WO-200 IT Baseline for Bureau IT Investments Background and Recommendations Summary July 25, 2006 Melanie Rhinehart
2 Introduction Purpose Successful Team Approach Overview Recommendations Detailed Explanation of Recommendations Accept or Reject Recommendations Move Forward
3 IT Baselining Approach Methodology used to Baseline WO-200 Bureau IT Investments Actions #1: Align each IT system within a Line of Business #2: Assess system alignment to mission and priorities #6: Assess the health of each system #3: Identify system functionality duplications and overlaps #4: Assess overlapping infrastructure #5: Develop recommendations for moving forward
4 IT Baselining Approach In Contrast to IV&V Focus on business use of IT User Survey System structure Portfolio optimization Alignment with organization and Federal directions Portfolio-relative financials Focus on project mechanics Artifacts Documentation Project optimization Alignment with project projections Project-focused financials IT Baseline Approach IV&V Approach Focus on Portfolio as a whole Focus on Project-level assessment 2 different approaches ― both add value
5 IT Baselining Approach Financial Analysis Findings Reviewed MIS, PM-Tracked and Business Case Projected IT Costs To make financial information usable for IT Baselining, require more detailed MIS data and rigor in definition and collection What we did Inconsistent financial data Data validation not required for MIS Project Manager cost tracking is more detailed than MIS Financial data useful for broad conclusions only What we found Recommendation BEA working with WO-200 budget teams to identify as-is processes and developing recommendations for process improvement through BEA’s Business Process Reengineering services What the BLM Enterprise Architecture is already doing
6 IT Baselining Approach Extensive Data Collection for these Line of Business Systems Geographic Information Systems Enterprise-GIS Services (E-GIS) Range/Vegetation Rangeland Administration System (RAS) Rangeland Improvement Project System (RIPS) Rangeland Information System (RIS) Emergency Stabilization & Rehabilitation Proof of Concept (ES&R) Inventory Data System (IDS) Native Seed Network (NSN) Weeds Planning/Socioeconomics e-Planning version 1 e-Planning version 2 Economic Profile System (EPS) Wild Horse and Burro Wild Horse and Burro Information System (WHBIS) Wild Horse and Burro Program System (WHBPS) Recreation Recreation Management Information System (RMIS) Accessibility Data Management System (ADMS - DOI-mandated) Forestry Forest Vegetation Inventory System (FORVIS) Timber Sales Information System (TSIS)
7 WO-200 Business Model How Do IT Systems Fit into the Information Value Chain? Organize raw data Analyze data Create information to inform management decisions Create plans or decisions Planning and Decision Support Field Operations Work with BLM customers Collect raw data Implement plans and decisions Feeds Guides RAS, TSIS EPS, NSN EGIS IDS, FORVIS WHBIS, WHBPS RIPS, RIS, Weeds, ES&R ePlanning V1, V2 RMIS, ADMS
8 WO-200 National Portfolio Scope Source: Spending Cap Documents ― WO-200 Systems 3.0% Remaining Investments 96.7% Remaining Investments 97% FY03 Size of the WO-200 Portfolio in contrast to the IT Cap for FY03 through FY06 Remaining Investments 97.4% FY04 FY05 WO-200 Systems 3.3% WO-200 Systems 2.6% Remaining Investments 97.4% FY06 WO-200 Systems 2.6%
9 Information for current and projected project IT tasks Information Management priorities Data components User information Hardware (development, staging, and production) Software (development, staging, and production) System interfaces (current and future needs) System dependencies (current and future needs) Costs tracked by PMs Costs tracked by MIS Costs projected in business cases Collected Information Baseline Project Data Collection in Partnership with WO-200 PERFORMANCE OF IT TASKS Data Collected SYSTEM FINANCIAL USER OPINION Information Focus Areas WO-200 end user satisfaction survey
10 System Health Example 3 Perspectives to Assess the Health of the WO-200 Systems Structural Perspective Technology Alignment / Design Strategy Perspective Extent of Collection of Strategic Data / Unique Data Survey Perspective User Survey Healthier systems cover as much red and yellow as possible
11 System Health Range/Vegetation Using Survey, Structural and Strategy Perspectives In Development, Not Surveyed NOTE RIS-transitioning. IDS-data preservation. External Investment
12 System Health Planning/Socioeconomics Using Survey, Structural and Strategy Perspectives NOTE ePlanning V2 is currently in procurement External Investment
13 System Health Forestry, GIS Using Survey, Structural and Strategy Perspectives
14 System Health Recreation, Wild Horse and Burro Using Survey, Structural and Strategy Perspectives In Development, Not Surveyed Currently Being Rehosted DOI – Mandated Investment
15 Recommendations Overview Benefit / Value Business Priority Alignment HighLow High Investment / Savings Opportunities Shared data services for treatment data. Consider longer term replacement of current range/vegetation systems. IRM Strategic Plan alignment suggestions. Expanded E-GIS data strategy. Specialized IT services. Blueprints, O&M and remaining investment suggestions. Minimal IT infrastructure savings available Highest Value, Highest Priority
16 Next Steps Does this approach have sufficient merit to move on to analyze WO-300? What process shall we utilize for making WO-200 decisions on the recommendations? Next up: Detailed recommendation presentations
17 Doc StatusRev. DateAuthor/EditorDescription of editFilename/lineage Draft5/31/06T.FriesStatus Creationbea_itib_status_ ppt Draft7/7/06Stedman/ FriesUpdatesbea_itib_ ppt Draft7/13/06Stedman/ FriesUpdatesbea_itib_ ppt Draft7/24/06FriesSpeaker notes, GIS, transitionsbea_itib_overview_ ppt Key Words: Architecture, ITIB, WO200 Architecture Area: File Code(s): Subject Code(s): BRM, PRM, TRM, DRM, SRM 1230 Contract #: NBD Task Number: 4 Document description: High level presentation prepared for the July 2006 ITIB Meeting. Revision History Document Abstract