Distributed Systems 2006 Overcoming Failures in a Distributed System * *With material adapted from Ken Birman
Distributed Systems Leslie Lamport “A distributed system is one in which the failure of a machine you have never heard of can cause your own machine to become unusable”
Distributed Systems Plan Goals Static and Dynamic Membership Logical Time Distributed Commit
Distributed Systems Thought question Suppose that a distributed system was built by interconnecting a set of extremely reliable components running on fault-tolerant hardware –Would such a system be expected to be reliable? –Perhaps not. The pattern of interaction, the need to match rates of data production and consumption, and other “distributed” factors all can prevent a system from operating correctly!
Distributed Systems Example (1) The Web components are individually reliable –But the Web can fail by returning inconsistent or stale data, can freeze up or claim that a server is not responding (even if both browser and server are operational), and it can be so slow that we consider it faulty even if it is working For stateful systems (the Web is stateless) this issue extends to joint behavior of sets of programs
Distributed Systems Example (2) Ariane 5 –June 4, 1996, 40 seconds after takeoff… –Self destruction after abrupt course correction –“… caused by the complete loss of guidance and attitude information … due to specification and design errors in the software of the inertial reference system” –Loss of 500 million $, but no loss of life Where are the distribution aspects?
Distributed Systems Our Goal Here We want to replicate data and computation –For availability –For performance while guaranteeing consistent behavior Work towards ”virtual synchronous communication” –System appears to have no replicated data –System appears to only have multi-thread concurrency
Distributed Systems Synchronous and Asynchronous Executions pqrpqr …processes share a synchronized clock In the synchronous model messages arrive on time … and failures are easily detected None of these properties holds in an asynchronous model
Distributed Systems Reality: Neither One Real distributed systems aren’t synchronous –Although some can come close Nor are they asynchronous –Software often treats them as asynchronous –In reality, clocks work well… so in practice we often use time cautiously and can even put limits on message delays For our purposes we usually start with an asynchronous model –Subsequently enrich it with sources of time when useful
Distributed Systems Steps Towards Our Goal Tracking group membership: We’ll base 2PC and 3PC Fault-tolerant multicast: We’ll use membership Ordered multicast: We’ll base it on fault-tolerant multicast Tools for solving practical replication and availability problems: we’ll base them on ordered multicast Robust Web Services: We’ll build them with these tools 2PC and 3PC: Our first “tools” (lowest layer)
Distributed Systems Membership Which processes are available in a distributed system? Dynamic membership –Use group membership protocol to track members –Performant, complicated Static membership –Use static list of potential group members –Resolve liveness on a per-operation basis –May be slow, simpler (Approaches may be combined)
Distributed Systems Dynamic Membership Provides a Group Membership Service (GMS) –Processes as members –Processes may join or leave the group and monitor other processes in the group (More next time) ”80,000 updates per seconds, 5 members” –Static membership: ”tens of updates per second, 5 members”
Distributed Systems Static Membership Example –Static set of potential members E.g., {p, q, r, s, t} –Support replicated data on members E.g., x: integer value E.g., x: [t 0, v 0] -> [t 21, v 17] -> [t 25, v 97],... –Each process records version of x and value of x –p reading a value? Cannot just look at its own version – may have been changed at others
Distributed Systems Quorum Update and Read Simple fix –Make sure that operations reach a majority of processes in the system –Update and read only if supported by a majority of processes x will be sure to read latest value updated – just take one with largest version General fix –Two basic rules A quorum read should intersect prior quorum write at at least one process Likewise, quorum writes should intersect prior quorum writes –In a group of size N Qr + Qw > N Qw + Qw > N The example again, N = 5 –Qr = 3, Qw = 3 –Other possibilities? Note that we want Qw 1!
