Electronic Enterprise Integration Committee Introductory briefing February 2009 Unpublished work © 2009 Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc.
Executive Summary Identity Problem Approach Operating Style What is the AIA? What is the EEIC? What does the EEIC do? Problem What is the Industry Problem to be solved? Vision for the Future Approach EEIC Approach to Interoperability Operating Style Member Responsibilities Meetings Telecons
Identity AIA Purpose and Structure EEIC Purpose & Structure EEIC Concept of Operations
AIA Exists to Advance the Aerospace Industry in the United States AIA Overview The Aerospace Industries Association represents the nation's leading manufacturers and suppliers of civil, military, and business aircraft, helicopters, UAVs, space systems, aircraft engines, missiles, materiel, and related components, equipment, services, and information technology. Strategic planning Five Strategic Focus Areas (4 external & 1 internal) Two measurable performance goals for each strategic focus area Measures of success for each performance goal 2008 2009 Specific performance targets for each measure of success in 2008 and 2009 AIA Exists to Advance the Aerospace Industry in the United States
EEIC Overview EEIC Is the Working Arm of Both SMC and eBSG Board of Governors. EEIC is chartered jointly by eBSG and SMC and reports to both EEIC has Co-Chairs who represent both chartering organizations EEIC has a standing charter which drives ongoing activity eBSG or SMC periodically make requests to EEIC for investigation or analysis EEIC sends recommendations to the chartering organizations which they accept and elevate to the BOG, or send back for more work EEIC reaches out to relevant projects in other Committees, eg. EMC, PSC, Legal Endorse Send Back Proposals Proposals Supplier Management Council eBusiness Steering Group Charter Special Projects Special Projects Investigate, Evaluate & Propose Electronic Interoperability standards And Develop Guidelines Electronic Enterprise Integration Committee Recommendations Recommendations Undertakes projects to propose standards enabling interoperability in the Aerospace industry EEIC Is the Working Arm of Both SMC and eBSG
The EEIC Is Chartered to Recommend Interoperability Standards What does the EEIC do? Based on the AIA objective, the overall concept of operations of the EEIC is to: Solicit, identify and rationalize specific business requirements. Identify and assess key standards and initiatives, as framework components within an overall framework for eBusiness Develop AIA position statements on relevant standards/initiatives Undertake projects to ensure that appropriate standards are available to industry in a timely manner, together with suitable guidance material if required Develop guidelines for deployment of such components to meet specific business scenarios Seek industry endorsement of the resulting standards and solutions The EEIC Is Chartered to Recommend Interoperability Standards
Global Enterprise Needs The Problem The Industry Problem Industry Changes Global Enterprise Needs Business Case End State Vision
What is the Industry Problem? Today’s reality… multiple point-to-point solutions generate excessive cost and complexity Examples of industry gaps and/or inefficiencies: Lack of shared trust infrastructure impeding collaboration between partners Increasing number of customer-unique portals adding cost to suppliers Multiple, redundant, incompatible “IDE systems” within the industry Incompatibilities in information exchange contribute to delay, rework, and error Excessive cost and complexity impeding supply chain agility Expected business results not yet realized with development of ebusiness standards Industry Perspective Cost of a single interface ranges from $10K to $1M depending on scope and complexity AIA Members Business Partners Contractor Customer Public Exchange Airline excessive cost and complexity OEM n-Tier Supplier Tier-1 Supplier Logistics Provider Need enabling capability to avoid one-off solutions and achieve transformational change
Changes in the Aerospace Environment Numerous Governmental, Military and Commercial activities continue to enter into the Aerospace environment, requiring ever-evolving responses from the industry members Net Centric Warfare DOD Continuous Process Improvement ATA eBusiness activities Federated Identity Management – Bridges E3AG, BoostAeroSpace & other International ventures Adoption of ASD S1000D and S3000L specifications Information Assurance UID/RFID Convergence of commercial and military processes Move to contractor logistics support Demands To Comply Drain Company Resources Building One-Off Solutions that Do Not Integrate Well
Global Electronic Enterprise Needs Orchestrate a Common Plan at Industry level Identify common ebusiness interface scenario models Identify a consistent methodology for work “Normalize” the data models and other components Provide a forum for driving all Electronic Enterprise standards work Consistently connect Electronic Enterprise components to Enterprise Interface Solutions Companies have achieved some measure of ebusiness success Reduced Inventory Reduced Material Cost Reduced Supply Base Better Utilization of Agreements Reduced Headcount Improved Speed / Cycle Times Further benefits largely dependent upon electronic penetration of the customer and supply base Focus on suppliers has had a higher priority Move from local efforts to… Industry Level Response is Needed to Continue to Realize Benefits
