1 Biomass Gasification with High temperature and Oxygen Deficient oxidizer Objectives are investigation the behaviors of biomass and RDF fuel during High-Temperature combustion with different compositions of the oxidizer. Guest researcher: Mr.Sławomir Kakietek Institute of Power Engineering, Augustówka 5 Street, Warszawa, Poland, tel , fax , Project supervisor: Professor Wlodzimierz Blasiak Head of the Division of Energy and Furnace Technology KTH,Sweden. Technical support: Dr. Sylwester Kalisz: Dr. Yang Weihong, Project sponser: SUSPOWER, European Community Research Programme
2 Experimental results Comparison of mass loss for different O2 concentration for 1000ºC Ignition delay for different temperatures and O 2 concentration, a) wood pellets,b) RDF pellets
3 Experimental results 4.92 s (ignition) s s18.93 s 7 s Temperature of air – 1000ºC, 21% of O 2, RDF pellets s (typical flame) s s