Higgs Boson Mass In SUSY Seesaw Model Jin Min Yang Based on: Cao, Yang , Phys. Rev. D 71, ( 2005 ) [ hep-ph/ ] Institute of Theoretical Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing
Outline Physics Calculations Conclusion
Part I: Physics (1) Higgs boson SM: light Higgs EW data MSSM: m h m Z (tree-level) m h 130 GeV (loop-level)
(2) SUSY Seesaw Model MSSM + R –superfields (+ see-saw mechanism) SUSY See-saw Model
(3) Neutrino Yukawa coupling large in SUSY see-saw model Loop effects of neutrino in Higgs sector ? Completely decouple at EW scale ??
(4) Recall top/stop loop effects m h m Z m h 130 GeV Top/stop loop effects large Yukawa coupling SUSY breaking
Top/stop effects in h-mass
(5) Back to neutrino/sneutrino effects large Yukawa coupling ( ) Sizable effects sizable SUSY breaking ( ? ) R mass scale M R >> weak scale SUSY breaking for R soft-term M R
(6) Split SUSY R soft-term M R (near GUT scale) incur fine-tuning problem split SUSY
(7) Our result Neutrino/sneutrino contribution to m h: opposite to top/stop effects sizable (say -30 GeV) if
Comparison with top/stop effects: Top/stop Neutrino/sneutrino
Part II: Calculations (1) With R –superfield, additional term in W: 3 3 matrix in flavor space
(2) Neutrino sector Neutrino mass term:
2-component spinor 4-component spinor:
Neutrino Yukawa couplings:
(2) Sneutrino sector Soft breaking terms:
Sneutrino mass term:
Sneutrino Yukawa couplings:
(3) Feynman diagrams
(4) Calcultion results …
Part III: Conclusion SUSY see-saw model: neutrino/sneutrino loop effects lighten m h if
SUSYSplit-SUSY Split-SUSY see-saw 135 GeV 150 GeV 120 GeV (?)