More Example Blackfin Code Using the E-UNITTest Framework
Using E-TDD environment Build the tests you want to pass Build the code Test the code
Using E-TDD environment Using the C++ tests, build the ASM tests (cut and paste is all that is needed) Build the ASM stubs (Makes sure that you can load the load into the processor Test the code stub – program will run but fail the tests as only stubs Build the code Test the code
Build the stub 1 Find the name mangling needed Just build the code VDSP will tell you the necessary name- mangled names Cut and paste the names
Build the stub 2 These examples use an alternate approach to returning to C++, not RTS This approach using LINK and UNLINK is required when assembly code subroutine call assembly language subroutines
Expect error messages But not these ones Code review Missing a ; at end of line
Need to learn to READ And listen to assembler That semicolon is not the one that was missing There is one semicolon too many in the define statement
Less errors But I am still not listening to the assembler
Look on reference sheet R0 *= R1; Page 2, column 3
Assembled But failed tests What of GS is happening
Build the ASM test by cut-and-paste
Stubs assemble But unexpected messages
Build the ASM test by cut-and-paste CORRECTLY
Wrong method Incoming parameters – come in R0 Outgoing parameters – go in R0 Return values – go in R0 Same problem on the MIPS