A Review of Canadian Publications and Impact in the Natural Sciences and Engineering, 1996 to 2005 OST Colloquium/Colloque April 26, 2007 Barney Laciak Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (613)
Canadian Research in Science and Engineering, 2005 Total: $26.3 Billion Research by All Sectors/FieldsUniversity Research by Field Total: $9.8 Billion University Research in Science and Engineering by Funder Total: $4.2 Billion NSERC’s Reach (percentage of eligible population supported)
Challenges Facing Bibliometrics The Next Ten Years Simple and brief Meaningful indicators and standardization Make people care beyond the academic community Attribution
Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies Previous OST Study NSERC-Funded Share of Canadian Publications by Discipline (%) NSE
Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Number of Canadian Publications in the NSE and World Share
Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Number of Publications for Select Countries in the NSE and World Share, 2005
Change in World Share of NSE Publications 2005 vs Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies
Distribution of Publications by Field, Canada and the World, 2005 WorldCanada Publications = 467,963Publications = 21,086 Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies
Specialization Index in the NSE for G7 Countries
Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Number of Internationally Co-authored Canadian Publications in the NSE and Share of Canadian Total
Performance Indicators
Sources: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies. Only includes countries with at least 3,000 publications in the NSE in Average Relative Impact Factor (ARIF) in the NSE, 2005
Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Average Relative Impact Factor (ARIF) in the NSE by Field for Canada, % 11 84% 6 91% 10 88% 14 82% 15 91% 8 88% 9 88% x – Canada’s ARIF rank for top 32 countries x% - % of the ARIF value of the top country
Chemistry Physics Engineering Mathematics Biomedical Research Earth and Space Sci. Biology SI = Specialization Index, ARIF = Average Relative Impact Factor. Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Canadian Specialization (SI) and Impact (ARIF) by Field, Log (SI) Log (ARIF)
SI = Specialization Index, ARIF = Average Relative Impact Factor. Bubble size proportional to world share of publications in the subfield. Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Canadian Specialization (SI) and Impact (ARIF) by Subfield, Biology Agriculture & Food Science 2. Botany 3. Dairy & Animal Sci. 4. Ecology 5. Entomology 6. General Biology 7. General Zoology 8. Marine Biology & Hydrobiology 9. Misc. Biology 10. Misc. Zoology
SI = Specialization Index, ARIF = Average Relative Impact Factor. Bubble size proportional to world share of publications in the subfield. Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Canadian Specialization (SI) and Impact (ARIF) by Subfield, Biomedical Research, Anatomy & Morphology 2. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 3. Biomedical Engineering 4. Biophysics 5. Cellular Biology/Cytology/Histology 6. Embryology 7. General Biomedical Research 8. Genetics & Heredity 9. Microbiology 10. Microscopy 11. Misc. Biomedical Research 12. Nutrition & Dietetic 13. Parasitology 14. Physiology 15. Virology
SI = Specialization Index, ARIF = Average Relative Impact Factor. Bubble size proportional to world share of publications in the subfield. Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Canadian Specialization (SI) and Impact (ARIF) by Subfield, Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry 2. Applied Chemistry 3. General Chemistry 4. Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry 5. Organic Chemistry 6. Physical Chemistry 7. Polymers
SI = Specialization Index, ARIF = Average Relative Impact Factor. Bubble size proportional to world share of publications in the subfield. Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Canadian Specialization (SI) and Impact (ARIF) by Subfield, Earth and Space Sciences, Astronomy & Astrophysics 2. Earth & Planetary Science 3. Environmental Science 4. Geology 5. Meteorology & Atmospheric Sci. 6. Oceanography & Limnology
SI = Specialization Index, ARIF = Average Relative Impact Factor. Bubble size proportional to world share of publications in the subfield. Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Canadian Specialization (SI) and Impact (ARIF) by Subfield, Engineering, Aerospace Technology 2. Chemical Engineering 3. Civil Engineering 4. Computers 5. Electrical Eng. & Electronics 6. General Engineering 7. Industrial Engineering 8. Library & Information Sci. 9. Materials Science 10. Mechanical Engineering 11. Metals & Metallurgy 12. Misc. Engineering 13. Nuclear Technology 14. Operations Research
