Fishing for Information InkSeine is a tool for thought that lets you fish for useful information directly from your ink notes. Fishermen catching salmon on the Columbia River using a seine.
Ink Ink: Capture freeform thoughts & ideas
Ink + Search Ink: Capture freeform thoughts & ideas Search: Access supporting materials & documents
Ink + Search + Gather Ink: Capture freeform thoughts & ideas Search: Access supporting materials & documents Gather: Integrate what you find with your notes.
Ink + Search + Gather InkSeine is Ink + Search + Gather – A virtuous cycle that unifies these elements in a fluid user experience uniquely suited to pen interaction
A few pen gestures give quick access to rich search functionality.
Some ways I use InkSeine
Collaborate I gathered some initial information and then my colleague Ravin and I used my large tablet to jot notes about our discussion.
Project “Folder” On this page, I’ve collected links to all the documents that a student and I needed to refer to when we were preparing an article. – We also discussed the iPhone accelerometer; I’ve captured a few snippets that my web searches about that turned up.
Web Launch Pad + Note Pad An easy and fun visual way to keep shortcuts to web pages, interesting blog posts, etc. with your own notes and annotations.
Mock up w/ Clippings I love to use my Tablet PC to quickly sketch up ideas. I’ll grab screen clippings from existing appliations or documents, or drag pictures into InkSeine from the web or my project folders Then I can really go crazy: I throw them together, mark them up, and try out variations to explore my design ideas.
Track Progress Here I’m using a snapshot from a spreadsheet to keep track of all the things I need to resolve about this part of my project. I check off things as they’re completed and add notes about more stuff that comes up as I’m working.
Review & Mark up
Compile In this example I am gathering key info from lots of s we received about people’s experiences with InkSeine…
Informal Presentations
Send us your feedback! Let us know how it goes for you! – What do you find awkward or difficult? – What works well for you? – What missing features do you most want? – Please report any bugs you find. Snapshot / copy of error information Details of what you were doing when a bug struck helps a lot! –