I. I.Air Pollution – Regulation & Legislation B. B.Clean Air Act (1970) Local enforcement left to state governments States allowed to have more stringent pollution standards than EPA “Command and Control” EPA established standards and technology used to achieve standards Non-compliance heavy fines C. C.Clean Air Act Amendments (1990) Market-based approach to achieving NAAQS “Cap and Trade” system Examples Time frames for compliance based on designation of “nonattainment areas” (marginal to extreme) Tailored to specific situations Established possibility of emissions trading Allows economic and technological flexibility
II. II.Water Pollution – Sources and Effects A. A.Background Oceans – 97% of world’s water Ice & permanent snow – 2% Ground water – 0.6% Provides drinking water for 50% of people in US Sources of water pollution tend to be less centralized and identifiable, compared to sources of air pollution Relatively few pollutants characterized B. B.Sources 1. 1.Pollution a. a.Point sources Discharge directly into receiving waters Easier to characterize and regulate than NPS’s b. b.Non-point sources Pollutants from diffuse sources May vary regionally and seasonally Ex – Chloride from salting streets in winter May be difficult to distinguish natural from anthropogenic effects
II. II.Water Pollution – Sources and Effects B. B.Sources 2. 2.Other factors Factors besides chemical pollutants can degrade water quality a. a.Removal of adjacent vegetation Destabilization of shoreline Removal of shade destabilizes temperatures b. b.Siltation Increased turbidity vision, photosynthesis Burial of organisms, filling of water body c. c.Alteration of drainage patterns Damming, dredging, channelization Changes flow speed, volume, predictability d. d.Deforestation within the watershed Affects chemistry, flow patterns, sediment load e. e.Leaching of chemicals from natural deposits Salts, nutrients f. f.Warm weather Raises temperatures, reduces oxygen solubility, may dry up g. g.Natural organic chemicals Tannic acids from decaying leaves brown water, low pH 3. 3.Interfere with designated beneficial uses Different beneficial uses for different water bodies different factors of interest, different methods for remediation