Nathaniel Hawthorne Biography Photo of Old State House, 1870, from the Bostonian Society
Place of birth Date of birth Salem, MA July 4, 1804
Date of death Plymouth, NH Place of death May 19, 1864 Burial location Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Concord, MA
Interesting facts about childhood Father, sailor, died when Hawthorne was four Family lived in poverty Mother found money for tuition to Bowdoin College (Maine)
Place(s) where this author lived. Include dates and explain how each place influenced them. Salem, MA; childhood; ancestors were Puritans Maine – both in childhood and college Boston – worked there; Custom House found in The Scarlet Letter. Brook Farm Utopian Community, transcendentalists Concord, MA ; with wife England Concord, MA
How did this author become inspired to write? Inspired by Puritan ancestors like John Hathorne who was judge at the Salem witch trials. Led to Hawthorne’s focus on Puritans. “Custom House” inspired by revenge Inspired in college (Bowdoin)
Where applicable, explain any obstacles this writer faced Death of father Poverty in childhood Difficulty selling first book String of political appointments (jobs) that he lost due to changes in power of political parties Illness in later life prevented finishing work
How successful was this author during his/her lifetime? The Scarlet Letter sold 4,000 copies in the first ten days The House of the Seven Gables also popular Still needed to have a non-writing job – like working in the Custom House or as the American consul in England
If the author wasn’t successful or popular at the time of their death, explain how and why they are still well known today N/A
Why is this author considered influential? Classic examples of romances (imaginative fiction deals with its subjects and characters in a symbolic, imaginative, and nonrealistic way) Novels and short stories delved into human nature, especially sin and guilt His psychological fiction inspired Herman Melville and William Faulkner
Identify five (5) characteristics of this author and give specific examples Shy – comments from Henry James Insightful/intelligent – understood human psychology History buff – inspired by historical events and people Well-connected – political appointments Vengeful – “Custom House”