2 nd Great Awakening Objective 2.05/2.06
Causes Church attendance was greatly weakening Growth of scientific knowledge and rationalism Began in Kentucky, spread all over, especially in frontier areas
Basic Message Readmit God and Christ into daily lives Delivered through revivals Emotional sermons Given outside Could last for months Leader—Charles Grandison Finney, a Presbyterian minister
Effects Nationalism Everyone coming together Market Economy Growth People more disciplined, working harder, and not drinking Increased Democracy Individual control over salvation
Growth of Religious Groups Methodist and Baptist membership grew most Rationalist Unitarianism Rejected idea of Jesus being son of God Name = unity with God, not trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Unitarian Universalism Universal salvation of souls Rejected the idea of Hell Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints a.k.a. Mormons Began by Joseph Smith, after his murder, Brigham Young became leader