consim European ICT Market and Successful Entry into these Markets Claus Traeger consim – Consulting for International Channel Marketing AL Invest Business Meetings – e-PME SIMO 2006 Madrid, Spain – November 7 th to 12 th
consim Market
consim World ICT Market by region Source: EITO 2006 / IDC 1,9 bi €
consim World ICT market growth by region Source: EITO 2006 / IDC
consim European ICT Market by country Source: EITO 2006 / IDC 660 bill €
consim EU* ICT market growth ( ) Source: EITO 2006 / IDC(* excluding Cyprus and Malta)
consim European* ICT Market by product Value = € 659 bi HW (25%) SW (75%) IT (47%) TC (53%) 3.2% of GDP Source: EITO 2006 / IDC (*includes EU, N, CH, RO, BG)
consim WE ICT market growth by segment Source: EITO 2005 / IDC
consim European IT Market by country 312 bill € Source: EITO 2006 / IDC
consim European IT Market annual Growth, by country Source: EITO 2006 / IDC
consim European TC Market by country 348 bill € Source: EITO 2006 / IDC
consim European TC Market annual Growth, by country Source: EITO 2006 / IDC
consim Vertical ICT Markets in Europe Source: EITO 2006
consim Trends in Europe (SW) SW Growth: 5,5% (05) and 5,8% (06) Application solutions: ERP: upgrades, +efficiency manufacturing, finance, retail/wholesale, business services CRM, SCM: upgrades, new investments Gov., transport, utilities, healthcare, education, bus serv. SCM, SRM, PLM: +adoption in manufacturing CRM: in verticals – banking and insurance Industry specific applications: usable and attractive solutions finance and healthcare Regulatory compliance: manufacturing, healthcare and finance
consim Trends in Europe (SW) (cont.) System Software: Infrastructure: security, storage, resource mgt. Optimization and simplification of IT Infrastructure Business Intelligence: growth but saturation Software Tools: Web-enabling Open Source: important for flexibility and cost IT Services – growth rate 4,7%(05) and 5%(06) Outsourcing and Management Services More in Northern Europe than Central and Southern Europe Buyers: const-conscious Offshore competition: Eastern Europe
consim Spain (ICT Sector) Economic Growth: 3,4% (05) and 3,2% (06) Highest in the EU-Zone Benefit: IT spending ITC Growth: 6,6 (05) and 4,0 (05) IT Growth: 6,8% (05) and 6,7 (06) HW: recovery (PC, Laptop, Printers) SW: Sys. Infrastructure, Application Development, Deployment sw. Positive Application SW: CRM, ERP, SCM, PLM IT Services: Outsourcing (competition) TC Growth: 6,5% (05) and 2,7% (06) Fixed tel. , DSL , Mobile tel. , G3/UMTS
consim Number of ICT companies in Germany by revenue Source: Statistisches Bundesamt, IfM, BITKOM 84,7% 11,3% 3,9% 0,2% % Co. Year 2000
consim Market share of ICT SME in Germany Source: Statistisches Bundesamt, IfM, BITKOM WZ 30 – Office technology, Hardware WZ 32 – Telecommunications WZ 72 – Databases, IT Services, Software
consim Number of ICT companies in Germany by number of employees Source: BVIT, Bonn Turnover by Employee: ± € / year # of companies = > 90% of the companies are SME
consim Internationalization of SME companies
consim SMESME Forms of Internationalization Direct Branch Company acquisition Indirect “Big Players” (e.g. IBM, SAP, MS) Local Partner % control Act like in home market Bigger margin Cost Human Resources Gain the market long cycle Good entry Image Low cost Have the opportunity Dependence Existing channels Will Low cost Lower Margin Distance to the costumer
consim Partnership Local partner: Local presence Market knowledge Clients Portfolio of Products/Solutions/Services Products: Complementary Competitors Another segment Other market segments (Eastern Europe, Magreb) Other technologies (Java, Web Services, Linux, SOA)
consim Conditions Conditions: Have Products/Services/Solutions Quality, International, Material Preparation for international markets: Investment of resources: Human and Financial Internal organization of the company Experience with indirect sales Reference clients Higher probability to succeed: Niche market / Focus Market knowledge: Characteristics of the market Competitors Competitive advantage
consim European Mentality in Business (1/2) Serious, formal Long time thinking Long run partnership EU Markets = Mature Markets Patience; Gain confidence through competence Do what was agreed: in time! will be expected! Send and answer post , fax, post Everybody ‘speaks’ English / ‘Portuñol’
consim European Mentality in Business (2/2) Which are the most important factors for an European Company to choose a Business Partner: (Reseach done by an English business magazine among Managers in several European countries) 1. Reliability / Trust 2. References 3. Price 4. Technology
consim Presentation Presentation of your Product / Services: Know your partner’s intention ‘Personalize’ the Presentation (tec, sales,mgt, ceo) ‘Elevator Speech’: what is the product / service what for it is used | what problem it solves goal market | advantages for the end user
consim Successful Meetings & Good Business! Thank You! Claus Traeger consim Consulting for International Channel Marketing
consim consim – Consulting for International Channel Marketing Activities Find partners in Europe/L.A. according to companies’ needs For groups and/or individual companies Companies preparation for international markets Internationalization of the company Speeches, courses, coaching, monitoring For individual and/or group of companies Marketing support needed to enter the European markets Event participation (fairs, congress) Public Relations Publicity Market Research Additional support needed (legal, location, financing, etc.)
consim W.Europe Economic Background Gross Domestic Product (GDP): W.Europe = € billion Germany = € billion Source: Eurostat
consim General situation and Trends in the ICT sector in Europe Demands of ICT Economic Environment Trust of companies and investors Companies performance Trends in ICT Return on Investment (ROI) Subjects of costs and efficiency Optimization of existing infrastructure Returns on passed investments Source: EITO 2003 / IDC – update October
consim Negative aspects of the development Delay in investments in basic industries Unused Capacity Selective Demands ROI, ‘is the new technology really necessary’ business focus Price war
consim Positive aspects of the development IT in small and medium size enterprises (SME) Integration of internal systems Integration of external systems Outsourcing: Fix costs Variable costs ‘Core competence’ Security eEurope 2005 National Governs E-Health E-Education Basel II Agreement E-Business: Web interface of existing applications
consim Long run Trends Off-Shore services Price pressure Virtualization Pool of decentralized resources Performance, economy of scale, reliability, existing capacity Integration of applications Convergence of IT e TC Internet: Contend Management and paid content Mobile computing and Wireless Mobile solutions (WiFi, Bluetooth)