Ranking - New Developments in Europe Gero Federkeil CHE – Centre for Higher Education Development The 3rd International Symposium on University Rankings Leiden, 6-7 February 2009
2 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 Recent trends in 1.National rankings 2.International Rankings European Global Presentation
3 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 I.National Rankings in Europe 14 countries
4 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 Purpose of most national rankings: information for (prospective) students Focus on teaching & learning in most rankings Some specialised rankings: –e.g. CHE Rating: employability in Bachelor-programmes Done by different types of institutions: –media (e.g. France, Italy, UK, Germany) –independent organisations (e.g. Perspektywy - Poland; CHE - Germany; studiekeuze123 - NL) I.National Rankings in Europe
5 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 Growing demand for Europe-wide information about HEIs (European higher education area) Rankings should refer to defined „markets“ (target groups, types of institutions, regions) Regional extension of (originally) national CHE ranking: –Austria, Switzerland –Netherlands (2009: most universities) –individual institutions in other countries that are of special interest for German (speaking) students i.e. either programmes in German language (e.g. University Babes-Bolyai Cluj; Semmelweis University – medicine) substantial percentage of German students II. International Rankings: European
6 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 Purpose: information for mobile European Master- / PhD-students Focus on MA-/PhD-programmes & research According to basic CHE approach: –field-based –multi-dimensional –group approach, no league table European ranking: indicator-based pre-selection of universities –bibliometric analysis –participation in Marie-Curie-programme –international students II. CHE European Excellence Ranking
7 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 first cyle 2008: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology II. CHE European Excellence Ranking inclusion: disproportional to countries
8 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 Empirical argument in favour of field-based rankings: Only a few universities were ranked top in all of the four fields ! II. CHE European Excellence Ranking
9 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 Increasing dynamics to develop a broad European ranking Alternative to global rankings that –are biased against other fields than the (bio-medical) sciences –are biased against non-English-speaking countries –are exclusively focussing on research (Shanghai ranking) –have severe problems with regard to validity / reliability (THES ranking) Pushed forward by French initiative during French EU presidency Conference in November 2008 II. Recent Trends in Europe
10 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 December 2009: Call for Tender by European Commission: „Design and testing the feasibility of a Multi-dimensional Global University Ranking” Main elements: –global ranking –field based rankings (business, engineering) & institutional ranking –multi-dimensional approach (teaching& learning, research, internationalisation, community outreach) –all levels of education (Bachelor, Master, PhD) –universities plus non-university HEIs and non-university research institutions –broad range of target groups (students, teachers & researchers, university leaders, enterprises…) II. Recent Trends in Europe
11 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 Continuation of global rankings: –Broad rankings (THES, Shanghai) –Special rankings (Leiden Ranking, Ecoles des Mines) Shanghai Jiatong Ranking: Announcement of first field-based rankings for autumn (chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering and economics) II. Global Trends
12 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 International Ranking Experts Group (IREG) founded in 2004 in Washington, D.C. Initiated by UNESCO-CEPES and IHEP- Institute for Higher Education Policy (Washington, D.C.) Platform for exchange between 1.people/institutions who are doing rankings and 2.people/institutions that are doing research on rankings 2006: „Berlin Principles on Ranking of Higher Education Institutions”: guidelines for good ranking practice II. Global Trends: IREG
13 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 2008: Re-organisation of IREG –“Observatory on Academic Rankings and Excellence” –more formal structure; membership organisation –acceptance of Berlin Principles will be membership criterion for institutions –regular open conferences 4rth IREG Conference will be held in June 2009 in Astana, Kazakhstan II. Global Trends: IREG
14 3rd Int. Symposium on University Rankings, Leiden, February 2009 Limitations to the extension of rankings ?
Thank you very much !