B&NES Police Night Time Economy Strategy PS Deryck Rees
The Challenge 1/3 of all violent crime is connected to the NTE 1/4 of all Robberies 1/3 of all Criminal Damage Alcohol related Anti-Social Behaviour One in five violent incidents take place in or around pubs and clubs - 13,000 incidents each week
Drinks Industry Drinks Industry - unparalleled Growth £23 Billion Turnover 2002 Govt £44,000 - Responsible drinking Drinks Industry £22 million - Advertising
The Vision To make the communities of Avon and Somerset feel safe and be safe To ensure the Night Time economy within B&NES is a safe and diverse place to visit, live and socialise. To reduce local disorder and ASB, in particular alcohol related violence To increase community confidence, contact and visibility with our communities To bring offenders to justice
Demand Hot Spots Demand Movement Calls Time
Bath City Centre: 20:00 – 20:59 Please Wait
Bath City Centre: 21:00 – 21:59 Please Wait
Bath City Centre: 23:00 – 23:59 Please Wait
Bath City Centre: 22:00 – 22:59 Please Wait
Bath City Centre: 24:00 – 00:59 Please Wait
Bath City Centre: 01:00 – 01:59 Please Wait
Bath City Centre: 02:00 – 02:59 Please Wait
Bath City Centre: 03:00 – 03:59 Please Wait
Key Areas Working With partners Encourage Responsible Trading Change behaviours - sensible drinking Reassuring Presence Getting people home safely Tackling Street Fouling Reducing litter, noise, fly posting and commercial waste
Working with Partners CCTV Taxi Marshals / Street Marshals Bath Bar Safe Bath Bar Charter Group Test Purchasing Protocol - Multi Agency Licensing Visits CDRP Alcohol Strategy / Health Strategy Triage Centre
Encourage Responsible Trading Proof of Age Scheme / Test purchasing SIA visits / training Licensing visits Training to licensees Discounted Drinks Protocol
Change Behaviours 3 Strikes - Alcohol Referral School Beat Manager Binge Drinking - Media Responsible Drinking Health Strategy
Reassuring Presence Community Safety Patrol (Shift Pattern) Op Exuberant Op Relentless FPNs SIA Accreditation - door staff Community Wardens PCSOs Marshalls Specials
Getting People Home Safely Night Buses Planning Taxi - Livery
Tackling Street Fouling FPNs Uniform enforcement Provision of late night toilets Provision of late night street cleansing
Reducing Litter, Noise Graffiti partnership Community Wardens Enforcement Environmental Health Local Authority
New Licensing Act - Threat / Opportunity? Greater Demand Profile Increased Alcohol Disorder / ASB Drinking Banning Orders Alcohol Disorder Zones Closure 3 Strikes Programme
Partners Local Authority Licensing Trading Standards Environmental Health Health - PCT Ambulance Service CDRP Stakeholders
A&E The hidden figure of alcohol related crime - +16%? Data Sharing Assaults on Staff Demand - Targets Police Time Ambulance Response Times
A Case Study - Cardiff Alcohol related injuries Ambulances sucked into city centre Targets / Response times not met Police baby sitting / transporting casualties A&E Capacity Assaults on Staff Other Demand
Response Mobile MPV (Paramedic) - Police Radio (not go to hospital) St Johns Ambulance - Non-emergency casualty transport City Centre Demand Triage Service Developed to Stadium (NHS Staff - DRs / Nurses / Admin)
Results Trial 10/12/ Calls 4 Needed Ambulance 11 Calls no ambulance - St Johns Vehicle Reached target 100% for first time 75% within 8 minutes Police Investigate / record crime
Results Ongoing Calls To A&E 27 Times - less demand / less assaults etc 71 treated at Triage Centre (St Johns / Ambulance / Admin / Hospital staff - Doctors / Nurses) 219 Alcohol related 160 Incidents involving males 86 Involving Females 90 assaults Patterns of behaviour - data sharing
The Strength of Partnership Working The Strength of Joined Strategy
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