Council of Ontario Universities Keeping Wind in the Sails Presented to GRO Conference J UNE
Framing of Presentation 2 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES Advocacy efforts on specific issues What I am not talking about…
Framing of Presentation 3 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES Other activities or approaches to keep wind in the sails and to build a stronger case for when our big ship comes in What I am talking about…
Presentation Overview 4 1 Current Context 2 Challenges 3 Flexible Advocacy Approach 4 Framework for Viewing Universities 5 Perceptions Based on Framework 6 Opportunities COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES
Current Context ●Major Recession/Ballooning Deficits ●Ontario – Increased demand for PSE/Negotiation of Reaching Higher II/Rethinking of Ontario Commercialization Network ●Federal – Major infrastructure investment/Conservatives less awareness of, or openness to, research agenda/Tendency toward targeted rather than general funding/Minority government 5 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES
Challenges ● Complex system needs – not necessarily well understood ● Limited fiscal resources ● Tendency to think short-term ● Diverse government audiences with mixed levels of awareness ● Range of university voices 6 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES
Flexible Advocacy Approach Advocacy approach needs to be flexible depending on audience and level of knowledge 7 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES
Framework for Viewing Universities Flexible approach serves times of restraint and ‘when the ship comes in’ Emphasis may vary according to order of government and where you sit in government (i.e. Minister, ‘backbencher’, official, staffer, etc.) 8 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES
Perceptions/Challenges Based on Framework Ontario Government – Elected Representatives (Liberal) 9 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES “Education Premier” Viewed as universites’ primary role Tied to future economic prosperity-translating student success into ‘best’ educated workforce Colleges viewed as having more strategic role in retraining Students important voting block High Importance Important Part of economic engine of province (interest growing) Link to regional economic development Concerned with health of other parts of research supply chain Commercialization Other stakeholders supportive (Ontario Chamber of Commerce ) Important Link not always well understood and activities not known When link is made, has high resonance with Members Community Colleges perceived as more relevant
Perceptions/Challenges Based on Framework Ontario Government – Officials 10 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES Viewed as universities’ primary role Committed to new plan with vision for future (doing things differently) High Importance Important Part of economic engine of province (interest growing) Concerned with health of other parts of research supply chain Commercialization Not well understood and activities not known Some resonance – see as opportunity to build political case Community colleges perceived as more relevant Less Importance
Perceptions/Challenges Based on Framework Federal Government – Elected Representatives (Conservatives) 11 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES Viewed as universities’ primary role Education is a provincial responsibility Political base not engaged in issue Limited opportunity to expand eligible voter pool Parents/Grandparents target audience High Importance
Perceptions/Challenges Based on Framework Federal Government – Elected Representatives (Conservatives) 12 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES Not a natural starting point Tendency to view as elitist, not always relevant Upset with community reaction to Budget 2009 Universities not seen as responsive to priorities/always asking for money Link to regional economic development – some resonance, but not well understood Less bottom up engagement Preference for targeted funding Limited opportunity to expand voter pool Important
Perceptions/Challenges Based on Framework Federal Government – Elected Representatives (Conservatives) 13 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES Link not well understood When link is made, has resonance with Members Community colleges perceived as more relevant Important
Perceptions/Challenges Based on Framework Federal Government –Officials 14 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES Viewed as universities’ primary role Interested in quality of teaching/access French language instruction Less engaged in this area Important High Importance Former Clerk highly engaged Not seen as supportive of government priorities/always asking for money Would like to see demonstrable results in areas of federal policy development and civil service renewal Commercialization More sympathy for discovery research Link not well understood Some resonance- in some areas Community colleges perceived as more relevant Less Important
Opportunities ●Telling the Whole Story Differently – broaden the understanding of our success and complexity/scope of our endeavours, emphasize the positive ●Building New Alliances/ Partnerships/ Relationships – have others help to bring forward our brief ●Finding “Less Usual” Places to be Helpful – build goodwill in other places so perception is positive when the big ask comes in ●Making Support a Two-way Street - lending a hand in areas of importance to government agenda ●Identifying Champions – important at all levels ●Acknowledge Progress as it Occurs 15 COUNCIL OF ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES