1 Money Follows the Person Working Group November 9, 2011 1.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Money Follows the Person Working Group November 9,

Agenda MFP Staff Updates National MFP Project Director’s Meeting New MFP Waivers Status MFP Housing Review Demonstration Data Participant Experience MFP Project Activities Q&A 2

MFP Staff Updates MFP Project Office Staff Introductions Barry Schwartz, Project Director Paula Valliere, Administrative Assistant Office of Medicaid MFP Staff Introductions Maria Regan, Waiver Manager Diane LeBeau, Financial Analyst MFP MRC Staff Introductions Nina Rosenberg, Waiver Unit Director Diane Rosenbeck, Assistant Director of MFP Case Management Updates on other positions 3

National MFP Project Director’s Meeting National meeting held October 17 – 19 Best Practices Across the Country Peer mentors working with resistant facility staff and participants who may be fearful about community living Behavioral specialists addressing behaviors that may lead to termination of housing Risk mitigation and critical incident reporting systems Evidence-based programs Employment specialists and supports Only 15% of current participants report that they are engaged in meaningful work Being employed is an indicator of increased quality of life Cognitive adaptive training pre- and post- discharge Person-centered planning and consumer control 4

New MFP Waivers – Status Approach to including behavioral health Status of waiver development/timeline for submission Review of waiver applications Meeting in December to review elements of the MFP waivers 5

Housing Housing stakeholder meeting held on October 24 th Review what we heard from stakeholders: Use existing housing tool to assess and search for housing Build on current housing search and placement infrastructures Seek information from staff engaged in nursing home transition Require demonstrated experience in housing search (types of people placed/number placed) Ensure sustainability of housing search and placement process beyond the MFP demo Provide additional information on Qualified residences Next Steps 6

Other discussion groups Additional waiver topical discussion group: residential services through the MFP waiver November 18 th from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Conference Room 4, Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, Boston What should be the focus of the next topical discussion group? Ideas: Outreach Messaging Strategy for reaching all populations Who should deliver the information? Where should information be presented? How should information be presented? Development of easy-to-understand materials in plain English and other languages 7

Demonstration Data 8

MFP Demonstration Data 9 Number of MFP enrollees (pre-transition) and participants (transitioned) by population in CY 11* ⁺Estimates *As of 11/4/11

MFP Demonstration Data 10 Number of MFP participants (transitioned) by waiver serving participants in CY 11* *As of 11/4/11

MFP Demonstration Data 11 Number of transitions by type of community residence, CY 11* *As of 11/4/11

MFP Demonstration Data 12 Number of MFP enrollees (pre-transition) and participants (transitioned) by qualified facility, CY 11* *As of 11/4/11

MFP Demonstration Data Quality of Life Data Data collected at baseline, 11 months and 24 months Future reporting could include: % of MFP Participants Reporting: Increase in satisfaction with quality of life One or more unmet care needs Treatment with respect and dignity Satisfaction with living situation They are treated how they want by their helpers Paid work status Discussion: What types of data would you like to regularly see reported at these meetings? 13

MFP Participant Experience Jim moved to his home this October Friendly, generous and quick-witted elder with developmental delays, medical issues from diabetes and behavioral issues within facility Residing in nursing home since ‘04 DDS Service Coordinator began transition services and he visited a residential home on a weekly basis Now lives with one other person and receives daily visits from VNA to monitor medical issues, residential day supports on weekdays. Visits senior center and shopping locations 14

MFP Participant Experience Carl moved to a group home in August Currently in his 40s, he sustained a brain injury in the ‘90s and moved to a nursing facility about 7 years later Housing options were identified that were close to culturally competent services (Deaf community/ASL users) Transition services: Visits to the community Personal items Transportation ASL interpreter services Participates in day program and receives transportation Community goals 15

MFP Participant Experience Mabel, who is in her mid-60s, returned home in August to live with her husband In multiple facilities since November 2010, began working with ASAP to transition in May 2011 Medical needs Barriers to discharge Transitional Assistance Services Community services in place through Frail Elder Waiver Husband continues to work full time and they are happy she is back home 16

MFP Project Activities Working on increasing community capacity through procurement development Procurements will be out early regions, 1 entity per region, entity can bid on more than 1 region 17 Transition Coordination Transition coordination for individuals not connected to a current transition entity Support to current transition entities, as requested Case Management (includes 24 Hour Backup) Demo Case Management for State Plan - only MFP Participants Administrative Case Management for new MFP Waivers Housing Support Transition Entity/Case Management Region-based Procurement Mobility Training (Procurement) Assistive Technology Transition Services (e.g. non-recurring set-up expenses, peer support, community re-integration) Purchasing Services

Q & A Open discussion 18

Next MFP Working Group Meeting Date & Time: February 2 nd, 2012 ~ 2 PM – 3:30 PM Location: Worcester Public Library, Saxe Room Idea for consideration: Have a pre-meeting to learn about the basics of MFP from 1:30 PM – 2 PM? Contact to get For meeting updates, visit: 19