Information Backbone Drivers Evolving technologies, standards, and other IT-related capabilities are becoming more complex. “Information Backbone” brings together relevant initiatives to simplify ebusiness connections across the entire supply chain Information Standards Information Security XML EDI SAML PKI UML STEP TSCP PLCS S1000D Standards Bodies Internet Standards OASIS UN/CEFACT HTTP HTML W3C FTP SMTP ISO E3AG Public/Private Registries Web Services DoD XML Registry UDDI UDDI WSDL XML SOAP EEIC Challenge is simplification through industry-level development of ‘e’ policy and standards
Business Case for Electronic Integration Adoption of standards enables more efficient supply chain integration Supplier Benefits Reduced cost of order entry and administration Larger incentive for non-electronic suppliers to adopt ebusiness Avoid or minimize added staff to manage ebusiness orders Common interface to Primes Prime Benefits Increased number of suppliers willing to accept ebusiness Implement new electronic processes to a more capable supplier base Reduce costs through simplification of processes and systems with adoption of standards Achieve a larger portion of their ebusiness cost benefits Common adoption of eCollaboration capabilities and processes Intuitively, the adoption of standards is the right thing to do… regardless of size of company
Electronic Enterprise End State Vision AIA members are committed to the following vision for eBusiness across our industry: All participants in the aerospace value chain will be able to exchange information relative to product design, business relationships, transactions, and product support across an information backbone which is open and accessible to all. “Information Backbone” spanning the Industry Information Backbone Built from Policy, Infrastructure and Standards – Not Common Tools
Approach Standards Strategy Concept of Operations Project tracking Radar Standards Assessment Criteria Going Forward Strategy
The Path to AIA eBusiness Interoperability Many eBusiness scenarios can be identified Many standards and initiatives have the potential to satisfy part of the overall industry requirement for interoperability Between companies and business partners Between functions in an organisation Between application systems Challenge: reduce overall cost and complexity by identifying the most appropriate solution components provide concrete guidance on how to satisfy specific business requirements using an appropriate selection of those components
Standards strategy Path to AIA eBusiness Standards In order of preference AIA adopts existing standards for use in the aerospace industry AIA influences standards organizations through participation to meet its requirements AIA develops its own standards when none exists from standards organizations AIA may then submit a proposal to the applicable standards organization for international adoption In each case The AIA may supplement existing standards with aerospace-agreed implementation conventions (subset), models/examples, and guidelines
High Level Framework Key Components for Building Interoperability Business Applications (Company Specific) “Information Backbone” Business scenarios Security Contractual Regulatory Processes Data AIA Member Company Business Partner Registry Repository IT Services AIA Guidelines Technical Environment (Framework is product & company agnostic) Interoperability between firewalls can be broken down into a number of key components which all need to be addressed. The solutions need to be independent of company-specific applications and technical environments This also applies to agile internal enterprise architectures Key Components for Building Interoperability
eBusiness Component Framework Service assembly Business scenarios Conformance and interoperability testing for Discovery, Presence, Availability Registry/Repository Security Constraints Contractual and regulatory Semantics - Terminology Process models Data Assembly Information content/components Classification schemes Component libraries Enterprise data and metadata Reference data Identifiers Process definition mechanisms Information definition mechanisms Service definition mechanisms Representation options Need to show complete landscape for interoperable eBusiness Assessment of initiatives Guidance for deploying solutions Must support cross-sectoral coherence Opportunity for multiple levels of detail Needs to be recognisable from IT viewpoint Based on industry best practice Developed based on NIST eBSC and international MoU/MG work Builds on many other models Scenarios can be used to identify process and data requirements, underlying IT and other operational constraints Transport options Networks Physical representation AIA Guidelines (Design, Build, Operate)
