Blogs, Wikis and Social Software Chris Peters Information Technology Specialist Library Development Washington State Library
Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 What is Web 2.0? We’ll discuss a few Web 2.0 tools What is “Library 2.0”? What are the best examples of Library 2.0 tools and websites?
What Is Web 2.0?
Web 2.0 is participatory and collaborative
Web 2.0 offers a customized user experience, rather that a one-size- fits-all approach Web 1.0 Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is reusable
Other Web 2.0 buzzwords Convergence Standardization The Long Tail Simplicity Radical Trust Dynamic rather than static Go to where the user is Granularity of addressable content
Let’s Talk More in depth about a few Web 2.0 Tools Blogs Wikis RSS Social Bookmarks
In theory, blogs take the complexity out of creating content for the web
Most blogs have a comments area to facilitate feedback and conversation
Blogs are organized in reverse chronological order
Blog entries are usually short, first-person, chatty and informal
A Wiki is a type of website that facilitates collective authoring by allowing multiple users to add, remove and edit content.
Wikis keep track of changes so that it’s relatively easy to backtrack
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) brings news and updates to one place
“Subscribing” to an RSS feed can be tricky, but it’s getting easier
“Autodiscovery” is making it easier to subscribe to RSS feeds
Social Bookmarking sites provide an easy way to save resources online and share them with others.
To get the most out of bookmarking, install the browser plugins
Social bookmarks also allow you to see what other people are linking to
Other Web 2.0 Tools Instant Messaging Podcasting Photo sharing Video sharing Personalized homepages such as MyYahoo Personalized search Online Office apps Webified Desktops And 1,000 other websites
Library 2.0 Librarian 1.0 Librarian 2.0
2.0 Library services are user-centered, not library-centered.
2.0 Libraries go where the users are
2.0 Libraries value collaboration and groupwork
Other facets of Librarian 2.0 She knows that content is King She tells stories She plays games She plays with new tools and technologies She understands the value of training She understands the importance of project management
Librarian 2.0 (cont.) She trusts herself and trusts her users Her planning and decision-making processes are open and transparent
Which library services are starting to feel the impact of Library 2.0? Online catalogs News and Announcements Community Information Local History Subject Guides Reader’s Advisory Professional Development Reference Etc., etc., etc.
Catalog 2.0 allows users to contribute their reviews, comments, tags and ratings to individual records
Catalog 2.0 provides a wide variety of search options
Catalog 2.0 provides RSS feeds
News, Marketing and Outreach
Community Information and Local History
Subject Guides
Book Reviews and Reader’s Advisory
Professional Development
What Else? Virtual reference Checking out nontraditional items such as ipods and e-books. Posting clips of library events on YouTube Posting library photos on Flickr Online storytime Ad infinitum