TEMPO Air Permitting/ APDU Electronic Data Submission Melissa Lantz, P.E. LDEQ Integrated Data Management Systems (IDMS) Coordinator
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality Overview o LDEQ Data System - TEMPO o Electronic Data Goals o Air Permit Data Upload Concept Development Functionality Status
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality o Central repository for all facility data o Core Functionality – Permits, Surveillance, Enforcement and Remediation o Designed to generate work documents such as Permits and Inspection checklists TEMPO Tools for Environmental Protection and Management Organizations
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality DEQ’s Data System Evolution Transparent Integration Pre-Jurassic Colonial Times Millenium PaperCOBOL & card systems Query tools PC DIY databases GIS Capabilities Data Warehouse Web submittals
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality Air Permitting in TEMPO
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality What information is needed to generate a permit in TEMPO? o Stack and Operating Parameters o Emission Rates o Location Data (Latitude and Longitude) o Regulatory applicability information for requirement development o Note: this is done for all facilities – major and minor
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality Integration of TEMPO Violations List Violations List Actuals Permit Report Permit Report Compliance Evaluation Screen Compliance Evaluation Screen Permit Action Screen Permit Action Screen Enforcement Action Screen Enforcement Action Screen Subject Items & Requirements Subject Items & Requirements Stack Testing Screen Stack Testing Screen Nightly Routines
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality Electronic Air Permitting Data o Allows LDEQ to relay information internally in a more efficient manner o Aids LDEQ’s analysis of Air Quality Permitted Emission Data (TEMPO) Incidents (TEMPO) Unauthorized releases Complaints Actual Emission Data (Emission Inventory) Monitoring Site Data Geographical Data (GIS)
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality How do we get all of the permitting data into TEMPO? o Consulted internal and external stakeholders o Issues raised Speed Accuracy User-friendliness Cost o Permitting process was recommended mode of entry
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality Air Permit Data Upload (APDU) High Level Concept Web-based application that allows permittees to electronically submit air permitting data and permit writers to review and download it into TEMPO Data Stack Parameters, emission rates, location information from Individual EIQ sheets for all emission sources and emission points that LDEQ regulates
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality APDU Development o Team Members Kent Ellis of ExxonMobil Chemicals Bill Bailey & Brian Kapavik of URS Meghan Gallinaro & Joel LeBlanc of Environ John Dyer & Kermit Wittenburg of LDEQ o Contractor – Methods Technology Solutions, Inc. o Phased Design Approach o Design and Testing lasted almost a year o Launched in May, 2004
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality APDU/TEMPO Process APDU Enters/Validates Data Permit Writer: TEMPO Permittee: Makes requested changes Submits to LDEQ Reviews Data Approves Data Rejects Data Downloads into TEMPO Develops Requirements Routes for review
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality APDU – Getting started LDEQ’s website under Permits/Air Permit Information contains: User manual request for account (indicate agency interest number) Link to APDU program Login: Permittee and Permit Writer Access Stack Data Emission Data Download Code Tables
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality ADPU – Permittee Submittal Electronic File Upload Manual data entry for part of all of the data is also an option
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality Additional details o A paper version of the application is still required o An extract of what is currently stored in TEMPO for your facility can be provided in an Excel spreadsheet by DEQ personnel o Future permit modifications have an even shorter timeline
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality APDU Status o Over 80 accounts have been set up o Data for almost 4000 subject items has been submitted o Reduces permitting timeline by two weeks o Training session may be offered in November given response
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality Future APDU modifications (Phase II) o Some ideas include Change file format to tab-delimited Allow industry to query their facility’s data from TEMPO Comparison report when updating data o us if you have suggestions or would like to participate in the next design phase
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality Other Web Projects o Date Warehouse on the Web Pending applications Issued permits o Electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports o Make-a-Map
Louisiana Department of EnvironmentalQuality
Louisiana EnvironmentalQuality Thank you for this opportunity to discuss the Air Permit Data Upload program