CO-PA Quick Tips - Implementation and Usage
Quick Background Implementation Tips Usage Tips in Production Environment Reporting Tips FYI CO-PA Quick Tips Topics
CO-PA Quick Background CO-PA Quick Tips Topics
CO-PA Quick Background
Reporting Sources CO-PA SD GL/PCA Gross Profitability / P&L by PA Segment Sales Information System Statutory Reporting: P&L and Balance Sheet by Company or Business Units
CO-PA Quick Background
CO-PA Implementation Tips CO-PA Quick Tips Topics
Operating Concern Industry Templates CO-PA Implementation Tips
Expanded Info Structure for Characteristics in 4.6c CO-PA Implementation Tips Warranty Structure in DI-A Industry Solution
Design of Master Data Structure must be in place before starting setup in DEV Decide on Characteristics and Value Fields - Characteristics have a max limit - Deleting characteristics is major issue - Build Operating Concern prototype in Sandbox client first - Obtain signoff and begin work in DEV CO-PA Implementation Tips
Activate Operating Concern for BOTH Costing based and Account Based PA Keep number of PA segments to a minimum - Do not activate Sales Order in PA Segment Value Fields mapping to Condition Types - Watch out for Transfer Sign (+/-) - Use Transfer Sign on Rebate Condition types that can have ‘+’ or ‘-’ values CO-PA Implementation Tips
Use Characteristic Derivation rules - Characteristic derivation refers to the process of determining characteristic values for each COPA transaction Let’s see an example of Derivation … CO-PA Implementation Tips
Derivation Rule for Sales Office (KEDR)
Identify reconciling items between Costing based CO-PA and FI/PCA up front – so no surprises in production environment Example: There is a lag time between shipping and billing, especially at month end. You accrue outbound freight in FI at the time of shipment/delivery. However, you want to accrue freight in CO-PA at billing since that’s when the data flows into CO-PA from SD. This freight accrual amount is a reconciling item! CO-PA Implementation Tips
Transport of CO-PA Configuration and Master Data -To manage CO-PA properly during both the development and production phases of a project, it is necessary to understand and to be able to successfully manage the movement of CO-PA master data and configuration pieces between different environments (SAP instances and clients) CO-PA Implementation Tips
Usage Tips CO-PA Quick Tips Topics
Activate Operating Concern for BOTH Costing based and Account Based PA Business Users want CO-PA reconciled with GL/PCA and SD Use Account based reports for reconciling with GL/PCA Look for items shipped but not billed for the month CO-PA Usage Tips
Make sure Quantity in CO-PA is in sync with SD - SD Credit Memos not related to returns have a quantity of ‘1’ which flows into CO-PA. Quantity value is now out of sync - Use Reset Value/Quantity Fields (KE4W) to set the quantity value field to ‘0’ Look for value fields with transfer sign turned on and verify formula in reporting CO-PA Usage Tips
Use SD Doc Flow to understand the data flow CO-PA Usage Tips
Compare the values of the Value Fields …. CO-PA Usage Tips
… With the Values of the Condition Types in the Billing Document CO-PA Usage Tips
Did you allow Direct Post from FI? -Need to verify these transactions for accuracy Run SAP standard reconciliation report - KEAT CO-PA Usage Tips
KEAT shows reconciliation of COPA-SD-FI-PCA CO-PA Usage Tips
Inter-company Scenario - Cost value field for one company is revenue for other company - VPRS is Cost value field for shipping company that owns the product - Revenue value field for shipping company is Cost value field for selling company: - setup contribution margin formula appropriately CO-PA Usage Tips
Inter-company Scenario (cont’d) -Ensure Profit Center substitutions are correctly used, when the profit center structure is different for the companies to prevent out of sync situation between Profit Centers e.g. COGS is okay in total but does not tie out by profit center
Use Line Item reports (KE91) for reporting on Characteristics not activated in PA Segment e.g. Profitability by Sales Order COGS valuation: - Use VPRS: it picks up Moving Average Price from the Material Master - Or, Use valuation in CO-PA - Update COGS from FI CO-PA Usage Tips
If you use Sales BOMs, remember you sell the Header BOM but the cost (VPRS) is associated with the individual components So,COGS is in sync in total but not by product Revenue is assigned to header BOM but cost is assigned to the components. > Use an user exit to update the VPRS for the header BOM CO-PA Usage Tips
Reporting Tips CO-PA Quick Tips Topics
Fine tune the Report Performance Settings -Use summarization data -Use summarization levels - Use frozen data CO-PA Reporting Tips
Use Last Saved Data at report run time CO-PA Reporting Tips
Use Line Item based reports to get details by Sales Order, and other Characteristics not activated in PA Segment, rather than making these characteristics active in PA Segment Set up Key Figures to facilitate reporting CO-PA Reporting Tips
Key Figure Scheme CO-PA Reporting Tips
Key Figure Elements CO-PA Reporting Tips
Use Actual Line Item Display (KE24) to get quick reporting by Sales Order, and other Characteristics not activated in PA Segment CO-PA Reporting Tips
FYI …. Unlisted Tips CO-PA Quick Tips Topics
Condition Type status must be ‘active’ for value to flow to CO-PA FYI… Got to know some SD
If VPRS status is ‘inactive’ – value will not flow to CO-PA FYI… Got to know some SD
VPRS status is ‘active’ if placed at the end – value flows to CO-PA FYI…. Got to know some SD
New Output Options FYI…. Report Output
ALV Output Option - Publish to Portal FYI…. Report Output
Graphical / HTML Output Option FYI…. Report Output
Post SD Billing Documents Subsequently: - Activate CO-PA anytime - Fix corrupt CO-PA database FYI.… CO-PA Activation
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