1 Semantic Hubs for Geological Projects P. DURVILLE (INRIA), F. Husson (BRGM) & e-WOK_HUB Consortium SeMMA 2008 e-WOK_HUB Consortium : INRIA, EADS, LISI/CRITT, BRGM, IFP, ENSMP
2 Outline Introduction : Use-case/application context (geological projects) Global architecture : SOA and Semantic web technologies Zoom on ontology management services : ECCO tool Zoom on annotation generation services : global process Zoom on search service : geographical search Conclusion
3 Use-case / Application context CO 2 geological storage prospection projects In which are involved people with different profiles –geologists, researchers, engineers, project leaders… Working on a large variety of available resources –Internal or external project reports, scientific articles, databases … Producing new knowledge that can be usefull for current and future projects improving a better reuse of knowledge. Need the discovery, interoperability and integration of these resources
4 Global architecture
5 SOA and Semantic Web technologies Semantic web technologies Ontologies (RDFS/OWL lite) Annotations (RDF) Rules (CORESE rules) Queries (SPARQL) SOA (service oriented architecture) ESB (Petals) Semantic web services (SAWSDL) CORESE is used to find possible service compositions a hub is a warehouse of semantic business resources
6 Service metadata creation process WSDL Semantic repository SAWSDL RDF
7 How to use service metadata? WSDL Semantic repository SPARQL query CORESE BPEL activities Orchestra
8 Zoom on different services
9 Ontology management service - ECCO ECCO : ontology editor contextual and collaborative ontology whole life cycle term extraction from domain texts vocabulary development hierarchy construction OWL Lite representation edition Track of modifications for annotation evolution
10 ECCO: Term extraction from domain texts
11 ECCO : Colla- borative vocabulary edition
12 Annotation services Annotation generation Annotation storage Annotation evolution
13 Annotation services Annotation generation Annotation storage Annotation evolution
14 Annotation generation services Language detection Grammatical analysis Semantic annotationStatistic annotation + Annotation dc :language + Annotations verb, adj., noun, … + Annotations Of domain Text only - Annotations verb, adj., noun, …
15 Annotation generation services Language detection Grammatical analysis Semantic annotationStatistic annotation + Annotation dc :language + Annotations verb, adj., noun, … + Annotations Of domain Text only - Annotations verb, adj., noun, …
16 Semantic annotation service Linguistic process Term extractor CORESE RDF generation Text Ontologies (OWL/RDFS) Jaro- Winkler Pattern (SPARQL) slack “3D stratigraphic geometries of the intracratonic MesoCenozoic Paris Basin were obtained by sequence stratigraphic correlations…” <rdf:RDF xmlns:geo=" xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:wl=" Annotations (RDF)
17 Search service Search examples : - Documents with content talking about Paris basin area - Documents with content at 50 km from Reims
18 Many various databanks 2 different ways for the geolocalization of resources Reports written by BRGM and IFP Databases ex : National Borehole Databank direct geolocalization indirect geolocalization Annotation : {x,y} Annotation : Paris basin Search in databases Matching with ontologies
19 3 Geolocalization 1’ Cartography selection of an interesting zone 2 Process Semantic-Geographic bridge PDF report Database ex : National Borehole Databank 3’ Direct geolocalization 3’’ Indirect geolocalization 1’’ Textfield input for named entities PARIS BASIN
20 3 Documents found are displayed to users 1 Cartography selection of an interesting zone 2 Translation into a SPARQL query sent to and processed by a search engine PREFIX geo: PREFIX geo2: PREFIX wl: SELECT distinct ?doc WHERE { ?doc rdf:type wl:Document. ?doc wl:contains ?res. { ?res geo2:geolocalized ?x. FILTER (?res = || ?res = || … ) } UNION { ?res geo2:geolocalized ?y. ?z geo:subdivision ?y. FILTER (?res = || …) } }
21 Conclusion A service oriented architecture that integrates semantic web technologies Combining different services/tools allowing semantic metadata management such as : Ontology development in a collaborative and contextual way Ontology evolution and impact on annotations Annotation generation combining two different approaches Knowledge retrieval by means of SPARQL queries on metadata generated Considering services as resources in order to add metadata on them so as to perform retrieval and composition of services/applications
22 Conclusion - Perspectives On annotation management : Annotation generation on texts considering weighting Multi view points management of annotations On semantic web services : BPEL activies generation On search aspects : Combining semantic and specific searches: –combining queries –combining results
23 Gracias! Preguntas? e-WOK_HUB Consortium : INRIA, EADS, LISI/CRITT, BRGM, IFP, ENSMP