Consciousness Chapter 4
Biofeedback Biofeedback is a technique by which one can monitor and control involuntary activity of the body’s organs
Hypnosis Hypnosis was defined by Hilgard as an altered state of consciousness Suggestibility is an ability to be hypnotized
Meditation Meditation is the use of a variety of techniques to produce a state of consciousness characterized by a sense of detachment
Meditation Two types of meditation are mindfulness (emptying one’s mind) and concentration (concentrating on images or mantras)
Altering Consciousness A drug is a chemical substance that alters biological or cognitive processes Psychoactive drugs alter behaviour, thoughts, and emotions by affecting biochemical reactions in the nervous system Addictive drug causes a compulsive physiological need and withdrawal symptoms
Altering Consciousness Substance abuser overuses and relies on drugs to deal with stress and anxiety Psychological dependence is a compelling desire to use a drug with an inability to inhibit that desire
Altering Consciousness Withdrawal symptoms are physiological reactions that occur when an addictive drug is no longer administered Tolerance means higher and higher doses of a drug are needed to produce the same effect
Sedative-Hypnotics Alcohol depresses brain activity and decreases inhibitions Alcohol-related problems are medical, social or psychological problems associated with alcohol use Other sedative-hypnotics include barbiturates, tranquilizers, and opiates
Sedative-Hypnotics Opiates include opium, morphine, heroin Their medical uses include pain relief In the brain, opiates occupy endorphin receptors
Sedative-Hypnotics Opiates produce high tolerance and dependence in many of those who use them for pleasure Few people given opiates for pain relief in hospitals become addicted
Stimulants Psychostimulants are drugs that increase alertness, reduce fatigue, and elevate mood states Amphetamines produce strong dependence Cocaine also increases alertness, and rapidly creates positive feelings
Stimulants Coca-Cola (until the 1940’s or1960’s) Amphetamines Speed Cocaine Crack Myth-amphetamine
Stimulants Nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco, and nicotine withdrawal is unpleasant Nicotine does not have strong tolerance properties, but dependence on it is strong
Psychedelic Drugs Psychedelics affect mood, thought, memory, judgment, and perception LSD produces altered perception of visual and auditory stimuli, and changes in time and distance perceptions
Psychedelic Drugs Marijuana is the dried leaves and flowering tops of the Cannabis Sativa plant Marijuana affects judgment and coordination, but produces neither tolerance nor dependence
Self Consciousness