Click to edit Master title style OASIS PKI Workshop
Background: OASIS PKI MS and TC n The former PKI Forum transitioned to OASIS in 2002 n Established PKI Member Section in January 2003 n OASIS established the PKI Technical Committee (PKI TC) in January 2003 n Initial role for the PKI TC was to identify obstacles to PKI deployment and usage, so that those obstacles can be addressed
Click to edit Master title style Introductions Member Section Steering Committee June Leung, FundSERV, Inc. - Chair Ann Terwilliger, Visa International John Sabo, CA, Inc. Dr. Peter Alterman, U.S. National Institutes of Health
OASIS PKI Member Section Steering Committee Role n Coordinate the activities of OASIS technical committees that are part of the Member Section (i.e. the SC serves the purpose of an OASIS Joint Committee); n Promote the adoption and implementation of specifications developed by PKI Technical Committees (TCs), including directing the creation of implementation guidelines, conformance tests, white papers, etc.; n Promote PKI technology in general through appropriate marketing efforts, and own and maintain the PKI identity as part of that effort.
Workshop Objectives n Presentations on PKI as it is being deployed for business and government applications and systems in Europe and the U.S. n Sampling of current PKI initiatives l gain an understanding of business issues l Interoperability issues l legal and policy issues n Closing Panel to address PKI “future” questions n Use this to develop an assessment of PKI l Help determine new initiatives and how best to deploy OASIS PKI Member Section resources
Today’s Agenda 1330 – 1500 n U.S. Federal PKI Status Update l Peter Alterman, Asst. CIO, EAuthentication, National Institutes of Health n Use of eID Cards in Context of "Mobile Data Security" Type Applications l Frank Jorissen, VP International Business Development, Safeboot and Sven Gossel, Charismathics 1500 – 1530 n Break
Today’s Agenda - continued 1530 – 1715 n Key Drivers for Mobile Signature Services…. l Erkki Saharanta, Senior Regional Manager, Valimo Wireless n PKI Drivers in U.S. Mortgage Industry l R.J.Schlecht, Industry Technology Director for Security and Compliance, Mortgage Bankers Association n PKI – Key to Electronic Identity Initiatives l Stijn Bijnens, Senior VP, Identity Management, Cybertrust 1730 – 1830 n Reception