Building the GCOOS Nutrients and Nutrient Impacts: Priorities for Productive Marine Resources Ann Jochens
Long-Term Nutrient Impact Goals 1.Science & management tools to reduce impacts from nutrient pollution and support development of nutrient criteria for coastal ecosystems 2.Strategies to reduce nutrient inputs and hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico region 3.A comprehensive, ecosystem approach to managing nutrient inputs and reducing impacts to coastal ecosystems 4.Increased capacity of Gulf coastal communities to manage and reduce nutrients
DRAFT Nutrient Priorities in Action Plan II 1.Nutrient Characterization – Implement regional nutrient characterization studies (data and models) – Evaluate impacts on key ecosystem components – Develop science and management tools for characterization of nutrients in coastal ecosystems 2.Nutrient Criteria Development – Identify common state needs & priorities for development of coastal nutrient criteria – Provide support for research, monitoring, models, tools, and other technical assistance to facilitate a regional approach to nutrient management in coastal ecosystems 3.Hypoxia Reduction – Coordinate research – Provide technical guidance in the development of monitoring strategies for a better understanding of hypoxia and the resulting socioeconomic impacts 4.Nutrient Reduction Strategies – Develop management tools in cooperation with local communities to reduce excess nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to estuaries and coastal waters in the Gulf of Mexico – Implement these management tools
GCOOS Priorities Relevant to Nutrient Action Plan II 1.Nutrient Characterization – Participation in the regional nutrient characterization studies to provide data sets – Provide use of Data Portal to assist with access to monitoring data – Ecosystem modeling workshop – Assist with development of science and management tools for characterization of nutrients in coastal ecosystems as appropriate for delivery to the public 2.Nutrient Criteria Development – Peripheral priority associated with activities in #1 3.Hypoxia Reduction – Support planning activities and cooperate on data/model issues 4.Nutrient Reduction Strategies – Provide assistance with making E/O data and products available to the public
Recommended GCOOS Resources for Nutrient Priorities GCOOS Resources: Participate in PIT planning activities through calls & (selected, all?) meetings (Jochens/Rabalais/others? time & travel support) Participate in planning workshops for the regional nutrient characterization studies (Jochens time & travel support) Assist with identification and assembly of data and model output (Jochens/Howard time & travel support) GCOOS Data Portal as possible platform for storing & accessing data and model output of (1) the studies and (2) the monitoring effort (Howard time & travel support; computing resources) Provide data and products for use in Education and Outreach activities with communities (Simoniello time & travel)
Building the GCOOS Discussion