Distributed Systems Update Protocol 1) p issues RPC-style read request to one replica after another –p collects at least Qr replies –p notes version (and value) 2) p computes new version of data –Larger than maximum current version received 3) p issues RPC to Qw members asking to ”prepare” –Processes reply to p 4) p checks number of acknowledgements –>= Qw -> ”commit” – ”abort” (Actually a two-phase commit protocol (2PC) is used in 3) and 4), more later)
Distributed Systems Time We were somewhat careful to avoid time in static membership In distributed system we need practical ways to deal with time –E.g., we may need to agree that update A occurred ‘before’ update B –Or offer a “lease” on a resource that expires ‘at’ time 10:10:01.50 –Or guarantee that a time critical event will reach all interested parties ‘within’ 100ms
Distributed Systems But what does Time “Mean”? Time on a machine’s local clock –But was it set accurately? –And could it drift, e.g. run fast or slow? –What about faults, like stuck bits? Time on a global clock? –E.g. with GPS receiver –Still not accurate enough to determine which events happens before other events Or could try to agree on time
Distributed Systems Lamport’s Approach Leslie Lamport suggested that we should reduce time to its basics –Cannot order events according to a global clock None available… –Can use logical clock Time basically becomes a way of labeling events so that we may ask if event A happened before event B Answer should be consistent with what could have happened with respect to a global clock –Often this is what matters
Distributed Systems Drawing time-line pictures: p m snd p (m) q rcv q (m) deliv q (m) D
Distributed Systems Drawing time-line pictures: A, B, C and D are “events”. –Could be anything meaningful to the application microcode, program code, file write, message handling, … –So are snd(m) and rcv(m) and deliv(m) What ordering claims are meaningful? p m A C B snd p (m) q rcv q (m) deliv q (m) D
Distributed Systems Drawing time-line pictures: A happens before B, and C before D –“Local ordering” at a single process –Write and p q m A C B rcv q (m) deliv q (m) snd p (m) D
Distributed Systems Drawing time-line pictures: snd p (m) also happens before rcv q (m) –“Distributed ordering” introduced by a message –Write p q m A C B rcv q (m) deliv q (m) snd p (m) D
Distributed Systems Drawing time-line pictures: A happens before D –Transitivity: A happens before snd p (m), which happens before rcv q (m), which happens before D p q m D A C B rcv q (m) deliv q (m) snd p (m)
Distributed Systems Drawing time-line pictures: B and D are concurrent –Looks like B happens first, but D has no way to know. No information flowed… p q m D A C B rcv q (m) deliv q (m) snd p (m)
Distributed Systems The Happens-Before Relation We’ll say that “A happens-before B”, written A B, if 1) A P B according to the local ordering, or 2) A is a snd and B is a rcv and A M B, or A and B are related under the transitive closure of rules 1. and 2. Thus, A D So far, this is just a mathematical notation, not a “systems tool” A new event seen by a process happens logically after other events seen by that process A message receive happens logically after a message has been sent
Distributed Systems ”Simultaneous” Actions There are many situations in which we want to talk about some form of simultaneous event –Think about updating replicated data Perhaps we have multiple conflicting updates The need is to ensure that they will happen in the same order at all copies This “looks” like a kind of simultaneous action Want to know the states of a distributed systems that might have occurred at an instant of real- time
Distributed Systems Temporal distortions Things can be complicated because we can’t predict –Message delays (they vary constantly) –Execution speeds (often a process shares a machine with many other tasks) –Timing of external events Lamport looked at this question too
Distributed Systems Temporal distortions What does “now” mean? p 0 a f e p 3 b p 2 p 1 c d
Distributed Systems Temporal distortions What does “now” mean? p 0 a f e p 3 b p 2 p 1 c d
Distributed Systems Temporal distortions Timelines can “stretch”… … caused by scheduling effects, message delays, message loss… p 0 a f e p 3 b p 2 p 1 c d
Distributed Systems Temporal distortions Timelines can “shrink” E.g. something lets a machine speed up p 0 a f e p 3 b p 2 p 1 c d
Distributed Systems Temporal distortions Cuts represent instants of time –Viz., subsets of events, one per process E.g., {a, c}, {a, rcv(d), f, rcv(e)} But not every “cut” makes sense –Black cuts could occur but not gray ones. p 0 a f e p 3 b p 2 p 1 c d
Distributed Systems Temporal distortions Red messages cross gray cuts “backwards” –Need to avoid capturing states in which a message is received but nobody is shown as having sent it Consistent cuts –If rcv(m) is in cut, snd(m) (or earlier) is in cut –snd(m) may be in cut without rcv(m) is in cut m is ”in message channel” p 0 a f e p 3 b p 2 p 1 c d
Distributed Systems Who Cares? Suppose –p has lock –m = release lock –p sends m to q –snd(m) -> rcv(q) Inconsistent cut –{rcv(q)} –Sees that both p and q have lock
Distributed Systems Logical clocks A simple tool that can capture parts of the happens before relation First version: uses just a single integer –Designed for big (64-bit or more) counters –Each process p maintains LT p, a local counter –A message m will carry LT m
Distributed Systems Rules for managing logical clocks When an event happens at a process p it increments LT p –Any event that matters to p –Normally, also snd and rcv events (since we want receive to occur “after” the matching send) When p sends m, set –LT m = LT p When q receives m, set –LT q = max(LT q, LT m )+1
Distributed Systems Time-line with LT annotations LT(A) = 1, LT(snd p (m)) = 2, LT(m) = 2 LT(rcv q (m))=max(1,2)+1=3, etc… p q m D A C B rcv q (m) deliv q (m) snd p (m) LT q LT p
Distributed Systems Logical clocks If A happens before B, A B, then LT(A)<LT(B) –A B : A = E0 … En = B, where each pair is ordered either by p or m LT associated with these only increase But converse might not be true: –If LT(A)<LT(B) can’t be sure that A B –This is because processes that don’t communicate still assign timestamps and hence events will “seem” to have an order
Distributed Systems Can we do better? One option is to use vector clocks Here we treat timestamps as a list –One counter for each process Rules for managing vector times differ from what did with logical clocks
Distributed Systems Vector clocks Clock is a vector: e.g. VT(A)=[1, 0] –We’ll just assign p index 0 and q index 1 –Vector clocks require either agreement on the numbering/static membership, or that the actual process id’s be included with the vector Rules for managing vector clock –When event happens at p, increment VT p [index p ] Normally, also increment for snd and rcv events –When sending a message, set VT(m)=VT p –When receiving, set VT q =max(VT q, VT(m)) Where “max” is max on components of vector
Distributed Systems Time-line with VT annotations p q m D A C B rcv q (m) deliv q (m) snd p (m) VT q VT p VT(m)=[2,0] Could also be [1,0] if we decide not to increment the clock on a snd event. Decision depends on how the timestamps will be used.
