International Statistics Lindsay Johnston WISLL II, February 21, 2008
Questions to ask: Why is this so hard? Who would gather this data? How is the data disseminated? – statistics in published tables – online tool that allows me to select variables and create a table
Aggregate statistics There are a number of of organizations that compile statistics from official and non-official statistical produces and assemble them into large aggregate databases. These include United Nations agencies, International Monetary Fund, OECD and the World Bank. The link to this video provides a demonstration of the use of such aggregate
Sources: International Bodies United Nations and UN Agencies United Nations Secretariat World Bank International Monetary Fund UNESCO FAO ILO etc.
Sources: International Bodies European Union Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) World Trade Organization Etc.
International Organization Sources: How to Choose??? Membership – what countries, other regional entities? Goals of the Organization Availability of data and statistics
Find out the percentage of urban population in Canada and China for recent years and projections for the next 20 years UNdata:
World Bank – World Development Indicators Database Membership of the World Bank - comprehensiveWorld Bank Mandate of the World Bank Working for a world free of poverty Data availability – lots – some free online, some paid ie: World Development Indicators Database
Casting a wider net… Also: Library Catalogue searches Article indexes ie: PAIS International Databases such as the Political Risk Yearbook Etc.
Have these stats been gathered?? By whom??
National Governments: Sources Individual entries in statistical publications of international bodies National Yearbooks / National Statistical Agency websites National statistical offices websites (United Nations Statistics Division) National statistical offices websites OFFSTATS: Official Statistics on the Web (University of Aukland Library) OFFSTATS: Official Statistics on the Web Foreign Government Data Sources (University of Michigan Library Documents Center) Foreign Government Data Sources
Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
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