Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic.


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Presentation transcript:

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 1 Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC Arnaud Courtecuisse Resident Twinning Adviser Twinning Project activities

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 2 The activities of the project will be adapted in order to take into account: what have been done regarding the WFD’s implementation (draft PoM and RBMP) the inputs of others projects or upcoming ones ……but the spirit will remain the same : share experience, develop approaches and tools with you and that will remain after the project.

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 3 Some activities of the project are linked with the WFD’s implementation and regarding the current state of play of WFD’s implementation in the four basins, these activities have to: support the revision of the draft Programme of Measures and River Basin Management Plan that will be made until the end of 2009 prepare the follow up (i.e. the implementation of these PoM and RBMP) and a coordinated reporting to EU

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 4 Key water management issues Description of Key measures Who is responsible for the implementation of the measures (local authorities, industry, agriculture) Type of measures (law, incentive, good practice) Costs Good status targeted for 2015, 2021 or 2027

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 5 Who is responsible for the implementation of the measures (local authorities, industry, agriculture) One of the challenge is not only to identify and assess the measures that will be include in the PoM but ensure that these measures will be implemented and check this implementation.

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 6 All activities of the project should participate to the development of: tools and approaches with economic analysis content : cost-effectivness, environmental cost assessment, tarification an information system that will integrate economic information and in particular data collected through the fees system

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 7 Outputs from other projects

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 8 building Database and information system (in the context of the development of a fees regime) Revision of draft Programme of Measures will provide : unit cost and unit efficiency of measures cost impact assessment on economic sectors (e.g. water bill / household’s available income) Revision of River Basin Management Plan will provide : environmental benefits information, avoided costs water and sanitation price, environmental and resource cost

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 9 a dedicated working group composed of experts from MoEW and Basin Directorates (“PoM and Economic analysis”) 4 pilot river basins for developing and testing the guidance documents and tools 2 study visits a comprehensive and full training process: ECO WHAT ? 3 seminars for a wider dissemination of the outputs of the twinning and active involvement of stakeholders Ensure the training of the staff and that guidance documents, methods and tools are meeting the objectives and your expectations

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 10 The results from the activities of the project will disseminated through : guidelines, instruments and methods the Working Group « PoM and Economic Analysis » a regular newsletter website

Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 11 Благодаря за вниманието… Twinning Project BG O7 IB EN 01 Strengthening the administrative capacity of Water Management authorities in Bulgaria for the implementation of Economic Instruments for Water Management according to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC