Simulation Project Major achievements (past 6 months 2007)


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Presentation transcript:

Simulation Project Major achievements (past 6 months 2007)

June 2007 Simulation Project 2 Generator Services & Simulation Framework W.Pokorski

June 2007 Simulation Project 3 Generator Services - 1 new organization since October last year transparent project management introduced -planning meetings twice per year (20 Oct 2006, 25 May 2007) -representatives of LHC experiments as well as generators authors involved in the decision making -project fully focused on serving experimental and theoretical communities at the LHC new technical approach proposed for the generators repository -move away from SCRAM, increase modularity -minimize any requirements for changes in the original generators code more focus on validation and testing of the generators

June 2007 Simulation Project 4 Generator Services - 2 Generators repository (GENSER) move to the new structure completed -all the generators released individually -new versions installed with no delay -17 generators installed (34 versions in total); -Binaries for 3 platforms new GENSER already used by experiments -all requested generators/versions installed -positive feedback from experiments on the new structure Generators validation a number of new tests added -all generators covered (at least one test per generator) -tests explicitly requested by experiments implemented collaboration with Rivet (CEDAR) project started on the validation of MC generators

June 2007 Simulation Project 5 Generator Services - 3 User Support -several improvements on web pages (tests results published), new FAQ pages HepMC event record -package stable and used by experiments -a few minor releases with some improvements -standalone version (no dependency on CLHEP) ready to use -all experiments plan to migrate by end of 2007 Monte Carlo Data Base (MCDB) -system ready to use -no further development requested by experiments

June 2007 Simulation Project 6 Simulation Framework - 1 Geometry Description Markup Language (GDML) used by the Physics Validation project two major releases since last summer - several new features like support for optical surfaces, material properties sheets -improved handling of modular geometry description -possibility to import parts of geometries from different GDML files -provided support for user extensions of GDML GDML-ROOT binding integrated within ROOT -possibility of reading/writing GDML files via the standard 'geometry manager' from ROOT

June 2007 Simulation Project 7 Simulation Framework - 2 FLUGG applications/extensions framework for Geant4 - Fluka validation -now in production for AtlasTileCal test beam physics validation -further extensions and generalization planned (new technical student starting July 2007) Geant4 Geometry persistency using ROOT a number of necessary fixes/extensions have been implemented in Geant4 and ROOT full integration of ROOT persistency mechanism for Geant4 geometry expected by October 2007 general 'MonteCarlo truth' handling machinery implemented based on HepMC format included in Geant4 extended example

June 2007 Simulation Project 8 Physics Validation A.Ribon

June 2007 Simulation Project 9 3 rd simple benchmark

June 2007 Simulation Project 10 ATLAS 0

June 2007 Simulation Project 11 ATLAS HEC

June 2007 Simulation Project 12 ATLAS CTB (Combined Test Beam) TRT LAr EMC Tile HCAL Muon System MDT-RPC BOS Tile HCAL

June 2007 Simulation Project 13 CMS ECAL+HCAL

June 2007 Simulation Project 14 Geant4 J.Apostolakis

June 2007 Simulation Project 15 Geant4 - releases Geant4 8.3 (4 th May 2007): New Quasi-elastic channel, replacing part of cross section of QGS model (E>12 GeV) -as G4 QGS only models deep inelastic interactions Improved model for muon capture (in QGSC) Significantly revised FTF model Geant4 9.0 (scheduled 29 th June 2007) CPU improvement of few % from EM revision New Error Propagation module Extension of FTF model down to 4-5 GeV

June 2007 Simulation Project 16 Garfield & LHC Activation R.Veenhof

June 2007 Simulation Project 17 Activation & Gas-based dectors Activation at LHC: EM crystal: -verification of decay chains; CMS geometry: - converted to run entirely within Fluka; - Si updated; 1 st CMS application: - beam conditions monitor, in progress. Gas-based detectors SRIM interface: stopping nuclei; Running long Atlas jobs on GRID; Graduate student lecture series.