April-June 2007
1)Oscillations: 2)Kinematics in weak decays: 3) 0 double beta decay: ?
solar Kamland Kamland + solar
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Global fit to all existing data atmospheric, reactors (SBL) solar accelerators accelerators reactors (LBL)
To improve on T 12 0 and : need large source mass lower background, better event signature
beta decay: For more information: Commins and Bucksbaum, Weak interaction of leptons and quarks
Integral electrostatic spectrometer
Mainz frozen T 2 source, E=4.8 eV Troitsk gaseous T2 source, E=3.5 eV Reported anomaly most likely experimental artifact
Katrin (Karlsruhe) 23 m in final version
T 2 injection (27 K) 10 m start data taking 2010
Katrin, main spectrometer transport
Thermistor R(T) measure heat pulse Stopping particle (ionizing or non ionizing) phonons heat sink ( 8 mK) crystal i Wide choice of materials Good energy resolution Cryogenic detectors (bolometers)
187 Re 187 Os + e - + e E 0 =2.5 keV, 43 Gyr, abundance 62.8 % Milano: 10 AgReO4 crystals ( g each) as cryogenic bolometers (T=10 mK) E(FWHM)=28 eV at 2.5 keV m < 15 eV at 90 % CL (complication: ‘’ forbidden ’’ transition)
Next version: MARE (Microcalorimeter Array for a Rhenium Experiment) 1)300 calorimeters of a few 100 g, with E=10-20 eV in progress, start data taking in 2010 for a few years 2)R&D for new thermistors goal 5x10 4 calorimeters with E< 5 eV Like KATRIN, but with completely different systematics!
Global fit to all existing data atmospheric, reactors (SBL) solar accelerators accelerators reactors (LBL)