Assistance and support for applicants to Marie Curie Individual Actions Workshop at University of Limerick, 5 June 2008 Dr. Dagmar M. Meyer Marie Curie.


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Presentation transcript:

Assistance and support for applicants to Marie Curie Individual Actions Workshop at University of Limerick, 5 June 2008 Dr. Dagmar M. Meyer Marie Curie National Contact Point

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation2 Overview Marie Curie Contacts in Ireland European Network of ‘People’ (Marie Curie) National Contact Points Irish FP7 portal Travel grants from Enterprise Ireland for proposal preparation EURAXESS network and portals

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation3 Marie Curie contacts in Ireland IUA Marie Curie Office – National Contact Point Dr. Dagmar Meyer Dr. Conor O’Carroll (0) Enterprise Ireland – National Contact Point Focus on Industry - Bill Kee +353-(0)

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation4 How can we help you? Assistance in proposal preparation and project implementation (finances, reporting, etc.) Customized one-to-one support –Discussion of project ideas –Clarification of eligibility and other technical issues –Pre-submission proposal checks (feedback on draft proposals, first-come first-served)

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation5 European Network of NCPs Help with search for suitable host institution abroad, or search for fellow to work with you –Directly through other NCP if looking for a host institution in specific country –Through Irish NCP for more general searches, or if you’re looking for a potential fellow for your team List of European NCPs at (choose “Mobility” for the Marie Curie NCP)

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation6 FP7 National Support Structure and Irish FP7 Portal National network of FP7 NCPs in all areas –Support to applicants across thematic areas National FP7 Portal at –Information on calls, events and other relevant news –Register to receive updates in your areas of interest

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation7 EI support for FP7 applicants: travel grants Enterprise Ireland travel support: –For researchers in higher education / publicly funded institutions for travels abroad related to FP7 project preparation / attendance at EU information days/workshops relating to FP7 –Least-cost travel plus subsistence up to € 150 / day –During the period of FP7 maximum of € 3,000 (open to discussion!) –Advanced PhD students / postdocs should discuss with their PI and apply through them

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation8 EI support for FP7 applicants: more details More details on Enterprise Ireland FP7 support schemes and application form:

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation9 EURAXESS Services Network and Portal European and National EURAXESS portals (formerly known as Researcher Mobility Portals) –Practical information on living & working in another country –Information on training, jobs and funding opportunities –A one-stop shop for mobile researchers and their families EURAXESS Network of Service Centres (formerly known as ERA-MORE Network of Mobility Centres) –European network of more than 200 centres in 32 countries –Personalised assistance in all matters relating to professional and daily life (legal issues, social security, health and taxes, …) –Service completely free of charge

Thursday, 5 June 2008An Irish Universities Association Presentation10 Links to the Mobility Portals European Researcher Mobility Portal: Irish Researcher Mobility Portal