Pentecost Year 6
The Start Of The Christian Church Pentecost is often called 'the birthday of the Church'. At Pentecost, Christians think about the time when the Holy Spirit came to Jesus' followers.
So What happened? It was fifty days after Jesus rose from the dead. The followers of Jesus met in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost. As they met, they were all feeling sad and frightened, not really knowing what to do. But suddenly, there was a sound like a rushing wind. It looked as if tongues of fire were resting on each of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit, and were full of joy. They were not frightened any more. They spoke to others about being Christians.
Why do we have a bank holiday called Whitsun? Christians often choose Pentecost as a day for a baptism. This is because it is a good day to begin a new life as a Christian. Christians used to wear white clothes to church for Pentecost, and so it became known as 'White Sunday' or 'Whitsun'.
Questions To Consider Why do think that Pentecost is called 'the birthday of the church'? What happened to Jesus' followers at Pentecost? How did this change them? How did Pentecost become known as 'Whitsun'?