Distributed Systems Rules for comparison of VTs We’ll say that VT A ≤ VT B if – i, VT A [i] ≤ VT B [i] And we’ll say that VT A < VT B if –VT A ≤ VT B but VT A ≠ VT B –That is, for some i, VT A [i] < VT B [i] Examples? –[2,4] ≤ [2,4] –[1,3] < [7,3] –[1,3] is “incomparable” to [3,1]
Distributed Systems Time-line with VT annotations VT(A)=[1,0]. VT(D)=[2,4]. So VT(A)<VT(D) VT(B)=[3,0]. So VT(B) and VT(D) are incomparable p q m D A C B rcv q (m) deliv q (m) snd p (m) VT q VT p VT(m)=[2,0]
Distributed Systems Vector time and happens before If A B, then VT(A)<VT(B) –Write a chain of events from A to B –Step by step the vector clocks get larger But also VT(A)<VT(B) then A B –Two cases If A and B both happen at same process p – all events seen by p increments vector clocks If A happens at p and B at q, can trace the path back by which q “learned” VT(A)[p] since q only updates VT(A)[p] based on message receipt from, say, q’ –If q’ <> p trace further back (Otherwise A and B happened concurrently)
Distributed Systems Introducing “wall clock time” There are several options –“Extend” a logical clock or vector clock with the clock time and use it to break ties Makes meaningful statements like “B and D were concurrent, although B occurred first” But unless clocks are closely synchronized such statements could be erroneous! –We use a clock synchronization algorithm to reconcile differences between clocks on various computers in the network
Distributed Systems Synchronizing clocks Without help, clocks will often differ by many milliseconds –Problem is that when a machine downloads time from a network clock it can’t be sure what the delay was –This is because the “uplink” and “downlink” delays are often very different in a network Outright failures of clocks are rare…
Distributed Systems Synchronizing clocks Suppose p synchronizes with time.windows.com and notes that 123 ms elapsed while the protocol was running… what time is it now? p time.windows.com What time is it? 09: Delay: 123ms
Distributed Systems Synchronizing clocks Options? –P could guess that the delay was evenly split, but this is rarely the case in WAN settings (downlink speeds are higher) –P could ignore the delay –P could factor in only “certain” delay, e.g. if we know that the link takes at least 5ms in each direction. Works best with GPS time sources! In general can’t do better than uncertainty in the link delay from the time source down to p
Distributed Systems Consequences? In a network of processes, we must assume that clocks are –Not perfectly synchronized. Even GPS has uncertainty, although small We say that clocks are “inaccurate” (with respect to real time) –And clocks can drift during periods between synchronizations Relative drift between clocks is their “precision” (with respect to each other)
Distributed Systems Thought question –We are building an anti-missile system –Radar tells the interceptor where it should be and what time to get there –Do we want the radar and interceptor to be as accurate as possible, or as precise as possible?
Distributed Systems Thought question We want them to agree on the time but it isn’t important whether they are accurate with respect to “true” time –“Precision” matters more than “accuracy” –Although for this, a GPS time source would be the way to go Might achieve higher precision than we can with an “internal” synchronization protocol!
Distributed Systems Transactions in distributed systems A client and database might not run on same computer –Both may not fail at same time –Also, either could timeout waiting for the other in normal situations When this happens, we normally abort the transaction –Exception is a timeout that occurs while commit is being processed –If server fails, one effect of crash is to break locks even for read-only access
Distributed Systems Transactions in distributed systems What if data is on multiple servers? –In a networked system, transactions run against a single database system Indeed, many systems structured to use just a single operation – a “one shot” transaction! –In true distributed systems may want one application to talk to multiple databases Main issue that arises is that now we can have multiple database servers that are touched by one transaction Reasons? –Data spread around: each owns subset –Could have replicated some data object on multiple servers, e.g. to load-balance read access for large client set –Might do this for high availability Solve using 2-phase commit (2PC) protocol!
