Attribute Based Access Control PRESENTATION Attribute Based Access Control A New Access Control Approach for Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) Eric Yuan, Jin Tong New Challenges for Access Control Workshop Ottawa, ON, Canada April 27, 2005 Booz Allen Hamilton Standard Colors Colors should be used in the color pairs whenever possible. Do not mix and match colors, use pairs together as shown. Black, White and Gray can be used with any of the other colors. This document does not represent the official opinions of BAH, nor does it bind the company to any order or other contract unless explicitly stated otherwise Purple Pantone 2765 R 12 G 4 B 79 Green Pantone 357 R 15 G 67 B 24 Blue Pantone 2 88 R 11 G 31 B 101 Pantone Cool Gray 6 R 158 G 158 B 158 Black Red Pantone 485 R 252 G 5 B 14 Yellow Pantone 3965 R 232 G 244 B 4 Aqua Pantone 319 R 126 G 204 B 189 White
Agenda Access Control Challenges under SOA Conventional Access Control Models Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Policy Model ABAC vs. RBAC Architecture Model Towards Attribute Based Information Security
Service Oriented Architectures Access Common perspective that Web services will do for system-to-system communications what HTTP/HTML did for the browser-based web Web Services are modular XML-based applications using standards and technologies for distributed computing Defined with WSDL Published in UDDI Invoked via SOAP Automated search of data services using metadata. Pulls data of interest. Based on producer registered format and definitions, translates into needed structure. Service Consumer Data and applications available for use accessible via services. Metadata added to services based on producer’s format. Service Provider Describes content using metadata Posts metadata in catalogs for discovery Exposes data and applications as services Searches metadata catalogs to find data services Analyzes metadata search results found Pulls selected data based on metadata understanding Publish Discover Service Enabled Infrastructure Messaging Services Data Services Transformation Services Monitoring Services Registry Services Security Services
Pre-SOA Access Control Solutions Heavy reliance upon perimeter-based security E.g., DMZ, firewalls, intrusion detection Assumption of system boundaries Network ownership (e.g. Intranet, VPN) Centralized security management Information access is mostly client-server Known users accessing known systems Static, coarsely grained E.g., User, Admin, Guest No consideration of operational contexts Focuses on single system / single enterprise Ad hoc approaches for inter-system security Op Contexts: e.g. thread level
Access Control Challenges under SOA Disappearance of network, system, and enterprise boundaries E.g. SOAP/HTTP access through conventional firewalls Information access is more peer-to-peer Decentralization of security information management No a priori relationship between consumers and providers E.g. dynamic discovery and binding to web services via UDDI Need rich semantics to define tailored, dynamic, fine-grained access policies Dynamic QoP parameters (E.g. consideration of threat level, transaction at hand, community of interest) Need a “System of Systems” view Fractal network Under SOA, we need an access control model and architecture that addresses these challenges to achieve end-to-end information security
Agenda Access Control Challenges under SOA Conventional Access Control Models Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Policy Model ABAC vs. RBAC Architecture Model Towards Attribute Based Information Security
Discretionary vs. Mandatory Access Control Types DAC – Restricting access to objects based on the identity and need-to-know of the user, process, and/or groups to which they belong Discretionary, in the sense that a subject is capable of passing certain access permission on to another subject [NCSC-TG-004] MAC – Restricting access to objects based on fixed security attributes or “labels” assigned to users and to files or other objects. Mandatory, in the sense that controls cannot be modified by users or their programs [Bell & Lapadula] Depends on system-enforced mechanisms that override the intentions of the resource owner Widely used in government and DoD systems MAC and DAC are not mutually exclusive, and may be used in conjunction
Conventional Access Control Models Identity Based Access Control (IBAC) Access permissions are directly associated with a subject (e.g. ACLs) Difficult to scale Role Based Access Control (RBAC) [Sandhu 1993, NIST 2004] Access permissions are based on the role(s) a subject is performing Better scalability and ease of use, but also has drawbacks (more later) Lattice Based Access Control (LBAC) [Sandhu 1993] Implemented in the US defense sector to address MAC requirements Subjects Roles Permissions Actions Resources Session Contexts Assignment User Permission Sessions
Agenda Access Control Challenges under SOA Conventional Access Control Models Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Policy Model ABAC vs. RBAC Architecture Model Towards Attribute Based Information Security
Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) – Attributes Defined Subject Attributes Associated with a subject (user, application, process) that defines the identity and characteristics of the subject E.g. identifier, name, job title, role Resource Attributes Associated with a resource (web service, system function, or data) E.g. Dublin Core metadata elements Environment Attributes Describes the operational, technical, or situational environment or context in which the information access occurs E.g. current date time, current threat level, network security classification
ABAC Policy Formulation S, R, and E are subjects, resources, and environments, respectively; SAk (1 k K), RAm (1 m M), and EAn (1 n N) are the pre- defined attributes for subjects, resources, and environments, respectively; ATTR(s), ATTR(r), and ATTR(e) are attribute assignment relations for subject s, resource r, and environment e, respectively:
ABAC Policy Formulation (Cont’d) We also use the function notation for the value assignment of individual attributes. For example: In the most general form, a Policy Rule that decides on whether a subject s can access a resource r in a particular environment e, is a Boolean function of s, r, and e’s attributes: Role(s) = “Service Consumer” ServiceOwner(r) = “XYZ, Inc.” CurrentDate(e) = “01-23-2005” The access control decision process in essence amounts to the evaluation of applicable policy rules in the policy store.
