WHEN CHRISTIANS GET IT WRONG. There are 613 laws or commandments (Mitzvot) in the Old Testament. People often pick and choose which ones they want to.


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Presentation transcript:


There are 613 laws or commandments (Mitzvot) in the Old Testament. People often pick and choose which ones they want to enforce.

So what does Jesus have to say about all of these commandments? Read Matthew 22:34-40 Knowing what Jesus said, how does that effect the way you would apply the 613 commandments today?

Jesus tells us that not only are we to love our neighbors but also our enemies. How do you handle that? Jesus said that people will know that we are his disciples by our love. Yet, according to young adults, there is a great disparity between what Jesus taught and the way many Christians act When people see the way you act or hear the way you talk can they tell if you are a Christian?

Can you think of any examples of Christians you have known that were hypocritical, judgmental, or un-loving? We see Jesus over and over again interacting with the “outcasts” of the day, prostitutes, lepers, adulterers and other “sinners.”

We most often think of Jesus in terms off love, but sometimes we see Jesus getting ticked off particularly with the religious with their judgmentalism, hypocrisy and failure to love. These folks just wanted people to follow the rules and kind of missed out on the love aspect. They were repulsed by Jesus’ willingness to associate with those people.

Jesus would call them white washed tombs, or hypocrites. Read Matthew 23:27 The Greek word for hypocrite meant someone who was an actor just playing a part and they often wore masks. We have to look inside our hearts and decide if we will be true followers of Christ or if we are going to just be actors wearing a mask.

Jesus warned his disciples about hypocrisy. He listed four possible areas of concern. 1.Wrong motives 2.Judging others 3.Majoring in the minors 4.Being two-faced

WRONG MOTIVES Read Matthew 6:1-8 Jesus warned about the dangers of praying fasting, helping the poor. If the motive is draw closer to God then oyu are in good shape. If it is to draw attention to yourself, then your motive is wrong, and you already have your reward. Have you ever seen someone do something good but appeared to do so in a way to draw attention to themselves. How did you fell about this?

POINTING OUT THE SIN OF OTHERS WITHOUT SEEING OUR OWN Read Matthew 7:1-5 This is somewhat a hyperbole. He was talking to religious people who eagerly point out the sins of others while ignoring their own. Their pride is a serious problem. Do you think it makes people feel better about themselves to point out the sins of others? How do you feel when someone points out your faults?

MAJORING IN THE MINORS Read Matthew 23:23-24 Here we have another hyperbole. Some Christians are sure that they have all the answers and are willing to debate of the tiniest inconsequential things. What kind of divisive things do Christians argue over today?

Evolution vs. creation Kind of baptism Interpretation of minor details in scripture Types of worship Types of music in worship We fight over all these things and forget about the defining aspect of Christianity - LOVE

BEING TWO FACED Read Luke 11:39 Here is another metaphor. Jesus was speaking about superficial faith, looks good on the outside but empty on the inside. It’s easy to point out the sins of others, while ignoring our own, do the right things for the wrong reasons. Major in the minors. Have you ever met someone who appeared to be one thing when you first met them, but were completely different once you got to know them?

This week did you spend more time a. Reading the Bible, devotions, or other inspirational literature. b. Preparing to look good (shaving, bathing, putting on make up, fixing hair, picking out something to wear) before you go out. Reality check week: Try to keep track of how much time you spend in each of these activities.

Does your lifestyle reflect your beliefs as well as the way Christ taught that one should live as a member of the Kingdom of God?

We are talking about people so concerned with the small things that they completely miss the bigger point of faith. They understand how to do religious things, but fail to let their religion change their values, their hearts, and their daily lives. They play church. Their religion is merely window dressing. We have to guard against becoming one of those people.

In what way are we all recovering Pharisees to some degree? The hypocrisy of Christians is most troubling to new Christians when we point out the sins of others.