ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air The energy Consumption is a Consequence of the Industrial Development Year Annual Energy Consumption (10 12 Watts)
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Energy Production TW/year% Solid (coal, wood) Petroleum Gas Hydro-electricity Nuclear 3,6 4,1 2,3 0,3 0, Total10,9100
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Increase of the Pollution Levels
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Global Warming Acid Rain Photo-oxidant formation Air Toxicity SO 2 NO x VOC CO 2 Carbon dioxide Sulfur Oxides Nitrogen Oxides Hydrocarbons Main Emissions produced by the Fossil Fuels
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Agricultural Production: Pollution Effects Human Health: Change in PM10 daily concentrations [ g.m -3 ] % change in health effects indicators Asthma symptoms Hospital admissions Mortality
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Other Effects Buildings deterioration Visibility deterioration Denver (US) “Clean“ Atmosphere Photochemical Episode
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Pollution Characteristics: -winter episodes, (cold and humid), - sulfur Oxides (SO x ), acids (H 2 SO 4 ), particulates matter (PM) 4 Sources Characteristics: -bad fuels and combustion, -emissions produced by the industries and the heating. Before WWII SMOG (Smoke + Fog)
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Pollution Characteristics : -Summer episodes, (warm and sunny), - photo-oxidants (O 3, PAN), acids (HNO 3 ), fine particulates matter. Sources Characteristics : -better fuels and combustion, -emissions produced by the traffic (mainly) and the industries. After WWII Photochemical SMOG
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air
1. The physical and chemical processes are non-linear 2. The socio-economical problems are global The problems due to the atmospheric pollution are more and more complex
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air
[km] Thr Ele Pen Spa Aig Hel Lio Lyk Mar Per NRo Pat Dem Geo LyH Ren Pir NSm Photosmog <90ppb Photosmog > 90 ppb September 12: 16h00 Geostrophical wind September 14: 16h00 Geostrophical wind O 3 over ATHENS
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Human Activities Technical Feasibility Economical Developments Social Pressures Environmental Impacts Decision Choice of strategies Technical Innovations Emission Distributions Pollutant Distributions Complex physical and chemical processes Air Quality Management
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air CO 2 Emissions
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air CO 2 Emissions
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air CO 2 Emissions
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Gross World Product Vehicle Fleet Fossil Energy Consumption Population Years Index (1950=100) World Trends
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air SpeciesGlobal Emissions [megaton's/year] AnthropicNatural NO x VOC (NMHC) SO World Emissions Sources NO x Global Emissions [ megaton's/year] Fossile fuels combustion19.9 Fires12.0 Soils8.0 Lightings8.0 Ocean surface1 Injection from the stratosphere0.5 NH 3 oxidationuncertain
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Natural and Anthropic Emissions Repartition of the Anthropic Emissions Emissions Sources in Switzerland
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Emissions Evolution Industries Transport Household Agriculture and forest Ton’s per year Emissions SO 2 Objectives for the Emission Reduction (level of 1950) Industries Transport Household Agriculture and forests Ton’s per year NO X Emissions Industries Transport Household Agriculture and forests Ton’s per year VOC Emissions (without the methane) Objectives for the Emission Reduction (level of 1960) Objectives for the Emission Reduction (level of 1960)
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Evolution of the Transport Air Road Gross National Product Train Index (1970=100) Freight Transport in Switzerland Air Private Vehicles Train Terajoules per year Energy Consumption in the Swiss Transport
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Reduction Strategies Objectives: Long term strategy (target values) Alert strategy (threshold values). Means: Incite to renew the technologies: -the fuels, -the material (vehicles, industrial equipments) Improve the transport management : -truck vs. rail, -public transport, -car pool, -road traffic fluidity, -reduce the vehicles circulation.
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Phenomenon Causes Effects Input Output Model
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Methods based on Data collected in the Past Solar Radiation Wind ? Ozone in ppb Solar Radiation Emissions ? Ozone in ppb
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Deterministic Methods Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Meteo Input Output Model Emi. Terrain Pollutant Conc. Phenomenon Causes Effects
ENAC-SSIE Laboratoire de Pollution de l'Air Solar Radiation Wind Ozone in ppb Solar Radiation Emissions ? Ozone in ppb 120