6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 1 Design anywhere, Build anywhere INTEROP ESA ’05 Date: 24/02/05 Anne H Waywell
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 2 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Overview Background Opportunity Strategy Approach Benefits Experience Conclusion Discussion
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 3 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Background DNC – Distributed or Direct Numerical Control1980 –Machine instructions for NC milling machines transmitted over telephone –Later evolved to mean system where a group of NC machines are connected to a central computer or –A combination of computers are linked to one or more CNC machines by LAN –CNC machines - tools that have a memory to control their operation –NC programs are distributed to the memory of CNC machine –ISO format most widely used Use of Standards – promote interoperability – vendor interpretation failed to meet expectations
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 4 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Background FMS – Flexible Manufacturing Systems1985 Arrangement of machines – interconnected by a transport system giving flexibility to a variety of manufacturing operations. Transporter carries work to machines on pallets so that work-machine registration is accurate, rapid and automatic. A central computer controls both machines and transport system.
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 5 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Background FMS – Flexible Manufacturing Systems1985 –The manufacturing environment considered totally automated into a ‘lights out’ situation –Proved possible only in limited manufacturing applications –Still remains a goal to produce a fully integrated environment even across organisations today
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 6 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Background OBA – Overall Business Architecture1983 –Took this philosophy to the factory level –First generation integrated business system between design, planning, materials, manufacturing, procurement and invoicing application systems –Individual applications Were locked together Difficult to maintain Inhibited business change Affected competitiveness of the business Were built to aid a discipline, not to integrate with other disciplines Information was locked into application Integration of these applications - expensive point to point interfaces
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 7 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Opportunity Need for a more modular approach, where –Data is seen as separate from application –Information is key company asset and treated differently from application –Data / information needs to be protected as it has a life expectancy –Data standards are used – XML-xx standards need to be developed like platform following STEP for exchanging data across PDM Systems via a neutral standard This approach was used for the next generation of integration for e-Business and outsourced business
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 8 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Case Study - Opportunity Depends on interface between PDM and ERP Systems –To transfer parts or BoMs to allow designed items to be manufactured Multiple PDM Systems were linked with multiple ERP Systems using point to point solutions –Used Sherpa for PDM, Network MTO (Compass Contract) for ERP and Tibco as the Message Broker Launched a programme to replace Sherpa PDM System with single corporate Metaphase PDM System No interface existed between Metaphase and the ERP Systems –Requirement for interface from Metaphase to any ERP system, supporting concept of ‘Design anywhere, Build anywhere’ –Transfer single parts, single level BoMs and multi level BoMs
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 9 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Opportunity Sherpa ERP Metaphase ERP Sherpa ERP Metaphase ERP Tibco
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 10 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Strategy Interface needed to be designed and data translations understood Previously used proprietary Message Broker and to meet needs of interfacing to an External Marketplace system –New corporate Message Broker sought –Known as Enterprise Application Infrastructure (EAI) (webMethods) –Supports initiatives such as A2A, B2B, B2C, EAI, BPM, BPA, EDI –Deliver true business driven end to end integration and interoperability between packaged and custom applications, mainframe system transactions (legacy), front and back office systems, Web services, business partners and human workflow
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 11 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Approach Sherpa ERP Metaphase ERP Sherpa ERP Metaphase ERP Tibco EAI
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 12 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Approach UPLOADER EXTRACT PDM Metaphase EDS eAI Broker IS Adapter IS Adapter ERP Network MTO Manugistics BOM webMethods BAE SYSTEMS eAI Backbone Manugistics Uploader Metaphase Extract Application 2Application 1 Read Publish Extract Write Subscribe WriteUpload CSC eAI PDM Adapter CSC eAI MTO Adapter Return errors e Network Procurement Manugistics Application 3
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 13 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Metaphase to MTO Interface Infrastructure Metaphase API ES (Enterprise Server) IS Adapter IS Adapter API Generic eAI Services: Log X-Ref Adapter Metaphase Server MTO Server eAI Broker Server Application API + Broker pack & Bridge = IS Adapter + IS Adapter IS Adapter MTO Adapter PDM Adapter Uploader Metaphase Extract MTO Network Procurement
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 14 INTEROP ESA ‘05 UPLOADER EXTRACT PDM Metaphase EDS Production eAI Broker IS Adapter IS Adapter ERP Network MTO Manugistics BOM Application 2 Application 1 Read Publish Extract Write Subscribe WriteUpload Return errors e UPLOADER Test eAI Broker IS Adapter ERP Network MTO Manugistics Return errors e webMethods BAE SYSTEMS eAI Backbone Manugistics Uploader Metaphase Extract CSC eAI PDM Adapter CSC eAI MTO Adapter FTP * PRODUCTION TEST Network Procurement Network Procurement Application 3 EXTRACT PDM Metaphase EDS IS Adapter TEST
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 15 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Infrastructure Metaphase to MTO Interface Infrastructure Metaphase API ES (Enterprise Server) IS Adapter IS Adapter API Generic eAI Services: Log X-Ref Adapter Production Metaphase Server Production MTO Server eAI Production Broker Server MTO Adapter PDM Adapter Uploader Metaphase Extract MTO Network Procurement Infrastructure IS Adapter API Test MTO Server MTO Adapter Uploader ES (Enterprise Server) Generic eAI Services: Log X-Ref Adapter eAI Test Broker Server MTO Network Procurement FTP Metaphase API IS Adapter Test Metaphase Server PDM Adapter Metaphase Extract Application API + Broker pack & Bridge = IS Adapter + IS Adapter IS Adapter Note: Network Procurement not installed, but Adapter has user defined option to specify
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 16 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Benefits A single software solution in place, consisting of 4 modules, utilising the EAI solution, with separate paths as required for each business Software is easier to maintain Allows changes to the modules/adapters independently Allows legacy information to be stored in canonical form in neutral database Facilities developed for one site are available for other sites if required Solution supports the concept of ‘Design anywhere, Build anywhere’, reducing ordering times by 50% and reducing the number of internal buyers / procurement staff
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 17 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Experience Now possible to link –internal procurement systems i.e. SAP, BaaN, Network MTO to the External Marketplace System / Trading Portal (EXOSTAR) – supplier catalogues, order parts and invoice totally electronically –Internal HR Systems to external HR Systems
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 18 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Experience Metaphase ERP ERP- MTO Metaphase ERP – MTO EAI ERP – BaaN ERP – SAP Avionics UWS Air Systems CS&S, RO EXOSTAR HR Systems Internal External peoplePortal
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 19 INTEROP ESA ‘05 Conclusion EAI is a strategic platform for information exchange between functional areas, within and external to an enterprise Promoted by Procurement for connecting to External Marketplace System and need to reduce costs Extended to support the outsourcing of HR Services EAI approach allows modular (component) building of a system that has a degree of dynamic reconfigurability to meet business need of delivering capability for a contract Minimal investment costs Only one new MTO Adapter (& may be an update to Uploader, dependent upon requirements) But it is at a price –Adapter writing – approx. 10 days effort –Specification and understanding of the business rules – approx. 8 weeks Clearly software is NOT a problem –Business understanding - Modelling is
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 20 Discussion Anne H Waywell Tel. No
6/2/ :37:18 AM 5864_ER_AERO 21 Experience. Results.