Example Mapping to Framework OAGIS OAGi X12 ANSI STEP/PLCS ISO BoostAero eBSG & ASD UDEF Open Group UID/RFID AIA & DoD GTPA AIA GECA AIA All eBusiness solution initiatives can be mapped to the framework – often across multiple boxes TSCP
CONOPS: Two processes Business Scenarios requirements Track New Solutions Scenarios SMC Companies EEIC PSC eBSG EMC AIA eBusiness Implementation Guidebook Framework Components Interoperability Monitor external development Participate in Adopt existing standard AIA Candidate UDEF Clickable GTPA PM/EVM EEIC Standards and Guidelines Track Boost Aero SAML STEP PLCS GECA XBRL RFID New Interoperability Requirements X12 EDI GTPA Template Adopted Supplier UID Adopt Process 1: In an ideal world, specific ebusiness scenarios can be identified by industry, and interoperable solutions can be derived from a set of existing business solutions. The Guidebook documents specific business scenarios and describes how each scenario can be addressed using a combination of reusable components, which fit within an overall internationally accepted framework As new business requirements are defined, the EEIC identifies any need for additional components The EEIC radar screen tracks possible solutions – each “blip” is documented The EEIC works to convert potential solutions into candidates for AIA adoption The eBSG approves candidate standards as part of the AIA framework Approved standards are made available for use in business solutions
Delivering Business Solutions Which Enable Composed of Scenarios Definition Process Scenarios form the basis for defining solutions Process Constrained by Data Contract & Regulatory Delivered by Security IT Services Design Guidelines Process 1 Implementation Guidelines Operational Guidelines
BUSINESS CASE FOR DEVELOPMENT Adding new components Business need Opportunity Need for new Framework Component Adoption plan BLIP Guidelines if needed AIA Development BUSINESS CASE FOR DEVELOPMENT SPONSOR APPROVE? Yes -DEVELOP ASSESS Existing standards FLAG REJECTS NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND Strategy for component Existing initiatives ASSESS Yes -PARTICIPATE No - MONITOR FLAG REJECTS NEED INPUT? NONE SUITABLE CANDIDATE FOUND Process 2 No DOES RESULT MEET AIA NEED? COORDINATE WITH STAKEHOLDERS AIA ADOPTION New Framework Component added
EEIC Standards Radar Screen Active AIA Project d UIMA TSCP AIA Guidelines Adopt existing standard PM/EVM Monitor external development CPI Boost AeroSpace Supplier UID Boost Aero EIA-927 SEINE Units ML PLCS RFID App Stds ebXML STEP Supplier RFID UDEF OTD S3000L SOA GECA Template X12 EDI GTPA Template Guidebook Supplier UID LOTAR EDIG Adopted Candidate Clickable GTPA TDP (SMC) S1000D NCO CDE Participate in external development AIA development REACH IT EKM Track As of 2009-02-04
Information behind the “Radar blip” Abstract Full Title of Standard or Initiative (Acronym) Responsible organisation Lead Organization within AIA Other stakeholders – by function/organisation Business justification Description of activity/deliverables Business benefits Location in EEIC Framework EEIC Action Plan – Monitor/Participate/Develop/Adopt – Guidelines? EEIC Status (updated as necessary) Adoption plan Stakeholder adoption statement (final disposition) AIA recommendation (published on AIA website) Link to a standards host site Link to supporting material Used for new tasks and updates Word template – stored in PDF form
Assessment Criteria Ensure Compliance with Guiding Principles Based on the results of science, technology and experience; promotes optimum community benefits. Provides clear business value & supports the industry business strategy and requirements Must align with the context of an overall architecture strategy that is driven by the business Leverage available standards and technologies, first within aerospace, then in the broader market Partner with aero-related groups to increase adoption and lower workload: ATA, ASD, other AIA Councils etc. Qualify against Standards Selection Criteria Basis for one or more Framework Components Web / Internet-based standards Preferably globally accepted “Open” host organization committed to collaboration with other groups to ensure interoperability SW/HW vendor participation in the process and commitment to use the results in their products Critical mass for adoption Interoperability with the standards used by our customers and supplier Evaluate against Architectural Principles Business must drive information technology architecture decisions: Use industry proven approaches Open and/or vendor neutral standards The architecture must enable secure communications and appropriate protection of information and technology. Reduce integration complexity: Keep it simple. Evaluate against AIA project criteria The project proposal needs to satisfy the criteria established by the AIA for all new projects. Within EEIC charter and scope. An issue the AIA can effectively address. A clearly defined and measurable outcome. Clearly defined sunset provisions. Senior-level commitment from multiple AIA member companies. Contributes to AIA meeting its goals and objectives. A clearly defined "customer pull" or "company push."
