Grid & Utility Computing Ξ/Ξ Pervasive Services? Mazin Yousif Intel Corporation
ICPS2006, June 6 th 2006, Lyon, France 2 Introduction Definition of Grid Computing: –Collection of heterogeneous, distributed, dynamic resources that are managed to run potentially changing workloads and services to maximize business agility and ROI (Return on Investment) Definition of Utility Computing: –Paradigm for accessing and billing of computer usage for acquiring IT services “Pay as you go” Definition of Services: –Old IEEE definition and new trends; SOA, SOI –A set of application components deployed on multiple servers and network elements to implement a complete business/IT process e.g., web service, service, directory service, CRM service This Panel looks at a threesome effective marriage
ICPS2006, June 6 th 2006, Lyon, France 3 Three Waves of Grid Computing Source: “Grids 2004: From Rocket Science to Business Service”, the451 Group, Oct., 2003 The First Wave: batch scheduling The Second Wave: decentralized software federated standards The Third Wave: Globus, web services and computing as a utility Web Services Utility Computing
ICPS2006, June 6 th 2006, Lyon, France 4 The Evolving IT ArchitectureNowResource ComputeCompute NetworkNetwork StorageStorage AppAppAppAppAppApp Resource ComputeCompute NetworkNetwork StorageStorage Dedicated Resources Pooled Resources Tomorrow Network ComputeStorage AppAppAppAppAppApp Resources Virtualization Manageability Dynamic Service models Service Provisioning & Load Balancing Business Process Mgmt 3 rd party trusted auditing … Mgmt & Security Service Containers Workload Containers STORAGESERVERSNETWORKING SOI Abstraction Utility Layer Service Layer Future Workflow automation Service Level Mgmt Network and system mgmt …
ICPS2006, June 6 th 2006, Lyon, France 5 Three Main Questions 1.Are Grid and Pervasive Services related? If yes, how. Example issues –How do you comprehend services’ context in Grids –How does the Grid infrastructure realize the mobility and dynamism of services –What is the role of open standards (web services, OGSA, etc.) here 2.How does Utility fit in the big picture here – examples will be very helpful 3.Is the trio “Grid, Utility and Pervasive Services” the “holy grail” of computing? –If that is the case, what are the key barriers (technical, human, deployment, etc.) that may derail it?
ICPS2006, June 6 th 2006, Lyon, France 6 Panelists 1.Daniel Veit, Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany 2.Franck Cappello, INRIA, France 3.Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA 4.Wolfgang Gentzsch, D-Grid, Germany