Dynamics with Responsibility Road Safety Priorities in Austria Dr. Eva M. Eichinger Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Road Directorate ETSC Best in Europe Conference 2006 “eSafety that matters” Brussels, February 2006
Dynamics with Responsibility Contents Road Safety in Austria The European Context The Austrian Road Safety Programme Targets Priority areas Road Safety Activities during the Austrian EU-presidency
Dynamics with Responsibility Standardised evolution of road accident parameters (Index 1961 = 100%) Road Safety in Austria 1/ injury accidentsinjuriesfatalities injuries accidents ‰
Dynamics with Responsibility Road safety is an important topic since the 1970‘s Since 1970 Road traffic increased by 300% Number of fatalities decrease by 70% In 2005 Road fatalities: 764 (-13% compared to 2004) Still Austria is far away from the best performers Road Safety in Austria 2/2
Dynamics with Responsibility The European Context 1/2 EU-25: Fatalities per 1 Mio. inhabitants (2004)
Dynamics with Responsibility The European Context 2/2 EU-25: Fatalities per 1 Mio. inhabitants
Dynamics with Responsibility Road Safety Programme Austrian government introduced RSP in 2002 RSP contains extensive catalogue of measures to increase road safety 28 priority areas with more than 100 specific measures Annual potential reductions are given where possible Implementation of measures began in 2002 „Start package“ was finished at the end of 2003 Constant evaluation
Dynamics with Responsibility Vision: Every death and serious injury resulting from traffic accidents is one too many Targets until 2010: minus 50 % fatalities minus 20 % injury accidents Targets of the Austrian RSP
Dynamics with Responsibility Priority areas of the Austrian RSP
Dynamics with Responsibility EU-Presidency and Road Safety Motto for all road safety activities during the Austrian EU-presidency in the first half of 2006: „Crossing Borders in Road Safety – Creating a Trans-European Road Safety Culture“
Dynamics with Responsibility High Level Expert Meeting „Infrastructure Safety“ Jan , 2006, Vienna Informal Meeting of Ministers of Transport March 2-3, 2006, Bregenz Joint CEDR/PIARC „Road Safety“ Meeting April 24-28, 2006, Vienna Austrian events Road safety is a focus of the Ministry of Transport during the Presidency
Dynamics with Responsibility Main Focus: planned EU-paper on infrastructure and road safety Participants: more than 100 experts from 30 countries Preparation: Questionnaire on State-of-the-Art in participating countries – Report „Infrastructure Safety in Europe“ Goals: –Information of participants –Formulation of recommendations to the EC regarding the infrastructure directive –Creation of a discussion forum High Level Expert Meeting
Dynamics with Responsibility Informal Meeting of Ministers 1/3 Participants: Ministers of Transport from 35 countries Preparation: Collection of awareness campaigns from participating countries Goals: –Support of road safety work and activities on European ministerial level –Platform for exchange of experiences and best practice –Joint European Road Safety campaign
Dynamics with Responsibility Mid-Term Review of the European Road Safety Action Programme and of the Revision of the White Paper on European Transport Policy for 2010 Results of the HLEM „Infrastructure and Road Safety“ Crossing Borders in eSafety Station 1 - Crossing Borders in Drivers’ Training: Road safety training using vehicles with the most up-to-date equipment Station 2 - Crossing Borders in Vehicle Technology: Testing HGVs and passenger vehicles using the latest eSafety equipment and road safety simulators Station 3 - Crossing Borders in Road Safety Innovation: Information and discussion on the most recent trends and innovations in the road safety sector Main Subjects 1/2 Informal Meeting of Ministers 2/3
Dynamics with Responsibility Informal Meeting of Ministers 3/3 Crossing Borders in Creating Awareness Part 1: Awareness Campaigns in the EU Presentation of national road safety campaigns and their evaluation Presentation of national road safety activities Accompanied by a poster and video presentation Part 2: A joint European road safety campaign Exchange of views on the subject “Joint EU Road Safety Campaign” Main Subjects 2/2
Dynamics with Responsibility Thank you for your attention!