The Five Senses Pages
Content Learning Goal We will learn about the five senses and how they work. We will learn which sense organs are connected to each of the five senses.
Language Learning Goal Define: Information Sensitive Nerves/Nerve Cells Sense Organs Hearing Sight Smell Taste Touch
Introduction The five senses gather facts for our bodies. They tell us what is happening around us. They help us to stay alive and well. What would life be like if we didn’t have the senses? Would it be dangerous? Why?
Unit 1 – The Five Senses Who can name the five senses?
Getting the Facts There is a part of your body that controls everything you do…your brain. How you act and what you do depends on what information your brain has. How does your brain get information? The SENSES.
Getting the Facts… Your body has nerves. Nerves are connected to the brain. The ends of nerves have nerve cells. Nerve cells are sensitive. Nerve cells get information about tastes, smells, sights and sounds…they send this information to the brain.
Our Sense Organs Hearing Sight Smell Taste Touch The nerve cells that send messages about the five senses are found in certain parts of the body. These are called sense organs.
Sense Organs Each sense organ can only send one kind of message. For instance, some send messages on how things taste. Others send messages on how things smell. The ones that send messages about smells can not also send messages about tastes.
What are the sense organs? For hearing? For Sight? For Smell? For Taste? For Touch?
Use your Senses! Pour soda pop into a glass and listen to the sound it makes… Then answer all the questions on Page 147.
Review Complete review questions #1-8 on Page 148.
Other thoughts… Discuss what life is like when a person is missing one of the five senses. How do they make up for their missed senses?
Other thoughts… Alcohol and smoking can cause the sense not to work right. Why do you think this is? What do you think can happen?