eta EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ETA FY 2006 Budget Request ETA FY 2006 Budget Request February 7, 2005 Jobs for the 21 st Century
eta ETA FY 2006 Budget Request $10.63 Billion Total 1,201 FTEs Enhanced Flexibility in exchange for Greater Accountability
eta $5.84 Billion $2.7 Billion $207 Million $465 Million $259 Million Total Request: $10.6 Billion $250 Million Community-Based Job Training Grants Trade Adjustment Assistance Training and Employment State Unemployment Insurance Advances Program Administration ETA FY 2006 Budget Request
eta Jobs for the 21 st Century
eta Prepare Workers for New Opportunities Job Training Reform Flexibility for states & localities States can consolidate up to 9 federally funded training programs Greater individual choice More accountability for getting results
eta A Demand Driven System… Responds to and anticipates the needs of businesses and workers competing in a global economy Builds on the success of the President’s High Growth Job Training Initiative Strengthens community colleges as workforce investment partners
eta Cost of State Workforce Services Program Year 2002
eta Elements of the President’s Job Training Reform Consolidated Grants WIA Plus Consolidated Grants Innovation Training Accounts
eta Consolidated Grants Combines Four Funding StreamsCombines Four Funding Streams WIA Adult Dislocated Worker Youth Employment Services To restructure for resultsTo restructure for results
eta WIA Plus Consolidated Grants Governors may choose to consolidate other employment and training programs from the... Department of Labor Department of Education Department of Agriculture
eta Consolidation Options for States Program 2005 Enacted 2006 Budget Veterans Employment $190$192 TAA Training $243$259 Voc Rehab $2,636$2,720 Adult Education $570$200 Food Stamps E&T $261$254 No drop in participants from targeted populations allowed Dollars in millions
eta Enhanced Flexibility for Greater Accountability A single State Integration Plan for higher yearly performance standards Freedom to operate for maximized overall results A 10-year goal with a 100% placement rate of workers trained with public resources
eta Innovation Training Accounts Build on the Success of WIA’s Individual Training Accounts Allow Individuals Access to Public and Private Training Resources Allow long-term training in recognition of demand for 21 st Century Skills
eta Community-Based Job Training Grants To strengthen community colleges’ role in promoting the full potential of American workers Builds on HGJTI’s success through employer-focused, competitive grants to community colleges $250 Million requested
eta YouthBuild Transfer Teaches youth ages 16 – 24 marketable skills in the construction trades More closely aligned with ETA’s employment mission $58.9 Million from HUD to DOL No net budgetary effect
eta Prisoner Reentry Initiative Combines the resources of faith-based and community organizations and a commitment by the federal government to reduce the costs of reincarceration An employment-centered approach offering short-term housing, mentoring and other services $35 million requested for DOL’s role
eta Strengthening UI Integrity $30 Million for ID theft prevention $10 Million increase for In-person Reemployment and Eligibility Assessments Give states new tools and resources to improve benefit payment control and tax collection Save $2.2 Billion over five years by preventing/recovering overpayments and collecting delinquent employer taxes
eta ETA FY 2006 Budget Overview EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION $11,136,652$10,634,718 TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 5,318,8645,842,949 WIA Consolidated Grant Program—Formula Grant Adult Employment and Training Activities Dislocated Workers Employment and Training Activities Youth Activities WIA Consolidated Grant Program—Competitive Grants WIA Consolidated Grant Program—National Activities Job Corps National Programs 0 890,922 1,343, , ,440 96,856 1,546, ,441 3,912, ,000 39,936 1,517,019 88,138 COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT FOR OLDER AMERICANS STATE UI AND ES OPERATIONS (Discretionary) 436,678 3,636, ,678 2,716,830 Unemployment Insurance Employment Service Workforce Information/National Electronic Tools/System Building Work Incentive Grants 2,673, ,568 97,974 19,711 2,632,915 15,910 48,294 19,711 TOTAL MANDATORY 1,574,3001,431,400 PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 170,101206,861 Dollars in 000’sFY 2005 EnactedFY 2006 Request