Policy Rule Examples Modeling conventional RBAC rules: “User with role ‘Manager’ may access the ‘ApprovePurchase’ web service” Modeling richer access control semantics “A resource may only be accessed by its owners” Modeling mandatory access control “Classified files can be accessed by users with equal or higher clearance”
Policy Evaluation Given attribute assignments, the evaluation of policy rules may be boiled down to the evaluation of First Order Logic expressions, or its simpler, computationally more attractive subsets (e.g. Description Logic, Horn Logic) Natural marriage with Semantic Web technologies for attribute and policy representations E.g., attribute assignments as OWL axioms Existing inference engines / reasoners may be readily leveraged Implementation aspects are work in progress and beyond the scope of this presentation E.g., complexity
Agenda Access Control Challenges under SOA Conventional Access Control Models Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Policy Model ABAC vs. RBAC Architecture Model Towards Attribute Based Information Security
Online Entertainment Store Example Inspired by [Al-Kahtani & Sandhu 2003]: Streams movies to customers for a flat monthly fee Access Control Requirements Basic requirement: access control is based on user’s age and the movies’ content ratings (R, PG-13, G) Advanced requirement: Suppose the store introduces membership classes (Premium, Regular) and would like to enforce a new policy that only Premium users can view New Releases Using RBAC: Basic policy: Need to create roles such as Adult, Juvenile, Child Advanced policy: Roles and permissions need to be doubled (e.g., Adult Premium, Adult Regular, …) I.e., given K subject attributes, total roles could be:
Online Entertainment Store Example (Cont’d) Using ABAC: Basic policy: No need to define explicit roles Advanced policy: Only need to add a second rule and combine the two
Comparison with (Pure) RBAC Models Inherent limitation in RBAC is the single dimension of roles Finer-grained access control policies often involve multiple subject and object attributes As more attributes are involved, number of roles and permissions needed to encode these attributes will grow exponentially, thereby making User Assignments and Permission Assignments difficult to manage Various research work has tried to extend the basic RBAC model, however most are constrained by the inherent limitations of RBAC Rule-based RBAC [Al-Kahtani & Sandhu 2003], Inclusion of subject-resource relationship [Barkley,Beznosov & Uppal 1999] Use-condition policies specified by stakeholders [Johnston et al. 1998] [Thompson et al. 1999]
Comparison with (Pure) RBAC Models (Cont’d) RBAC usually needs centralized management of user-to-role and permission- to-role assignments Not well suited for a highly distributed environment Even more difficult when subject and resource belong to different security domains! RBAC doesn’t consider environment attributes explicitly E.g., continuing with the previous example, suppose an additional requirement states “Regular customers in general may not watch new releases, but may be allowed in promotional periods” In ABAC, a new rule can be easily added, involving an environment attribute CurrentDate(e) RBAC doesn’t handle MAC In ABAC, security labels can be treated naturally as attributes
Agenda Access Control Challenges under SOA Conventional Access Control Models Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Policy Model ABAC vs. RBAC Architecture Model Towards Attribute Based Information Security
ABAC Authorization Architecture The XACML authorization architecture readily supports ABAC Agnostic to the actual representation and formulation of policies PDP PEP Subject Resource Subject AA Resource AA Environment AA ABAC Policy Authority AA: Attribute Authority
Implementation Scenario – Applying ABAC to Secure Web Services Service Provider Attribute & Policy Services Web Service SOAP Message Handler Policy Store Decision Registry Identity SOAP Client SOAP Msg SA RA 1 3 2 Admin. EA
Agenda Access Control Challenges under SOA Conventional Access Control Models Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Policy Model ABAC vs. RBAC Architecture Model Towards Attribute Based Information Security
Towards End-to-End Attribute Based Information Security The ABAC policy and architecture models, though very powerful, only focus on authorization of requests from information consumers to providers The end-to-end security architecture requires more than just the access control model To utilize ABAC to its full potential, we need a systematic methodology around how attributes are managed throughout their life cycle: Attribute definition and “provisioning”; Cryptographic mechanisms to “bind” attributes to subjects and objects they describe; Discovery mechanisms for attribute definitions and attribute assignments; A “feedback loop” through which attribute usage can be monitored and audited
Attribute Management Lifecycle Methodology Based Information Security Provisioning Binding Discovery Monitor & Feedback Attribute Based Access Control
Attribute Based Information Security (ABIS): A Reference Architecture Data Service Providers App Service Thick Clients Thin Subject / Resource Directories Gateways Other Security Domains Policy Stores Authentication Mechanisms Web Portals Certificates Biometrics, … Policy Authorities Environment Attribute Resource Subject Attribute Based Policy Enforcement (XACML / SAML / WS-Security) Integration Backplane Monitoring & Management ABIS Platform … S D P R O Public Key Infrastructure Decision Engines
Conclusions The ABAC model brings many advantages over traditional identity or role based models Intuitive to model and manage real-world access control policies More flexible and more powerful to represent complex, fine-grained access control semantics, which is especially suitable for the dynamic SOA / web services environment Management of security information is spread over a number of Attribute and Policy Authorities, possibly across organizational boundaries – suitable for large-scale information sharing Reduces overall system complexity, allowing different system components (user directory, service registry, policy server, etc.) to focus on their respective administrative tasks To utilize the ABAC model to its full potential, many aspects of the entire attribute management “life cycle” needs to be considered, such as attribute provisioning, binding, discovery, and feedback loop All are potential research and engineering topics to be explored
Questions Eric Yuan Associate Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc. 8251 Greensboro Drive Mclean, VA 22102 (703) 377-1787