02.03.071 RMC Research Mobility Centre Malta. 02.03.072 In this presentation: - Need for more researchers - Strategy adopted by the EC - ERA-MORE and.


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Presentation transcript:

RMC Research Mobility Centre Malta

In this presentation: - Need for more researchers - Strategy adopted by the EC - ERA-MORE and RMC-Malta - Portal for research mobility - Charter and Code - Marie Curie Actions in FP7

Malta and Europe need more researchers

Europe has more PhDs than US, Japan…

…But only half their number of researchers Number of researchers (FTE) per 1000 labour force, ,4 9,0 10,1 16, EU-25 US Japan Sweden Finland

Actions taken The European Research Area (1/2000) The Lisbon European Council (3/2000)  EC + Member States (MS) must take steps to remove obstacles to mobility of researchers The Barcelona European Council (3/2002)  MS to devote 3% (of which 2/3 from private sector) of GDP to research by 2010

Strategy adopted Develop open European labour market for researchers, to revert current trend (major shortages in HR towards 2010)  Improve overall environment by removing obstacles to enhance mobility - Mobility Strategy  Develop genuine career perspectives, boost the EU’s attractiveness for research talent  Increase EU funding for training, mobility and career development of researchers - Marie Curie Actions

Mobility Strategy  EC + MS to remove obstacles to mobile researchers, making the environment more appealing for researchers  Directive + 2 Recommendations to improve condition of admission of Third Country Researchers (adopted by Council in Oct. 2005) Fast track procedure for researchers Involvement of research organisations (“hosting agreement”)

Mobility Strategy (cont.)  Structured information services, customised local assistance to mobile researchers: Mobility Portal (since 2003) and ERA-MORE (since 2004).  Researchers in Europe initiative, held first in 2005, to raise public awareness of the research profession.

Portal National portal:

Services through the Portal  Organisations can advertise directly their vacancies or transfer their own data  Researchers can post their CV  Personalised assistance through ERA- MORE

ERA-MORE A European Network of Mobility Centres offering researchers and their families comprehensive and up-to-date information, tailor-made and personalised assistance in all matters relating to their professional and daily lives: - entry conditions (visa requirements) - work permits, job opportunities, salaries and taxation - pension rights, health care, social security - accommodation - day care and schooling - language courses, general culture of the host country - intellectual property rights, recognition of diploma etc.

Mobility Centres 200 Mobility Centres in 32 countries, complemented by local contact points  act as a point of entry… for researchers looking for practical information and guidance  offer direct proximity assistance… or direct the researcher to the appropriate specialised centre

RMC-Malta An FP6 Specific Support Action (HRM – European Network of Mobility Centres) aiming to:  improve research mobility by providing a quality service to researchers and host institutions  remove obstacles to the mobility of researchers  enhance Malta ’ s attractiveness for research

Centre located at Ir-Razzett tal-Hursun, University Campus Managed by FTZ, with the support of the Office of the Prime Minister Start-up and consolidation exercise up to December 2007 Launch of the Centre: 30 January 2006

Objectives 1.To give researchers and their families, whether incoming or outgoing, assistance in all matters relating to their professional and daily lives. 2.To create awareness of the European network of mobility centres and the European mobility portal. 3.To create a favourable environment for the mobility of researchers.

Provide assistance  Through the ERA-MORE network By linking up to the European network, the Malta RMC can count on the support and collaboration of more than 200 Mobility Centres, across 32 European countries.

Provide assistance  Through the Mobility Helpdesk The Malta RMC is operating a helpdesk to assist researchers, taking enquiries during office hours, Monday to Friday. Assistance is offered by phone, in person (on campus, at Ir- Razzett tal-Hursun), or by .

Provide assistance  Through the Research Mobility Portal (RMP) Sections for incoming & outgoing researchers -Practical information -Research job vacancies -Fellowships and grants -Helpdesk

Foster research activity Create a more favourable environment… promote the attractiveness of research careers  Train personnel of host institutions to improve reception of incoming researchers  Act as policy catalyst, highlighting obstacles to mobility and developing integrated strategies for research mobility meet stakeholders policy impact reports…

European career perspectives  Huge differences in career structures in EU countries  Fragmentation at local / regional / national level  Protected / closed, non-transparent recruitment procedures  Lack of career development prospects

Charter and Code Recommendation on the -European Researchers’ Charter and -Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers adopted by the EC on 11 March To be implemented by MS and other actors on a voluntary basis…

Charter and Code as reference points…  Charter: for the career management of researchers as professionals, addressing both researchers and employers / funders on minimum rights and obligations.  Code of Conduct: for transparency and merit-based recruitment, fair recognition of qualifications and mobility experiences.

Marie Curie Actions – FP7  Marie Curie Actions in FP7 People Programme: significant increase in budget.  Marie Curie Actions to focus on: a. the structuring of research training, mobility and career development, strengthen links with national systems; b. reinforcing involvement of enterprises; c. strengthening international dimension.

Thank you

Contacts RMC-Malta, Ir-Razzett tal-Hursun, University Campus, Msida MSD 06 tel (+356)