Mobile Virtual Societies
Presentation Overview: Overview of Virtual communities Overview of Mobile communication Discussion of Technology progression Intersection of 2 Communication mediums VCEL: Virtual Communication Expression and Lifestyle
“Virtual Communities”- Dr.Rheinhold : Web based social interaction, Dennis Hayes’s Modem Led to BBS Bulletin Board Systems Jarkko Oikarinen’s IRC launches in Finland Implementation of CERN’s Enquire project or WWW, birth of website ICQ storms the internet. Mirabilis breaks the 500K simultaneous users Dictates terminology, design, and features like presence Emergence of the social network, AOL’s Friendster - Proliferation of social network trends: Chat ware with VOIP - Technologies of cooperation: Wikipedia,
Mobile Communication Pagers (Pager Code) Cell Phone proliferation (2 Billion) Killer App is SMS, fashion, custom ringtones Mobile culture development, East vs. West (USA) Powerful sociological force, Orange rebellion. Personal Syndication: Now Public & Flickr
Technology Discussion: Dial Up/DSL, WiFi, WiMax, VOIP –Dial-up modems: maximum speed of 56 kbit/s –Digital Subscriber Line: 1988, 8mb/s, 20mb/s Pagers: Motorollas Flex and ReFlex networks (radio frequency) Cell Phones: GSM, CDMA, Packet Switch, Multiple Bands Multiple Bands 1G=All Analog 2G=GSM, CDMA, TDMA 3G= 2 Mbit/s max. rate indoors, 384 kbit/s outdoors 4G= 1GBPS 1G=All Analog 2G=GSM, CDMA, TDMA 3G= 2 Mbit/s max. rate indoors, 384 kbit/s outdoors 4G= 1GBPS
Intersection of 2 Comm mediums: -PC and Communication merge in Cell phones -Nokia and Symbian Dual Processor Smart Phones -Drop of Voice ARPU/ Rise of data services -Presence Telephony
VCEL: Bridge Virtual Communities to Cell Phones, “Browse Communication” Create real time mobile Presence Enabled networks Allow social network/ contact list efficiency searches Interconnect Individuals to Individuals, as well as Businesses to Consumers.