AIA eBusiness Implementation Guidebook Concept of operations eBusiness Interoperability Framework Description of framework and its use – simplified from MoU/MG model Lower levels of detail for boxes where needed Selection criteria for different components within a box Radar screen Blips EEIC standards selection process Building a solution Extending the framework Extensible taxonomy of framework components Shows coverage of adopted blips – matrix against framework Populated from adopted blips – list of blips in framework classification Common guidance information Extensible set of scenarios and corresponding solutions Scenarios – in business terms AIA eBusiness Framework Components required Architectural guidance – design time Implementation guidance – build time Operational guidance – run time Annex – The MoU/MG framework – colour coded to AIA Framework
Going Forward Strategy Recommended Approach from eBSG: AIA members agree to implement ebusiness standards as developed and approved by the AIA Transactional data presented to suppliers through prime contractor “portals” shall also be made available to suppliers in an automatable electronic format Each prime develops its own roadmap and schedule to compliance over long term Companies re-engineer processes and deploy tools as required to achieve maximum benefit from adoption of industry standards -- at their own pace Agreement to Move Together, but NOT Mandated Compliance
Operating Style
Operating Style: Member Responsibilities Your Challenge - Member company representatives must: Speak authoritatively for their company on all “e” matters Coordinate internally in your company and maintain communication with your AIA leadership Adopt an Industry, not Company-specific frame of reference Represent a balance of “business” and “technical”, “Commercial” and “Defense” perspectives; and Provide the necessary company support (e.g. resources, direction, etc.) to enable “e” decisions to be made and implemented by AIA as well as coordinate with company eBSG and SMC members. Attend Face-to-Face meetings (3/year) and bi-weekly Telecons Every other Monday Tel: +1 866 309 0490 Access: *6990584*
Appendix 1: Glossary & Acronyms
Glossary & Acronyms - Organizations AIA – Aerospace Industries Association ATA – Air Transport Association ASD – Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe BOG – AIA Board of Governors eBSG – eBusiness Steering Group EEIC – Electronic Enterprise Integration Committee EMC – Engineering and Manufacturing Committee PSC – Product Support Committee SMC – Supplier Management Council
Glossary & Acronyms – Radar screen ebXML – eBusiness eXtensible Markup Language EKM – Electronic Knowledge Management EDI – Electronic Data Interchange FIPS – Federal Information Processing Standard GECA – Global Electronic Collaboration Agreement GTPA – Global Trading Partner Agreement IADFA – International Aerospace and Defense Federation Alliance LOTAR – Long Term Archiving and Retention NCO-CDE – Net- Centric Operations – Common Data Environment OTD – Open Technical Dictionary PKI – Public Key Infrastructure PLCS – Product Life Cycle Support PM/EVM – Program Management/ Earned Value Management REACH-IT - Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals RFID – Radio Frequency Identification SOA – Service Oriented Architecture STEP- Standard for the Exchange of Product model data TDP – Technical Data Package TSCP- Transglobal Secure Collaboration Program(me) UDEF – Universal Data Element Framework UID – Unique IDentification
Glossary & Acronyms – Other FTP – File Transfer Protocol HTML – HyperText Markup Language HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol ISO – International Organization for Standardization OASIS – Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards SAML – Security Assertion Markup Language SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SOAP –Simple Object Access Protocol UDDI – Universal Description, Discovery and Integration UML – Unified Modeling Language WSDL – Web Services Definition Language W3C – World-Wide Web Consortium XML – eXtensible Markup Language