NEUTRAL HYDROGEN Frank Briggs RSAA and ATNF z = 8 z = 0
damped Lyman- abs-lines 21cm Line Studies (HIPASS)
Quasar Absorption lines Lyman forest DLA Metal lines Wavelength (Angstroms) N >2x10 cm HI
Quasar SiII CII SiII FeII AlII OI/SiII SiIV CIV HI D.L.A. (all DLAs have metal lines)
…bathe HI cloud in photoionizing radiation… Photons E > 13.6 eV
…bathe HI cloud in photoionizing radiation… ?? minimum thickness of skin before becomes self-shielding ??
…bathe HI cloud in photoionizing radiation… optical depth > 1 for E ~ 13.6 eV photons N >3x10 cm HI note: < 1 … transparent… hard to heat!
Energy Levels in Hydrogen E = 0 Ground State Energy Optically thick at the Lyman limitOptically thick in the Lyman continuum Photons E > 13.6 eV are absorbed transitions from ground state are absorbed
Energy Levels in Hydrogen E = 0 Ground State Energy Optically thick in the Lyman continuum BUT HI layer is transparent to all other wavelengths shorter than the Lyman limit
E = 0 Ground State Energy H He C N O Na Mg Al Si Ca Ti Cr Mn Fe Zn Ionization by ambient starlight with > 912 Angstrom
Quasar Absorption lines Lyman forest DLA Metal lines Wavelength (Angstroms)
Quasar Absorption lines Lyman forest DLA Metal lines LL
Quasar Absorption lines thoroughly developed statistics !!! for Lyman and metal lines… (whatever is common… is most likely to intervene by chance) (ordinary Galaxies
C IV M gII / Lyman limit (CII, FeII, SiII, …) Relative interception cross sections … Z=3 Ly break galaxyDLA
HI Column density distribution function Petijean etal 1993 Log f (N HI ) Log N HI Number of interceptions in range: N to N+dN f (N) dN per unit z N HI = N H (n HI / n H ) Ionization fraction ~10 -3 ? Ly forest IGM DLA C IV LL > 1
M ~ N f (N)dN HI f (N)dN ~ N dN /unit Z -3/ HI Column density distribution function Petijean etal 1993 Log f (N HI ) Log N HI DLA M / Log Interv ~ N f (N) HI 2 ~ N~ N +1/2
C IV M gII / Lyman limit (CII, FeII, SiII, …) Relative interception cross sections … What are these things??? Z=3 Ly break galaxyDLA (tough to image)pin
nearby Neutral gas disks analogs to high Z DLAs ??? Optical + Radio
Extended, low-column density gas = analog of LymanLimit/MgII CIV is the lower density material ??
Square Kilometre Array
ARRAY Simple antenna “elements” “Station” “Array”
D Sensivity depends on collecting area Angular resolution ~ /D
D Sensivity depends on collecting area Angular resolution ~ /D
6 th ATNF Synthesis Imaging Workshop “Synthesis Imaging from Centimetre to Millimetre Wavelengths” May 2003 at Narrabri NSW
ARRAY Simple antenna “elements” “Station” “Array”
SKA Design “Magic Carpet”
Eggs on Legs
3C196- G1 z = HST image (Ridgway & Stockton) 3” Cohen et al
Double Lobed Radio Source Radio spectrum at 988 MHz Westerbork (Briggs, deBruyn, Vermeulen) 300 km/s
source centroid as fnct of Frequency map emission ? SKA map absorption ?
new GMRT Kanekar & Chengalur 988 MHz
high redshift radio galaxies TNR J TNR J
Radio galaxy spectra No UV continuum No DLA absorption lines
Molonglo Telescope: SKAMP III frequency coverage sensitivity RFI rejection VLBI to resolve source
CosmicEvolutionIndicators Redshift co-moving number density of bright Quasars Cosmic Star Formation Rate history: the Madau Plot extent of metal-rich gaseous halos cosmic density g of Neutral Gas
Violent accretion accretion Passive relaxation relaxation CosmicEvolutionIndicators Redshift MHz frequency
Cut off from view of optical wavelengths !!! n HI n HI +n HII If neutral fraction >
Gnedin’s simulation of Reionization: log(Neutral fraction) log(density) log T log(mean intensity of ionizing flux)
.…. ionized…… re-re-ionized re-ionized
Z = 17 ??? Rules out WDM MAP Result
70 MHz ………………..180 MHz
Global Signal… 20 mK
“The Z=20 Expt” JR, FB, et al
Passband filters (from load scan) and RFI (from sky scan)
10 arcmin LOFAR and SKA … Quasar distributed star formation
SUMMARY: still plenty to do !