Europe After Rome IV Middle Ages SOL Quiz 20 Europe After Rome IV Middle Ages
1. Chivalry was a code of behavior for the medieval a. serf b. clergy c. knight d. merchant Chivalry was a code of behavior for the medieval knight. The code glorified the values of a warrior and also emphasized Christian ethics. A knight was supposed to be courageous, respect women, and treat his enemies honorably.
a. women were highly educated 2. Which of the following statements about women in the European Middle Ages is MOST accurate? a. women were highly educated b. women and men worked equally hard on the manor c. women were considered unimportant d. women were "free" to be all that they could be In the European Middle Ages women and men on the manor worked equally hard. Women played an important role in life. Wives were expected to care for the house, cook, care for the children, work in the fields, and take care of the chickens, sheep, and cows. Even the lord's wife was busy. She raised the children, supervised the servants, and made sure that there was enough food for the family. In addition she was in charge of spinning, weaving cloth, and sewing.
3. Noble women in the Middle Ages a. were expected to bear and raise many children b. were not allowed to inherit fiefs c. received an education similar to that of noblemen d. supervised the running of her husband's manor Noble women were expected to bear and raise many children. Marriages were arranged for women of the nobility by their fathers, often as a means of making an alliance with other noble families. Although a woman could inherit a fief, she was not allowed to control it. Instead, her father, male guardian or eldest son acted as her legal guardian. Noble women were taught such practical skills as weaving, sewing, and cooking.
4. What did townspeople demand of local lords? a. protection against runaway serfs b. charters safeguarding their rights c. freedom from guild restrictions d. an end to trade fairs Townspeople demanded charters safeguarding their rights. Most towns were located on lands belonging to feudal lords or monasteries. In return for the fee they paid to the lord or abbot, townspeople wanted a written charter guaranteeing them certain rights. Among the rights desired by townspeople were the right to make their own laws, and protection for their property.
5. What was the main subject of works of art during the Middle Ages? a. nature b. Greek and Roman mythology c. monarchs d. religion Religion was the main subject of works of art during the Middle Ages. Medieval churches were decorated with statues of Christ, the Apostles, or saints. Stained glass windows often illustrated scenes from the Bible. Most medieval paintings also had religious themes.