E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Dova, M.T., Grunfeld, C., Monticelli, F., Tripiana, M., Veiga, A. IFLP (CONICET-UNLP) and Departamento de Física, FCE Ambrosi, V., Barbieri, A., Diaz, J., Luengo, M., Macia, N., Molinari, L., Venosa, P., Zabaljauregui, M. CESPI-LINTI and Fac. Informatica UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PLATA EELA Workshop, La Plata, 29/03-30/03, 2007 Progress of GRID technology in Argentina: Lessons learned from EELA M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America The Past GRID in Argentina before EELA: blah, blah… We started from scratch with EELA! 2 The greatest impediment to progress is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge. M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 3 Outline Lessons from WP2 – UNLP node in the EELA infraestructure – Argentinian CA – Future Plans Lessons from WP3 (HEP) – ATLAS application in EELA – Future Plans Lessons from WP4 – Experience from EELA tutorials – Other dissemination activities – Future Plans Prospects of GRID in Argentina M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 4 Very modest resources, but the first ones in Argentina in a grid infrastructure. Lessons from WP2 (I) The EELA Infrastructure M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5 Resource Centre EELA Computing Element 6 EELA dual-core Worker Nodes EELA 500 GB Storage Element EELA User Interface Middleware: gLite Manager: Andres Barbieri (CESPI) Housing CeSPI Data Centre for UNLP global services High availability, high security Redundant electrical power feed and cooling, racks and raised floor Gigabit LAN 20 Mbps link to Internet 2 Mbps to Clara through a symmetric link to InnovaRed with BGP routing protocol. M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007 The process for integration of these resources in the EELA infrastructure was not too simple due to incompatibility between the hardware and the supported software. Resource Centre
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Snapshoot 6 M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 7 Future plans M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier0 Tier 2 UNL P CERN Tier 3 EELA infrastructure SHORT TERM : Increase computing power and storage resources. Seed for a more ambitious project: to become an ATLAS Tier-3 facility, an important resource for physicists to analyse ATLAS data. LONG TERM Integration at Department levels, then at a provincial (Bs.As.) level, and hopefully at a national level.
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Implementation, operation and support of the Certification Authorities (CA) 8 Legal framework - IGTF International Grid Trust Federation TAGPMA APGridPMA Lessons from WP2 (II) Authentication and Authorization M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 9 UNLP PKIGrid M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America UNLP PKIGrid Infrastructure 10 The deployment of the PKI has required: One portable PC to act as the CA offline One sure place in order to protect the CA offline One dedicated server to support the public site of the CA (holding the Certificates & the CRLs). Supports the functional aspects of the main RA. One PC for the RA operators Several Aladdin e-tokens to provide the secure management of operators certificates A deployment environment (two separate servers are used for implementing & testing the info & services provided by the PKI) Security components: One firewall extended to provide a separate DMZ for the PKI service. Default policy is DROP and denials are reported. Distributed sensor infrastructure to report events in a central security console to detect security incidents. NTP synchronization with a local time source (GPS stratum 0) Physical Security: RA and Public Site resides in a Server Rack. The access to the rack is controlled. Biometric access. M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America PKI Implementation tasks 11 Operative Systems Secure Installation OpenCA installation OpenCA GUI adaptation Checking of the implementation for the fulfillment of the CP/CPS –Certificates profiles –Configuration of secure operators access (use of certificates stored in tokens, control of roles) –Token drivers (32K & 64K) -- testing –CA/RA Operator´s training –PKI CP/CPS compliance testing –Digital signature tools testing M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 12 Bilingual site (English & Spanish) Site deployment with AJAX The site contains: –UNLP PKIGrid CP/CPS –Procedures and documentation –A customized view of OpenCA public interface UNLP PKIGrid Web site
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Future plans 13 Continued collaboration with ONTI (Oficina Nacional de Tecnologías de Información de la Subsecretaría de la Gestión Pública de la Nación) e-government Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) at UNLP in the next months. M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 14 HEP : Argentina in ATLAS M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007 LHC will collide beams of protons at an energy of 14 TeV. Four detectors (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, ALICE) constructed and operated by international collaborations of thousands of scientists. To store and analyse the huge amount of data, GRID is crucial. Argentina (UNLP and UBA) in ATLAS since 2006.