Distributed Systems Two-phase commit in transactions Phase 1 –Transaction wishes to commit. Data managers force updates and lock records to the disk (e.g. to the log) and then say prepared to commit Phase 2 –Transaction manager makes sure all are prepared, then says commit (or abort, if some are not) –Data managers then make updates permanent or rollback to old values, and release locks
Distributed Systems As a time-line picture 2PC initiator p q r s t Vote? All vote “commit” Commit!
Distributed Systems As a time-line picture 2PC initiator p q r s t Vote? All vote “commit” Commit! Phase 1Phase 2
Distributed Systems Missing Stuff Eventually will need to do some form of garbage collection –Issue is that participants need memory of the protocol, at least for a while –But can delay garbage collection and run it later on behalf of many protocol instances Part of any real implementation but not thought of as part of the protocol
Distributed Systems Fault tolerance We can separate this into three cases –Group member fails; initiator remains healthy –Initiator fails; group members remain healthy –Both initiator and group member fail Further separation –Handling recovery of a failed member –Recovery after “total” failure of the whole group
Distributed Systems Fault tolerance Some cases are pretty easy –E.g. if a member fails before voting we just treat it as an abort –If a member fails after voting commit, we assume that when it recovers it will finish up the commit and perform whatever action we requested Hard cases involve crash of initiator
Distributed Systems Initiator fails, members healthy When did it fail? –Could fail before starting the 2PC protocol In this case if the members were expecting the protocol to run, e.g., to terminate a pending transaction on a database, they do “unilateral abort” –Could fail after some are prepared to commit Those members need to learn the outcome before they can “finish” the protocol –Could fail after some have learned the outcome Others may still be in a prepared state
Distributed Systems How to handle initiator failures? Wait for initiator to come up again… –May hold resources on members Rather –Initiator should record the decision in a logging server for use after crashes If decision is logged, a process may learn outcome by examining log if initiator fails (timeout needed here) –Also, members can help one-another terminate the protocol This is needed if a failure happens before the initiator has a chance to log its decision A process member may repeat phase 1
Distributed Systems Problems? 2PC has a “bad state” –Suppose that the initiator and a member, p, both fail and we are not using a log May not always want to use log because of extra overhead and reliability concerns –Other members cannot determine if commit should abort or not p may have transferred $10M to a bank account, want to be consistent with that… –There is a case in which we can’t terminate the protocol!
Distributed Systems As a time-line picture 2PC initiator p q r s t Vote? All vote “commit” Phase 1Phase 2 Commit!
Distributed Systems Can we do Better? 3 phase commit (3PC) –Assumes detectable failures We happen to know that real systems can’t detect failures, unless they can unplug the power for a faulty node –Idea is to add an extra “prepared to commit” stage
Distributed Systems PC 3PC initiator p q r s t Vote? All vote “commit” Phase 1 Prepare to commit All say “ok” Phase 2 They commit Commit! Phase 3
Distributed Systems Why 3PC? A “new leader” in the group can deduce the outcomes when this protocol is used Main insight? –In 2PC the decision to commit can be known by only initiator and one other process In 3PC nobody can enter the commit state unless all are first in the prepared state –Makes it possible to determine the state, then push the protocol forward (or back) But does require accurate failure detections –Only commit if all operational in prepared to commit state or abort if all operational in ok to commit state Failed processes may learn outcome when they become operational
Distributed Systems Value of 3PC? Even with inaccurate failure detections, it greatly reduces the window of vulnerability –The bad case for 2PC is not so uncommon Especially if a group member is the initiator In that case one badly timed failure freezes the whole group –With 3PC in real systems, the troublesome case becomes very unlikely But the problems remain –E.g., in network partition where half may be prepared to commit and half may be ok to commit
Distributed Systems State diagram for non-faulty member Protocol starts in the initial state. Initiator sends the “OK to commit” inquiry We collect responses. If any is an abort, we enter the abort stage Otherwise send prepare-to-commit messages out Coordinator failure sends us into an inquiry mode in which someone (anyone) tries to figure out the situation This state corresponds to the coordinator sending out the commit messages. We enter the state when all members receive them Here, we “finish off” the prepare state if a crash interrupted it, by resending the prepare message (needed in case only some processes saw the coordinator’s message before it crashed) We get here if some processes were still in the initial “OK to commit?” stage In this case it is safe to abort, and we do so
Distributed Systems Summary We looked at goals and prerequisites for consistent replication –(Static and) and Dynamic Membership –Logical Time –Distributed Commit