MiniBall An initiative of Hills Junior Baseball 21 years of delivering junior baseball to the Hills District Midweek Teeball for the next generation …
The Game MiniBall is based on TeeBall, a modified form of the adult games of softball and baseball. It is aimed at ages 4-7: both boys and girls Batters hit from a “tee”. After hitting, the batter runs to 1 st base, or to 2 nd or even 3 rd if the hit is good enough. The next batter does the same, and they all advance. A runs is scored each time a player gets all the way around the bases and back to home. The defence (fielding side) tries to get the batters out by catching the ball on the full, or by fielding it and throwing to a base ahead of a runner or the batter. Each child gets a turn batting (about 6-8 minutes), and then the sides change over:- the fielding side has a turn batting. This keeps rotating until the game time is up. The winner is the side with the most runs when the game is finished
Event Structure Midweek evening sessions: two per night, one night a week A third session (after school) is a possibility 30-minute Clinic + 45-minute Game The Clinic phase teaches basic skills and doubles as a warmup Seasons aligned to school terms Four terms of about 10 weeks each Week 1 each term is “Orientation Night” Aimed kids who do not currently play weekend TeeBall Complete supervision framework First-aid certificate-holder in attendance Extensive Child Protection framework “Tutors” (experienced & elite teenage players) are on site to assist with game management. One allocated per diamond.
Basic Rules For people with some knowledge of baseball or TeeBall, this is how MiniBall is modified … Rules of Hills weekend TeeBall Special soft-core ball used – safer than even a tennis ball. Base paths of 50’ (18.3m) Overall field size of 110’ (36m) All players bat each inning – no “3 outs” Tagging not required on unforced plays Additional modifications for MiniBall:- Teams of six = no outfielders. No need to tag on fly balls – just run on the hit Non-competitive (scores announced but not recorded)
Term Schedule Free Orientation Night – Week 1 Come & Try at no charge. Free food. Kids are supervised doing fun activities while a parent is recruited to be the team coach Teams are formed Several League Officials available for questions Weeks 2-10 Parents coach & manage the teams Extensive printed Guidebook documents all aspects. No prior knowledge is assumed. Website, online forum & phone support. A Tutor is attached to each diamond Parent-coaches need not know anything about teeball Tutors assist parent-coaches with drills, skill-coaching etc A Tutor umpires each game, and scores it
Informal Setting Minimal uniform (cap & tee-shirt only) Apart from this, kids can dress any way they like. No outside training:– just show up & play High quality venues Several venues throughout the Hills District:- aiming for less than a 10-minute drive from your home to a venue. Pleasant, friendly park surroundings Café-style canteen menu: adult food Easy access, adequate parking, drop-off bay. Toilets adjacent to the field Spectator/Cafe seating adjacent to the field Lights, both on-field and in the immediate precinct Alcohol not sold or allowed Age eligibility is the child’s age “this term”
Registration $59 per term flat charge Registration via website & printed forms Credit card, cash or cheque $35 “Getting Started Pack” once only Comprises cap, shirt, glove & Guidebook. Club provides all other equipment Free bottle of water each session Encourages correct hydration behaviour Bottles handed out between Clinic and Game phases. Free ball each season – kids keep one from the kit Gives them a reminder to come back next term Incentive to throw it around with family & friends No medical insurance ( Suggest $25pa instead ) Medal at the end of each term for all players Register single children or entire teams
Thank You … Thanks for reading this far … MiniBall is scheduled to commence Term Hills Junior Baseball has a terrific track record in managing baseball and teeball in the district – now in our 21 st year MiniBall is an initiative to involve younger kids in an outdoor activity – building fitness, self-esteem and team spirit. Midweek format to suit busy families. Register your interest (we’ll you when MiniBall gets closer) or take the survey at:-