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 15 Argentina in AUGER M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007 S N PIERRE AUGER OBSERVATORY HYBRID INSTRUMENT: SURFACE DETECTORS FLUORESCENCE DETECTORS GRID initiatives at Czech Republic and Germany. See presentation at this conference UNLP in AUGER since 1996
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 16 M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007 Lessons from WP3 ATLAS applications Currently the ATLAS collaboration is intensively testing its computing model using three types of applications: - Monte Carlo simulations, which run on all types of Tiers. - Distribution between Tiers of the Monte Carlo data and of cosmic data. - Analysis of the data produced either in MC or cosmic runs. ATLAS applications are specific and use components and services developed either by ATLAS or by the Grid projects to which ATLAS relies on. These applications run in the ATLAS-Athena framework. All levels of processing of ATLAS data, from HLT to event simulation, reconstruction and analysis, take place within the Athena framework.
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 17 M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007 Lessons from WP3 ATLAS applications : Training of Argentinean physicists and computing scientists at ATLAS Offline-computing and High-Level Trigger groups. October 2007: ATLAS EELA-MOU approved and signed. November 2007: ATLAS applications the UNLP RC (with great help from Alessandro De Salvo, Pedro and Diego!) November 2007: Athena test jobs successfully run. November 21, 2007: First reconstruction job submitted and running!!
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 18 The Future M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007 Monte Carlo jobs submission on the EELA e-Grid infrastructure from the ATLAS production system. Distributed Analysis jobs submission on the EELA e-Grid infrastructure from the ARDA-Ganga system and Management of the data using the ATLAS Distributed Data Management system. (See more in D. Barberis talk.) Continue plans for deployment, development and training milestones through EELA2 Gridification of AIRES MC for simulations of ultra-high cosmic rays.
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America First Step: to learn, practice and experiment using GILDA, the INFN real grid computing infrastructure completely devoted to dissemination activities. Second Step: Training of tutors (tutorials for users and administrators) Third Step: Organization of tutorials in Argentina and participation of tutors in events in the region (LA) 19 Lessons from WP4: Tutorials M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 20 M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007 Lessons from WP4: Tutorials Tutorials in Argentina: 1. for UNLP members (6/06) 2. to contact new communities (12/06) Repsol-YPF (Oil Company) Ministerio de Salud (Ministry of Health) ONTI (Government) Plus: - Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IBBM) -- Univ. de Buenos Aires -- Univ. del Sur (Bahia Blanca)
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 21 M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007 Lessons from WP4:Workshops Prof. A. Plastino (Director of IFLP) Prof. G. Azpiazu (Rector UNLP) Prof. C. Rapela (Director of CONICET) VERY important to show the governments that we are part of a high-level project!
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 22 More dissemination: Web page M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December,
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 23 More dissemination: Brochure M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Future plans Tutorials for users (mid 2008) Tutorials for administrators (mid 2008) ATLAS computing tutorial/workshop in Buenos Aires March GRID Workshop for biomedical applications (HELEN-SECyT) March M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 25 Prospects of GRID in Argentina M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007 The Joint Research Unit already created with support from SECyT (Secretariat of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation)
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Goals: –Support the development of support infrastructures for distributed computing aimed at sharing resources for the resolution of complex problems with demanding computing requirements –Facilitate the use of GRID Technology: e-Science, e-Education and e-Government –Ensure the development of competence and capacity for the evolution of GRID computing in Argentina and the national initiative (together with InnovaRed). –Dissemination of GRID technology to the industry, government and general public –Integrate Argentina in major International Grid computing infrastructures 26 Argentinean e-Science Collaboration Network M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 27 Argentina in others LA grid initiatives M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007
E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America EELA has provided the framework for e-Science in Argentina –Argentinean professionals trained in GRID technology –Participation and organization of Tutorials for administrators and users (National and International) –Creation of the Certification Authority Centre for e-Science in Argentina ( –Small node in EELA infrastructure, will evolve in a Tier 3. –ATLAS applications in EELA Summary and Conclusions e-Science in Argentina runs in the right direction and with the right slope. EELA has been crucial to get us here! Good prospects for Grid initiatives in Argentina M.T.Dova et al, UNLP – 3rd EELA Conference, Catania, 3-5 December, 2007