Life in the Oceans Tonja Curtz 2011.
Biodiversity What is Biodiversity? Many different life forms within an ecosystem, biome and or the planet It is measured by its healthiness It is a habitat for countless species There are tropical to polar regions
Biodiversity hotspots These are sites that are very popular with filmmakers for the variety of life they exhibit. They are more specifically called, ‘species diversity hotspots’. These spots help conservationists identify areas that need protection. However, all areas need protection for any number of species that live there. Example: Coral Reefs
Cycles of life and energy All life depends on organisms that harness energy from either chemicals or the sun to produce food. These are called ‘primary producers’ First link to the food chain
Producers Plankton: There are two types: 1) Zooplankton 2) Phytoplankton Date accessed; April 12 th, kton/ Date accessed; April 12 th, 2011
Zooplankton Animal-like single celled creatures Plankton is classified by size, and life cycle Single celled for life: holoplankton Single celled for larvae: meroplankton Smallest are protozoans Larvae (egg size) are microplankton Larger are macroplankton Largest (jelly fish) are megaplankton
Phytoplankton Single celled algae Diatoms: yellow-green with intricate shell Elongated: pleurosigma Wheel shaped: coscinodiscus Dinoflagellates: have two flagella for moving Chaetocerus: have setae for joining other chaetocera to form chains or sheets of colonies These are the major producers of the ocean They perform photosynthesis to convert the sun’s energy to simple sugars
Algae Present along the coastlines/ in shore regions Not found in open ocean Multicellular Producer: base organism on food chain. Types: green/red/brown
Consumers Near the top of the food chain. 3 different levels: Primary Consumer: herbivorous (herbivore) Secondary Consumer: carnivorous (carnivore) Tertiary Consumer: top level carnivore
Types of Consumers Filter feeders: feed on plankton Herbivores: feed on plankton/ seaweed/ grasses Carnivores: feed on filter feeders/ herbivores/ other carnivores As a rule organisms only eat what they can fit into their mouth. Larger eat the smaller. Parasites: feed on other organisms without the intent to do harm Symbiotic: two connected organisms receive nourishment/ protection from each other.
Invertebrates Organisms without vertebrae Types: Porifera: sponges Cnidarians: jelly fish, corals, sea anemones Flat worms, round worms, segmented worms, etc. Molluscs: shell fish, octopi, squid Crustaceans: lobster, crab Echinoderms: starfish, sea urchin
Vertebrates Organisms with vertebrae Types: Agnatha: lamprey eels Chondrichthyes: sharks, rays Osteichthyes: bony fishes Reptilia: turtles, snakes, crocodiles Aves: birds Mamalia: dolphins, whales