Centrum voor Geo-informatie Metadata & clearinghouses Madrid, 22 December 2004 Joep Crompvoets Spatial Data Infrastructures
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Overview Presentation Metadata –what is it ? –what are the standards ? –why is it difficult to organize ? A few remarks on Clearinghouses (Data catalogues)
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Metadata
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Dsal.dat
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Assignment Write down 3 characteristics that you would use to describe, to someone else, a spatial dataset.
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Metadata and Clearinghouses Metadata (data about data) Metadata information system National and International collection of metadata and data IS (clearinghouse) Book description (data about books) Library information system
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Why describe spatial datasets? Manage(storage and change) Search(content global ) Exchange(format ) Use(content details, Quality)
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Target groups Personal(storage) Own organisation(storage and content) Other organisations(content, format, quality, contact person)
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Extent description Target groups Functions manage search exchange use Personal Own organisation Other organisation
Centrum voor Geo-informatie How to describe ? Personal standard Organisational standard (inter)national standards
Centrum voor Geo-informatie International standards America (FGDC) Europe (CEN) ISO (2003 world)
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Identification Quality Spatial reference Meta-data reference Classification Administr. meta-data Overview CEN meta-data Data definition CEN meta-data standard CEN meta-data Extent
Centrum voor Geo-informatie NCGI data model
Centrum voor Geo-informatie ISO Standards and Technical Reports ISO 6709:1983ISO 6709:1983 Standard representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographic point locations ISO 19101:2002ISO 19101:2002 Geographic information — Reference model ISO 19105:2000ISO 19105:2000 Geographic information — Conformance and testing ISO 19107:2003ISO 19107:2003 Geographic information — Spatial schema ISO 19108:2002ISO 19108:2002 Geographic information — Temporal schema ISO 19111:2003 ISO 19111:2003 Geographic information — Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO 19113:2002ISO 19113:2002 Geographic information — Quality principles ISO 19115:2003ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information — Metadata ISO/TR 19120:2001ISO/TR 19120:2001 Geographic information — Functional standards ISO/TR 19121:2000ISO/TR 19121:2000 Geographic information — Imagery and gridded data
Centrum voor Geo-informatie ISO General information 2 History 3 Data identification 4 Spatial information 5 Distribution 6 Meta-information reference
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Conclusions Describing spatial datasets with meta- data is essential to keep the data accessible in the future. For (inter)national exchange the use of a standard is a must. A problem with describing meta-data is that the personal requirements are less than the organisational requirements.
Centrum voor Geo-informatie
Clearinghouses (Data catalogues)
Centrum voor Geo-informatie The name clearinghouse Banking 1775 London banker’s Clearinghouse Now national bank and IMF virtual market on the internet.
Centrum voor Geo-informatie What is a clearinghouse ? A virtual market on the internet for spatial data. A metadata information system. With functions to search, to view, to download and to pay for spatial data.
Centrum voor Geo-informatie Clearinghouse technical concepts Centralized (meta data in central database) Decentralized (meta data in local databases and a central query structure) Hybride system (part of the meta data central, part local)
Centrum voor Geo-informatie
Conclusions Large amount of spatial data will become available (by the internet) for GIS. Spatial data infrastructures, clearinghouses and metadata play an important role in data delivery. Knowledge of quality, concepts of metadata is essential to turn data into information.