SI = Specialization Index, ARIF = Average Relative Impact Factor. Bubble size proportional to world share of publications in the subfield. Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Canadian Specialization (SI) and Impact (ARIF) by Subfield, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics 2. General Mathematics 3. Miscellaneous Mathematics 4. Probability & Statistics
SI = Specialization Index, ARIF = Average Relative Impact Factor. Bubble size proportional to world share of publications in the subfield. Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies Canadian Specialization (SI) and Impact (ARIF) by Subfield, Physics Acoustics 2. Applied Physics 3. Chemical Physics 4. Fluids & Plasmas 5. General Physics 6. Misc. Physics 7. Nuclear & Particle Physics 8. Optics 9. Solid State Physics
Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies. Number of Subfields in the NSE with ARIF>1 by Country,
Source: Science Citation Index. Number of Canadian Publications in the World’s Two Most Prestigious Science Journals, Nature and Science
1. World share of Science and Nature publications by world share of natural science publications. Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies, Science Citation Index. Science and Nature Index 1,
1. Percentage of publications in the top 10% of journals divided by percentage of world publications for the country in the field. Top 10 Index 1 in the NSE by Field, 2005 Source: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies
Sources: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies, OECD, 2005 CIA World Fact Book. Only includes countries with at least 3,000 articles in the NSE in Per Capita Output of Publications in the NSE, 2005
Sources: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies, OECD, Public R&D = HERD + GOVERD for 2003 or most recent year. Only includes countries with at least 3,000 articles in the NSE in Number of Publications in the NSE Per $B (PPP) Public R&D, 2005
Sources: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies, OECD, Public Researchers = HE + GOV researchers for 2003 or most recent year. Only includes countries with at least 3,000 articles in the NSE in Number of Publications in the NSE Per 1000 Public Researchers, 2005
Sources: Observatoire des sciences et des technologies, NSERC estimates. Capacity Index by Country, 2005
Indicators of Use? Citations to articles in patents Univerty-Industry-Government collaborative papers, Industry- Gov’t citation Quality of training?
NSE Publication Footprint – Canada 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 21,086 Rank: 7 th World Share: 4.5%
NSE Publication Footprint – United States 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 138,503 Rank: 1st World Share: 29.6%
NSE Publication Footprint – Japan 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 44,110 Rank: 2nd World Share: 9.4%
NSE Publication Footprint – China 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 42,117 Rank: 3rd World Share: 9.0%
NSE Publication Footprint – Germany 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 40,803 Rank: 4th World Share: 8.7%
NSE Publication Footprint – U.K Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 34,974 Rank: 5th World Share: 7.5%
NSE Publication Footprint – France 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 31,758 Rank: 6th World Share: 6.8%
NSE Publication Footprint – Italy 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 20,854 Rank: 8th World Share: 4.5%
NSE Publication Footprint – Russia 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 18,252 Rank: 9th World Share: 3.9%
NSE Publication Footprint – Spain 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 17,682 Rank: 10th World Share: 3.8%
NSE Publication Footprint – South Korea 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 15,381 Rank: 11th World Share: 3.3%
NSE Publication Footprint – Australia 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 12,796 Rank: 13th World Share: 2.7%
NSE Publication Footprint – Netherlands 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 10,316 Rank: 14th World Share: 2.2%
NSE Publication Footprint – Switzerland 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 8,976 Rank: 15th World Share: 1.9%
NSE Publication Footprint – Taiwan 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 8,836 Rank: 16th World Share: 1.9%
NSE Publication Footprint – Sweden 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 8,290 Rank: 18th World Share: 1.8%
NSE Publication Footprint – Israel 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 5,266 Rank: 21st World Share: 1.1%
NSE Publication Footprint – Denmark 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 4,441 Rank: 23rd World Share: 0.9%
NSE Publication Footprint – Finland 2005 Source: Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies and NSERC estimates. Scale is based on percentage of lead country value for each indicator except for breadth of excellence based on 65 subfields NSE Publications: 4,053 Rank: 26th World Share: 0.9%
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