want and why Plus flexibility, initiative, and ability to respond to change!
What have you got to offer……?. Individually, make a list of the particular skills and experience that you could contribute to a business placement role.
In pairs……… Take turns and ask each other the question: What skills and qualities can you bring to our organisation? Note down any difficulties you had with this.
How PDP (NUPAD activity) can help Becoming more self-aware Practising articulation (verbal / written) Reflection and evaluation Action to fill any gaps
Reflection Conclusion Action Experience PDP as a continuous process - on work experience …and everything
Building your bank of examples to use as evidence: team/individual project research task part-time/vacation job voluntary project family responsibility student activity travel experience organising role personal challenge
Articulating your skills orally…… Jot down your best example to date of working in a team situation
Role play an interview….. Ask each other the question: ‘Give an example of how you contributed to the work of a team. What challenges did you face, and how did you address them?’ Each interviewer should give constructive feedback and the candidate should ask any questions Switch roles and repeat Consider what went well and make notes; think about how you could improve your evidence, and record what action you could take
Making the most of….. Academic Experiences setting goals with a degree of challenge/risk taking action on comments for improvement attending skills workshops/Centre for Academic Practice engaging with tutoring process/using NUPAD/PDP
Making the most of ……. Part- time/Vacation Work Experiences knowledge of organisation’s structure and systems thinking & reflecting on skills and personal qualities developed keeping notes on learning experiences looking out for opportunities to learn new skills responding to change & coping with pressure
You need more than a degree …. making your experience count The majority of employers are interested in any experience you have – the trick is to be able to show what you have learnt and how you have developed ‘I’m looking for graduates with good communication skills, and the ability to work in a team. I like to see initiative, particularly when it involves problem-solving. Time management, organisation and business awareness are invaluable’ There is nothing that can’t be demonstrated through your experience in a family business, fast food restaurant, or booking gigs for the band your in. However, even more relevant experience and understanding will increase your chances of making the shortlist, and help you stand out from the crowd!
Opportunities for Second Years Formal Placements STEP scheme Student Support Initiative Vacation opportunities – visit the Careers Information Centre UN Community Volunteers TRY AND LINK TO YOUR CAREER INTERESTS
Researching placements / work experience Industry sector - particular preferences? Company type - size, location, style/culture Consider the benefits of SMEs ??? Explore companies you’ve never heard of ! - T&S or TRW, rather than BA and BBC Business function - broaden your ideas! Occupational role
Making the Most of….. Outside Activities/Responsibilities get involved in a voluntary project plan constructively for your next vacation develop the habit of networking take the initiative for organising something find out how you could contribute in the community if there seems to be a gap, fill it!
Voluntary activity – employers love it! Business and Marketing-related Volunteering Support local and national charities with marketing & publicity Reception work in local organisations Organising events and fundraising Help create a newsletter Local organisations need treasurers Research articles for a local charity IT and Web Design-related Volunteering Create a website for local organisations Develop a desk-top publishing system to help local organisations Build a database Use your IT skills to help disadvantaged members of the community Help local organisations with data entry Offer IT support to young people in internet cafe's
Networking To research career options, and increase your understanding – great for interviews! To uncover hidden vacancies eg for placements To gain valuable more relevant experience To create your own opportunities – now, and for career progression in the future ‘initial contacts rarely give you a job….but may give you introductions to other people and somewhere along the line, somewhere in your network, is the person who is going to give you a break’
Nurturing Contacts gather information from range of sources make personal face-to-face contacts pick people’s brains - tips on getting in arrange work-shadowing/volunteer identify likely entry points list vacancy sources and organisations for targeted speculative approaches keep organised records – NUPAD/MyPAD Be professional & polite and persevere!
Increasing Employability Action Plan identify strengths and preferences start thinking about possible career aims early research pays off - gather information start networking using your existing contacts keep eyes open/look at notice-boards!