1 Selecting Test Participants CSSE 376, Software Quality Assurance Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology April 24, 2007
2 Outline Attributes of Participants Background Questionnaire Orientation Script
3 Attributes of Participants (1/3) Personal History Age Gender Attitude toward computers Left or right-handed Learning style Attitude toward high tech
4 Attributes of Participants (2/3) Education Highest grade completed Subjects studied Major Computer Experience Total time using computers Frequency of use Types of systems used
5 Attributes of Participants (3/3) Product Experience Total time used Frequency of use Types of tasks performed Experience with other brands Occupation History Current and past job titles Training classes taken Time with company
6 Example User Profile AttributeRangeDistribution Computer experience none to 10 years 10% none 25% 1 year 65% 1+ years Age18-55 years50% % % over 50 Gendermale/female85% male
7 Problems to Avoid Purchaser vs. User population Selecting only the best users Self selection Attributes that cluster together
8 Cartoon of the Day
9 Background Questionnaire Confirm that users fit selected profile Provide more background about specific participants May be part of post-test questionnaire
10 Background Questions (1/2) Experience questions How long have you worked with emacs? Have you ever used other editors? If yes, please specify which: How often do you use emacs in your job?
11 Background Questions (2/2) Attitude questions I enjoy using text editors: strongly agree agree neither agree not disagree disagree strongly disagree
12 Background Questions not to ask: Name Address SSN Age (except in ranges) Salary Personal beliefs (e.g. religion)
13 Orientation Script Describes what will happen Sets the tone for the session Puts participants at ease
14 Orientation Script Contents Introductions Explain why they are there Describe the environment Explain what is expected of participants Assure them they are not being tested Explain "thinking aloud" Ask for questions