02/06/2015 Broadband 1 Broadband Infrastructure UNDERSTAND conference Poznan, 22-23 June 06 Chiara Mancini, Marco Mancini.


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Presentation transcript:

02/06/2015 Broadband 1 Broadband Infrastructure UNDERSTAND conference Poznan, June 06 Chiara Mancini, Marco Mancini

02/06/2015 Broadband 2 Description of broadband domain Broadband infrastructure: we measure the supply of broadband, that is the extent to which citizens and businesses can use broadband access if desired. The focus here is on availability rather than on take up, as this is covered in other sections. OECD definition for broadband:downstream services of at least 256Kbps. Further distinction between below, equal and above 2Mbps, which is considered “the real broadband”.

02/06/2015 Broadband 3 Regions gathering data on broadband Vasternorrland

02/06/2015 Broadband 4 Methodology Domain is very difficult to measure, data are considered critical. Multi-dimensional data collection strategy: Direct interviews with: Telecom/ISP providers in the region Survey of websites of: National research networks Main European telecom access providers Public administration Main changes from : Investigation on digital divide issues / Definition of rural area Investigation on radio/mobile technology More in general better phrasing of some questions

02/06/2015 Broadband 5 Difficulties arised Data availability due to critical data. In some countries (I, F, partially E) data provision is easier and more objective due to the existence of specific national or regional initiatives involving all providers in exchanging data. The very availability of data is in itself an index of the transparency of the market. Data availability due to existence of data. In some countries, especially where regions are less consolidated, operators do not elaborate their data at the regional level but only at national / subnational. No comparable data on broadband availability exist even at the national level. Therefore, data are very difficult to collect in this field and today’s data are to be considered as work in progress. However, this lack of data is not a problem we have to live with. Regions and other P.A. invest in broadband project, and need data to manage policies. Specific initiatives exist in some countries to provide reliable data.

02/06/2015 Broadband 6 Key issues on broadband infrastructure IssueComparable with Broadband coverage OBB, ORTEL Technology competition ORTEL Providers competition OBB, ORTEL National research networks eEurope (Terena) Private Pan-European networks ESPON Public Policies ORTEL Public access points eEurope Wi-Fi hot spots new

02/06/2015 Broadband 7 Broadband coverage Broadband is a reality in all the regions for population and businesses (mainly ADSL)

02/06/2015 Broadband 8 Broadband coverage Bandwidth - in general - is the issue that makes the difference Citizens and businesses served by access > 2mps downwards

02/06/2015 Broadband 9 Broadband coverage Despite that the Digital Divide is still relevant as regard to: % of population living in rural areas covered by xDSL The coverage of small municipality territory (below inh.) in Emilia-Romagna is at 40%, in Comunidad Valenciana at 50%

02/06/2015 Broadband 10 Broadband coverage- Trends There has been a significant increase from2004 in the % of municipal territory reached fiber optic network (FON), indicating the potentiality for a future more effective coverage

02/06/2015 Broadband 11 Access points: Hot spots Hot-spots recorded outstanding growth rates in Yorkshire (461 to 699), in Emilia-Romagna (87 to 175), and less in Comunidad Valenciana (77 to 80) and Wielkopolska (29 to 36). Despite that availability within population is still limited (0,04 to 0,14 per 1000 inh.)

02/06/2015 Broadband 12 Technology competition Y&H Wlkpolska RER Valencia

02/06/2015 Broadband 13 Technology competition Competition between technology is NOT widespread for residential access: the % of citizens living in areas served by at least two always on technology over a fixed network in Emilia-Romagna stands at 38%, in Wielkopolska at 23% and in Comunidad Valenciana at 63%. The situation improves for enterprises that can more frequently accede to more than one technology over the fixed network as in Emilia-Romagna the value rises at 88%, in Wielkopolska at 34% and at 63% in Comunidad Valenciana

02/06/2015 Broadband 14 Providers competition A relevant number of telecom providers providing broadband services to business and residential can be found in most of the regions: 32 in Comunidad Valenciana, 36 in Emilia-Romagna, 43 in Wielkopolska More in general the % of population covered by at least 2 broadband access providers over a fixed network stands at 87% in Emilia-Romagna, 47% in Wielkopolska, 97,3% in Comunidad Valenciana and 50% in Yorkshire and the Humber (LLU is at 38% in Emilia-Romagna, 18%in Wielkopolska, 26,2% in Yorkshire and the Humber) Backbone providers are less in number than the providers to the final users ( 18 in Emilia-Romagna, 9 in Wielkopolska, 13 in Comunidad Valenciana, 5 in Yorkshire & the Humber)

02/06/2015 Broadband 15 Providers competition Despite the number of (potential) competitors offering broadband services to the population, the incumbent market share as regard the % of broadband subscribers is still relevant in most regions and seems stable (at least) from one year to the other % of subscribers to the Incumbent services as a percentage of total broadband subscribers in the region

02/06/2015 Broadband 16 Broadband coverage As regard mobile technology UMTS recorded outstanding variations in most of the regions with 11% increases in Emilia-Romagna, 27% in Comunidad Valenciana and 19% in Yorkshire and the Humber.

02/06/2015 Broadband 17 Different role of national research and education network (NREN)

02/06/2015 Broadband 18 Pan-european operators The regional presence of operators such as Telia, Colt, etc, shows different patterns: Valencia and Yorkshire have 8 operators with many POPs in the regions, Wielkopolska and Emilia-Romagna have 2 and 3. In the Polish region POPs have increased significanlty in the last year Map source: CURDS 2004,

02/06/2015 Broadband 19 Conclusions Coverage is now good in standard broadband access provision, now problems lie in: –Coverage of the “digitally disadvantaged” –Real broadband (above 2 Mbps) for the majority of population and business. Excluding ADSL great differences in technology availability in the regions Mobile technology – also radio- are growing fast in all the regions Public sector at the local level can play an important role in broadband dissemination Competition – is that enough? Data on broadband are difficult to collect Benchmarking with many more regions would be desirable