Working in the UK after your studies – Immigration requirements Fiona O’Carroll, Assistant Director Tia Khan, Immigration Student Advisor International Office
Routes to working in the UK under new Points Based Immigration System (PBS) Tier 1 - Highly skilled individuals, to contribute to growth and productivity – no job offer required Categories: Tier 1 (General) – replaces Highly Skilled Migrant Workers Programme (HSMP) Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Tier 1 (Investor) Tier 1 (Post Study Work) If you have obtained a degree from a university in the United Kingdom, you can apply to stay in the United Kingdom to work for up to two year after you have completed your studies. Tier 2 - Skilled workers with a job offer, to fill gaps in the UK workforce – employer will assist with immigration requirements
Our Aims today: To give you an overview of the Post Study Work Scheme: The Benefits for Graduates The Main Requirements The Application Process Main Documents Frequently Asked Questions Further Information and help
Post Study Work Quiz: For 5 minutes only Post Study Work Quiz: For 5 minutes only... Your chance to speak to your neighbours! Q 1 You can make a post study work application as soon as you have completed your studies? True/ False? Q 2 You can make your application without needing to send all of your documents at the same time? Q 3 Make a list of what you need for your Post Study Work Application? .
The Benefits: What does Post Study Work (PSW) mean for you? Tier 1 of the Points Based System (PBS) You must score (95) points to get a PSW visa Allows graduates to work for 2 years in the UK Any employment or self employment (except work for doctors in training) No job offer required Flexibility - not tied to an employer Can switch into other employment categories
Main requirements: How to Score the required 95 Points! PSW Visa = Requirements + Correct evidence + Completed form + Fee 75 Points for: Qualification (20); the University (20); Immigration Status (20) and Time Limit (15) 10 Points awarded for English language (if you meet above) 10 Points for Maintenance (the required funds)
Do you Qualify? Eligible UK Qualifications & Institution (40 Points): Bachelor’s degree; Masters Degree; PhD ; PGCE at Durham University/HND in Scotland Visa Status (20 Points): You must have studied on a student or student related visa or dependant visa Time Limit (15 Points): Apply within 12 months of the date that you first get notice of your award – NOT YOUR GRADUATION DATE! English Language (10 points): if you score points for all the above Maintenance (10 Points): Minimum bank balance of £800 (if in UK); £2,800 (if outside UK) maintained for 3 months
How to make your application in the UK Check that you meet all the requirements! Complete PBS self assessment tool on UKBA website Complete the Tier 1 Post Study Work Application Form Make sure you include all evidence required! Post your application before your visa expires Postal Application fee: £500 In Person Applications - £700 suspended service
Supporting Documents: Originals Only! Degree Certificate and Letter from SPA confirming details of your award Or If applying before receipt of Degree Certificate:- Letter from SPA confirming details of award plus name of awarding body and confirmation that Degree Certificate will be awarded. Passports showing all your leave in the UK Photos – 2 identical photos must follow UKBA photo guidance Police Registration Certificate (if required to register) Financial Evidence - showing minimum balance of £800 for the last 3 months (must not drop below this for even one day) Letter of Consent from Official Financial Sponsor- if you have been supported in the last 12 months
Before Sending Your Application Home Office requirements/application change regularly – always check you have the latest guidance & application form Make sure you meet all the requirements Apply before your student visa expires Make sure your form and documents are complete Send your application and documents by Special Delivery post Remember to keep copies of everything you send
Quiz Answers Q1 You can make a post study work application as soon as you have completed your studies? False: You should make your application ONLY when you have met ALL the requirements AND after you have received official confirmation that you have been awarded a relevant qualification. If your student immigration permission expires before you get your results, you will have to leave the UK and apply for entry clearance in your home country. This means that you will have to meet the higher maintenance (funds) requirement of showing £2,800 in your bank account for three months.
Quiz Answers Q 2 You can make your application without needing to send all of your documents at the same time? True/ False? False :You will not get the opportunity to present further documents after you have submitted your application. Incomplete application or documents will lead to your application being refused! Remember that all of your documents must be originals not copies!
Quiz Answers Q 3 Make a list of what you need for your Post Study Work Application? Current PSW policy guidance and form Passport/travel documents - all used for any leave in the UK Photos x 2 Application Fee: £500 / £700 Minimum bank balance £800 (in UK) or £2,800 (if abroad) maintained for 3 months University Letter from SPA (Student Planning and Assessment) AND your Degree Certificate/ or Official letter confirming award details, awarding body and that Degree Certificate will be issued) Police Registration Certificate (if required) Official Sponsor’s letter (if required)
Frequently Asked Questions: About my immigration status What is my immigration status while my application is being considered by the UKBA? You are legally allowed to remain in the UK under the conditions that you hold as a student as long as you made a valid PSW application BEFORE your student visa expired. This means that you are allowed to take up temporary work while your application is being considered. For confirmation of this you refer to the Home Office Letter- details in our handout
Some frequently asked Questions About Working After Studies Can I work full time after my studies have finished? Yes, providing you have completed your studies and you are just waiting for your results. You can work full time on a temporary contract until the expiry date of your student visa providing this is not longer than four months and you can continue working until the UKBA make a decision on your PSW application. You cannot engage in business, self employment or take up employment as a professional sportsperson or entertainer or pursue a career by filling a permanent full-time vacancy.
Some frequently asked Questions About my Dependants I have dependants with me can they apply to be my dependants under PSW Yes, if they have immigration status as your dependants. Each dependant must complete an application form and pay a fee of £50. If you have been in the UK for 12 months or more, each of your dependants will need to show they have £533 to support themselves or show £1,600 if you have been in the UK for less than 12 months. If your dependants are in your home country then they can apply to join you as your dependants once you have secured your Post Study work status.
Further Guidance on Making Your Application For an initial self assessment use the UKBA self assessment tool: For making an application in the UK refer to the requirements, the policy guidance, application process and the application form: whenandhowtoapply/ For guidance on completing the Post Study Work Application form refer to the UKCISA guidance and help sheet called ‘Notes on Completing Tier 1 (Post Study Work)’:
Further Guidance on Making Your Application in your Home Country Applying Outside of the UK : Fee : £265 Complete forms VAF9 and Appendix 4 Refer to PSW guidance for your home country from the UKBA Ukvisas website:-
Guidance from the International Office Self Help Guide on Making a Post Study Work Application (available in next few weeks on CAS and International Office web-sites) Information Session – only for students graduating before 31.10.09- limited places We hope to run an information session for students with visas expiring in January 2010 in November/December - limited places
Many thanks for your time... We hope you enjoyed your time at Durham! We wish you all the best with your future career.